Marka Sadakati ile Bağlanma Stilleri Arasındaki İlişki: Türk Sivil Havacılık Sektörü Üzerine Bir Araştırma Modeli Önerisi
Ceren Boyraz, Çağla Naz Gençoğlu, Pınar TürütMarka sadakati, günümüz rekabetçi iş ortamında fazlasıyla önemli bir konu haline gelmiştir. Özellikle Türk sivil havacılık sektöründe, hızla gelişen ve rekabetin yoğun olduğu bir ortamda marka sadakatinin, havayolu şirketlerinin başarısında hayati bir rol oynadığı gözlemlenmektedir. Yoğun rekabetin yaşandığı bu ortamda, rakip firmalardan daha iyi olabilmek için mevcut şartları iyi kullanma zorunluluğu nedeniyle müşterilerle duygusal bağ kurmaya özen gösterilmesi gerekmektedir. Özellikle insanlar marka ile özdeşleştiklerinde ve onunla bağ kurduklarında sadakat düzeyleri artmakta ve bu da şirket başarısını doğrudan etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Türk sivil havacılık sektöründe marka sadakati ile bağlanma stilleri arasındaki ilişkiyi derinlemesine incelemektir. Bu çerçevede, daha önce havayolu şirketlerinde seyahat deneyimi yaşamış 18 yaş ve üzeri gönüllü katılımcılardan oluşan bir örneklem üzerinden anketler aracılığı ile veri toplanması düşünülmüştür. Bu çalışmadan elde edilmesi hedeflenen bulgulara dayanarak, havayolu yolcularının marka sadakati ile bağlanma stilleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunması beklenmektedir. Bu çalışma, havacılık sektöründeki marka yönetimi ve marka sadakati konularında yeni bir bakış açısı sunmayı ve literatüre önemli bir katkı sağlamayı hedeflemektedir. Aynı zamanda, modelin kullanılmasıyla yürütülecek çalışmalarda elde edilecek bulguların, sektöre özgü stratejik kararların alınmasında ve pazarlama stratejilerinin oluşturulmasında kullanılması planlanmaktadır.
The Relationship between Brand Loyalty and Attachment Styles: A Research Model Proposal on the Turkish Civil Aviation Industry
Ceren Boyraz, Çağla Naz Gençoğlu, Pınar TürütBrand loyalty has become an important issue in today’s competitive business environment. Especially in the Turkish civil aviation sector, it is observed that brand loyalty plays a vital role in the success of airline companies in a rapidly developing and competitive environment. In this competitive environment, there is a necessity to establish emotional connections with customers to excel among rival firms by leveraging existing conditions effectively. Particularly, when individuals identify with a brand and establish a connection, their levels of loyalty increase, directly impacting company success. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between brand loyalty and attachment styles in the Turkish civil aviation sector. In this context, it is planned to collect data through questionnaires from a sample of volunteer participants aged 18 and over who have previously traveled with airline companies. Based on the findings of this study, it is expected to find a significant relationship between brand loyalty and the attachment styles of airline passengers. This study aims to provide a new perspective on brand management and brand loyalty in the aviation sector, contributing significantly to the literature. At the same time, the findings are planned to be used in making sector-specific strategic decisions and formulating marketing strategies in the studies to be obtained by using the model.
Nowadays, competition between companies is increasing rapidly due to many reasons, such as the development of technology in many industries, from education to health, from transportation to textiles, the diversification of consumer demands, and the increase in the variety of production activities. Businesses should strive harder than in the past to attract and maintain the interest of customers and satisfy consumers emotionally as being a brand as a name. Creating a long-term relationship between brand and consumer has become important for companies. Businesses that have started to realize this have started to be informed about brand loyalty and to conduct research. The aviation sector is one of the leading developing industries. Due to the intense competition and the need to make good use of the conditions at hand to be even better than rival companies, care should be taken to establish emotional bonds with customers. Considering that loyal customers spread brand satisfaction by word of mouth, the importance of creating brand loyalty for reputation is revealed. Especially when people identify with the brand and can connect with it, their level of loyalty increases, which directly affects the success of the company. This research proposal is planned to examine the relationship between brand loyalty and attachment styles developed by Bowlby, which has not been studied in the Turkish civil aviation sector, and to provide data that may be functional for businesses in this direction. It aims to bring innovation to the aviation industry and to adopt customer-oriented strategies to sustain its existing success. It is expected to make a significant contribution to the literature on brand loyalty in the aviation industry and address these two concepts from a unique perspective.
Brand loyalty is an increasingly popular topic that marketing experts utilize in competitive situations. It has been associated with concepts such as repeat purchases, brand loyalty, and brand preference. It is a highly influential factor in ensuring that consumers remain customers. It enables customers to purchase the relevant product or service repeatedly without being influenced by the influence efforts of competitors. At the same time, brand loyalty is not only related to purchase behavior. It also includes making additional payments for the services offered, sharing the service or product received with people around them, and making recommendations. Since gaining new customers is more difficult and costly than retaining old ones, companies want to make their consumers loyal. Looking at the literature, the observation that brand loyalty has a positive effect on repurchase intention is one of the important factors.
