
DOI :10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2019.19037   IUP :10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2019.19037    Tam Metin (PDF)

Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX

Şükran KültürFatma Neriman ÖzhatayBahar Gürdal Abamor

The ninth of the check-list series entitled “Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey” includes 159 taxa based on 120 papers published the period between January 2017 and December 2018. These taxa have not been recorded in none of the 11 volumes of the Flora of Turkey nor in the eight previously published supplementary check-lists. With this paper the following are added to the Turkish flora: 117 taxa new to science and 42 taxa new records.

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  • Akaydın G (2018). Acantholimon ibrahimii (Plumbaginaceae), a new species of A. section Staticopsis from the Mediterranean part of Turkey. Phytotaxa 340: 48-54. google scholar
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  • Aksoy N, Ataşlar E, Cevher Keskin B (2018). Morphological and molecular data reveal a new species of Jurinea (Asteraceae) from Western Black Sea Region, Turkey. Phytol Balc 24: 351-359. google scholar
  • Armağan M (2018). Pedicularis munzurdaghensis (Orobanchaceae), a new species from Turkey. Phytotaxa 333: 124-130. google scholar
  • Armağan M, Uysal T (2018). Centaurea kirmacii (Asteraceae), a new species from southwestern Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa 362: 233-238. google scholar
  • Aybeke M, Dane F (2017). Onobrychis mehmetchiquii (Fabaceae) sp. nov, a new species from European Turkey. Phytotaxa 298: 96-100. google scholar
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  • Celep F (2017). Lamium bilgilii (Lamiaceae), a new species from South-western Turkey (Burdur-Muğla). Phytotaxa 312: 263-270. google scholar
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  • Daşkın R (2018). Galium ovitdaghense sp. nov. (Rubiaceae: Rubioideae) from northeastern Turkey. Nord J Bot 36: 01-06. google scholar
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  • Dinç M, Bağcı Y (2018). A new species of Genista sect. Spartocarpus ( Fabaceae) from Karaman (Turkey). Phytotaxa 371: 49-54. google scholar
  • Dirmenci T, Özcan T, Yazıcı T, Arabacı T, Martin E (2018a). Morphological, cytological, palynological and molecular evidence on two new hybrids from Turkey: an example of homoploid hybridization in Origanum (Lamiaceae). Phytotaxa 371: 145-167. google scholar
  • Dirmenci T, Yazıcı T, Özcan T, Çelenk S, Martin E (2018b). A new species and a new natural hybrid of Origanum L. (Lamiaceae) from the west of Turkey. Turk J Bot 42: 73-90. google scholar
  • Doğan M, Akaydın G (2017). Two new species of Limonium Mill. (Plumbaginaceae) from southwest Anatolia, Turkey. Ot 24: 9-26. google scholar
  • Doğan-Güner E, Tekşen M, Bani B (2016). Oenanthe millefolia (Umbelliferae), a new species record for the Turkish and Greek Flora. PhytoKeys 70: 31-40. google scholar
  • Dönmez AA, Uğurlu Aydın Z, Koch MA (2017). Aubrieta alshehbazii (Brassicaceae), a new species from Central Turkey. Phytotaxa 209: 103-110. google scholar
  • Dönmez AA, Uğurlu Aydın Z (2018a). Astragalus ihsancalisii (Fabaceae), a new species from Erzurum province, E Turkey. Willdenowia 48: 399-404. google scholar
  • Dönmez AA, Uğurlu-Aydın Z (2018b). Polygala azizsancarii (Polygalaceae), a new species from Mardin Province, SE Turkey. Phytotaxa 340: 255-262. google scholar
  • Duman H, Dirmenci T (2017). A new species of Micromeria (Lamiaceae) from Köyceğiz (Muğla, southwest of Turkey). Turk J Bot 41: 383-391. google scholar
  • Duman H, Tugay O, Dirmenci T, Ertuğrul K (2017a). A new species of Cirsium sect. Epitrachys (Asteraceae: Cardueae) from the south of Turkey. Turk J Bot 41: 375-382. google scholar
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  • Düşen OD, Göktürk RS, Kaya E, Sarpkaya U, Gürcan B (2018). Morphological and molecular determination of a new Viola species (Violaceae) from Turkey. Phytotaxa 369: 37-46. google scholar
  • Erdoğan E, Selvi S, Tümen G (2017). Trigonella coerulescens subsp. ayvalikensis (Fabaceae), a new taxon from Balιkesir, western Anatolia. Phytotaxa 319: 167-174. google scholar
  • Erol O, Harpke D, Çiftçi A (2017). Crocus heilbronniorum, a new Turkish species of Series Lyciotauri (Iridaceae). Phytotaxa 298: 173-180. google scholar
  • Fırat M (2017a). Allium hoshabicum a new species of A. sect. Codonoprasum (Amaryllidaceae) from Van (Turkey) . Phytotaxa 312: 129-134. google scholar
  • Fırat M (2017b). Gundelia mesopotamica (Asteraceae), a new lactiferous species from Mardin (Turkey). Acta Biol Turc 30: 64-69. google scholar
  • Fırat M (2017c). Gundelia rosea (Asteraceae), a new record for the Flora of Turkey with contributions to its systematics. Acta Biol Turc 30: 31-35. google scholar
  • Fırat M (2017d). Iris zagrica subsp. hakkariensis (Iridaceae), a new subspecies from Hakkâri province (Turkey) belonging to I. subgenus Hermodactyloides. Phytotaxa 305: 209-216. google scholar
  • Fırat M (2017e). Reported of four new subspecies of Ziziphora clinopodioides (Lamiaceae) for the flora of Turkey. IBSPR 5: 5-11. google scholar
  • Fırat M (2017f). Verbascum gimgimense (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from Muş province (Turkey). Phytotaxa 291: 209-216. google scholar
  • Fırat M (2017g). Verbascum golawanense (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from Van, Turkey. Phytotaxa 305: 21-28. google scholar
  • Fırat M (2018a). Gundelia armeniaca (Asteraceae); a species new to the Flora of Turkey, with contributions to its taxonomy. Commun Fac Sci Univ Ank Series C 27: 35-46. google scholar
  • Fırat M (2018b). Parietaria rechingeri Chrtek (Urticaceae); a new record for Flora of Turkey. Hacettepe J Biol & Chem 46: 31-34. google scholar
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  • Gurdal B, Kirschner J, Štěpánek J, Özhatay N (2018). Contributions to the genus Taraxacum (Asteraceae) - five new species records for the flora of Turkey. Plant Biosystems 152: 873-879. google scholar
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  • Güzel ME, Kılıan N, Gültepe M, Kandemir A, Coşkunçelebi K (2018). Contributions to the taxonomy of Lactuca (Asteraceae) in Turkey. Turk J Bot 42: 197-207. google scholar
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  • Hamzaoğlu E, Koc M, Büyük İ (2017a). Bolanthus sandrasicus sp. nov. (Caryophyllaceae) from Turkey. Nord J Bot 35: 563-568. google scholar
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  • Keskin M, Özhatay N, Özhatay E, Koçyiğit Avcı M (2017). Contributions to the Illustrated Turkish Flora 4: Corispermum L. (Amaranthaceae) in Turkey and the presence of Corispermum nitidum Kit. ex Schult in Turkey. Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi 4: 7-13. google scholar
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Kültür, Ş., Özhatay, F.N., & Gürdal Abamor, B. (0001). Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 49(2), 105-120.


