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DOI :10.26650/eor.20221071705   IUP :10.26650/eor.20221071705    Tam Metin (PDF)

A comparative study to evaluate the heat generated during osteotomy with conventional drill, trephine and alveolar expander

Shubhanshi OmarHoney JaiswalSunil Kumar MishraDarpan BhargavaPrince Kumar

Purpose : Excessively produced heat could lead to clinical failure of osseointegration. This study was done to compare the heat generated during osteotomy with the conventional drill, trephine, and alveolar expander Material and methods: This in vitro study was performed on ten bovine femoral bones. In each femoral bone, three osteotomy sites were prepared at a distance of 1.5cm using the conventional drill, trephine, and alveolar expander. During osteotomy, the site was irrigated with a copius amount of normal saline. Osteotomy sites of 3.6 mm in diameter and 11.5 mm in length were prepared using the conventional drill and bone trephines. The alveolar expander used for preparing the osteotomy site was 3.5mm, the nearest dimensions available. The temperature rise was measured using a thermocouple thermometer. Repeated measures ANOVA and Fisher’s least significant difference pairwise comparison test was done for statistical analysis. Results: Repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant difference in the heat generation with the conventional drill, trephine, and alveolar expander (P< 0.001). The mean heat generated was maximum with the trephine (28.26±0.246) followed by the conventional drill (27.27±0.297) and least with alveolar expander (25.64±0.142). Pairwise comparison showed a significant difference in heat generated during osteotomy with conventional drill compared to trephine (P=0.023), conventional drill compared to alveolar expander (P=0.014), and trephine compared to alveolar expander (P< 0.001). Conclusion: The heat generated with trephine was maximum compared to the alveolar expander and conventional drills. If in case trephine is to be used, both internal and external irrigation must be used. Less heat generation during osteotomy by alveolar expander seems very promising and advantageous for better osseointegration.

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Omar, S., Jaiswal, H., Mishra, S.K., Bhargava, D., & Kumar, P. (2022). A comparative study to evaluate the heat generated during osteotomy with conventional drill, trephine and alveolar expander. European Oral Research, 57(1), 22-27.


Omar S, Jaiswal H, Mishra S K, Bhargava D, Kumar P. A comparative study to evaluate the heat generated during osteotomy with conventional drill, trephine and alveolar expander. European Oral Research. 2022;57(1):22-27.


Omar, S.; Jaiswal, H.; Mishra, S.K.; Bhargava, D.; Kumar, P. A comparative study to evaluate the heat generated during osteotomy with conventional drill, trephine and alveolar expander. European Oral Research, [Publisher Location], v. 57, n. 1, p. 22-27, 2022.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Omar, Shubhanshi, and Honey Jaiswal and Sunil Kumar Mishra and Darpan Bhargava and Prince Kumar. 2022. “A comparative study to evaluate the heat generated during osteotomy with conventional drill, trephine and alveolar expander.” European Oral Research 57, no. 1: 22-27.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Omar, Shubhanshi, and Honey Jaiswal and Sunil Kumar Mishra and Darpan Bhargava and Prince Kumar. A comparative study to evaluate the heat generated during osteotomy with conventional drill, trephine and alveolar expander.” European Oral Research 57, no. 1 (Jan. 2025): 22-27.

Harvard: Australian Style

Omar, S & Jaiswal, H & Mishra, SK & Bhargava, D & Kumar, P 2022, 'A comparative study to evaluate the heat generated during osteotomy with conventional drill, trephine and alveolar expander', European Oral Research, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 22-27, viewed 15 Jan. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Omar, S. and Jaiswal, H. and Mishra, S.K. and Bhargava, D. and Kumar, P. (2022) ‘A comparative study to evaluate the heat generated during osteotomy with conventional drill, trephine and alveolar expander’, European Oral Research, 57(1), pp. 22-27. (15 Jan. 2025).


Omar, Shubhanshi, and Honey Jaiswal and Sunil Kumar Mishra and Darpan Bhargava and Prince Kumar. A comparative study to evaluate the heat generated during osteotomy with conventional drill, trephine and alveolar expander.” European Oral Research, vol. 57, no. 1, 2022, pp. 22-27. [Database Container],


Omar S, Jaiswal H, Mishra SK, Bhargava D, Kumar P. A comparative study to evaluate the heat generated during osteotomy with conventional drill, trephine and alveolar expander. European Oral Research [Internet]. 15 Jan. 2025 [cited 15 Jan. 2025];57(1):22-27. Available from: doi: 10.26650/eor.20221071705


Omar, Shubhanshi - Jaiswal, Honey - Mishra, SunilKumar - Bhargava, Darpan - Kumar, Prince. A comparative study to evaluate the heat generated during osteotomy with conventional drill, trephine and alveolar expander”. European Oral Research 57/1 (Jan. 2025): 22-27.


Çevrimiçi Yayınlanma29.08.2022


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