On the other hand, the variable targeted to be examined in the study is attachment styles. Every living being has some physiological needs from the moment it is born. The mother, or caregiver, meets these needs and becomes a source of pleasure for the baby. A relationship begins to develop between the baby and the caregiver. Bowlby defines this relationship as 'attachment'. This attachment creates a sense of trust that is also effective in the person's future relationships. Attachment, which is a social behavior, affects a person's future development, relationships, and psychological adjustment. The concept of attachment can be discussed under three different sub-headings. These are secure, anxious/ambivalent, and avoidant attachment styles. When separated from their mother, each child's reaction may be different. Children's reactions hide a clue about their attachment styles. Securely attached individuals develop by establishing a warm and continuous relationship with the caregiver. Avoidant attachment prefers to ignore the caregiver when he/she is around. Anxious/ambivalent attachment experiences intense anxiety and is difficult to be comforted by anyone other than the caregiver.
These two concepts have been studied in the literature in the context of other topics, but few studies have been found in the fields of industry and marketing. This research proposal aims to create a source and shed new light on the employees of the Turkish civil aviation sector, which is growing day by day. It is aimed to reveal to what extent it can be beneficial for airline companies to include consumer activities in their field of study. Continuity, an aspect of emotional attachment, refers to the tendency of consumers to maintain their relationship with the object of attachment. At this point, it can be said that emotional attachment should become an important resource for companies and should be used in customer relations. A high level of emotional attachment positively affects such things as the development of technology in many industries, from education to health, from transportation to textiles, the diversification of consumer demands, and the increase in the variety of production activities. Businesses should strive harder than in the past to attract and maintain the interest of customers and satisfy consumers emotionally, as well as being a brand as a name. Creating a long-term relationship between brand and consumer has become important for companies. Businesses that have started to realize this have started to be informed about brand loyalty and to conduct research. The aviation sector is one of the leading developing industries. Due to the intense competition and the need to make good use of the conditions at hand to be even better than rival companies, care should be taken to establish emotional bonds with customers. Considering that loyal customers spread brand satisfaction by word of mouth, the importance of creating brand loyalty for reputation is revealed. Especially when people identify with the brand and can connect with it, their level of loyalty increases, which directly affects the success of the company. This research proposal is planned to examine the relationship between brand loyalty and attachment styles developed by Bowlby, which has not been studied in the Turkish civil aviation sector, and to provide data that may be functional for businesses in this direction. It aims to bring innovation to the aviation industry and to adopt customer-oriented strategies to sustain its existing success. It is expected to make a significant contribution to the literature on brand loyalty in the aviation industry and address these two concepts from a unique perspective.
Brand loyalty is an increasingly popular topic that marketing experts utilize in competitive situations. It has been associated with concepts such as repeat purchases, brand loyalty, and brand preference. It is a highly influential factor in ensuring that consumers remain customers. It enables customers to purchase the relevant product or service repeatedly without being influenced by the influence efforts of competitors. At the same time, brand loyalty is not only related to purchase behavior. It also includes making additional payments for the services offered sharing the service/product received with people around them and making recommendations. Since gaining new customers is more difficult and costly than retaining old customers, companies want to make their consumers loyal. Looking at the literature, the observation that brand loyalty has a positive effect on repurchase intention is one of the important factors.
On the other hand, the variable targeted to be examined in the study is attachment styles. Every living being has some physiological needs from the moment it is born. The mother or caregiver meets these needs and becomes a source of pleasure for the baby. A relationship begins to develop between the baby and the caregiver. Bowlby defines this relationship as 'attachment'. This attachment creates a sense of trust that is also effective in the person's future relationships. Attachment, which is a social behavior, affects the person's future development, relationships, and psychological adjustment. The concept of attachment can be discussed under three different sub-headings. These are secure, anxious/ambivalent, and avoidant attachment styles. When separated from their mother, each child's reaction may be different. Children's reactions hide a clue about their attachment styles. Securely attached individuals develop by establishing a warm and continuous relationship with the caregiver. Avoidant attachment prefers to ignore the caregiver when he/she is around. Anxious/ambivalent attachment experiences intense anxiety and is difficult to be comforted by anyone other than the caregiver.
These two concepts have been studied in the literature in the context of other topics, but few studies have been found in the field of industry and marketing. This research proposal aims to create a source and shed new light on the employees of the Turkish Civil Aviation sector, which is growing day by day. It is aimed to reveal to what extent it can be beneficial for airline companies to include consumer activities in their field of study. Continuity, an aspect of emotional attachment, refers to the tendency of consumers to maintain their relationship with the object of attachment. At this point, it can be said that emotional attachment should become an important resource for companies and should be used in customer relations. A high level of emotional attachment positively affects the likelihood of the consumer's emotional attachment to the brand. In terms of the results of the research proposal, emotional attachment, and attachment styles are expected to affect brand loyalty. It is expected that the research recommendation will be implemented among consumers over the age of 18 who have had previous flight experiences.