Kültür Ş, Özhatay F N, Gürdal Abamor B. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy. 0001;49(2):105-120.


Kültür, Ş.; Özhatay, F.N.; Gürdal Abamor, B. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, [Publisher Location], v. 49, n. 2, p. 105-120, 0001.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Kültür, Şükran, and Fatma Neriman Özhatay and Bahar Gürdal Abamor. 0001. “Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX.” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 49, no. 2: 105-120.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Kültür, Şükran, and Fatma Neriman Özhatay and Bahar Gürdal Abamor. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX.” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 49, no. 2 (Sep. 2024): 105-120.

Harvard: Australian Style

Kültür, Ş & Özhatay, FN & Gürdal Abamor, B 0001, 'Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX', İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 105-120, viewed 27 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Kültür, Ş. and Özhatay, F.N. and Gürdal Abamor, B. (0001) ‘Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX’, İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 49(2), pp. 105-120. (27 Sep. 2024).


Kültür, Şükran, and Fatma Neriman Özhatay and Bahar Gürdal Abamor. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX.” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, vol. 49, no. 2, 0001, pp. 105-120. [Database Container],


Kültür Ş, Özhatay FN, Gürdal Abamor B. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy [Internet]. 27 Sep. 2024 [cited 27 Sep. 2024];49(2):105-120. Available from: doi: 10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2019.19037


Kültür, Şükran - Özhatay, FatmaNeriman - Gürdal Abamor, Bahar. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX”. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 49/2 (Sep. 2024): 105-120.




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