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DOI :10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2021.908035   IUP :10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2021.908035    Tam Metin (PDF)

Chemical compositions of Sideritis albiflora Hub. – Mor.

Damla KırcıNagehan SaltanFatih GögerYavuz Bülent KöseBetül Demirci

Background and Aims: Sideritis species (Lamiaceae) which are quite widespread in the Mediterranean region and represented by 46 species and 53 taxa in Turkey, are often used as a antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic remedies. Methods: In this study, the infusion (INF), essential oil (EO) and methanolic extract (ME) of chemical compounds prepared from aerial parts of Sideritis albiflora Hub.-Mor. (endemic) were investigated. Results: The presence of chlorogenic acid, verbascoside, forsythoside, apigenin glucoside, and isoscutellarein derivatives in the infusion and methanol extract of the plant was determined by LC-MS / MS analysis. In addition, the main constituents of the essential oil were found as germacrene D (23.5%), ß-caryophyllene (13.6%) and caryophylene oxide (8.0%) by GC / MS and GC / FID simultaneously. Conclusion: In this study, the essential oil, the methanolic extract and the infusion of S. albiflora species were prepared and their chemical compositions elucidated. It was determined that the essential oil chemical compound composition is rich in terms of the sesquiterpene group. Infusions of aerial parts of some Sideritis species have traditionally been used in the treatment of many diseases. Accordingly, the fact that the phenolic compounds of S. albiflora infusion have not been studied before increases the importance of this study. In addition, the therapeutic effect was shown to be related to major S. albiflora compounds, and the correlation between in vitro activity and ethnobotanical use was evaluated. The effective phenolic compounds contained in S. albiflora are thought to support the traditional uses of the plant.

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Kırcı, D., Saltan, N., Göger, F., Köse, Y.B., & Demirci, B. (2021). Chemical compositions of Sideritis albiflora Hub. – Mor.. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 51(3), 378-385.


Kırcı D, Saltan N, Göger F, Köse Y B, Demirci B. Chemical compositions of Sideritis albiflora Hub. – Mor.. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy. 2021;51(3):378-385.


Kırcı, D.; Saltan, N.; Göger, F.; Köse, Y.B.; Demirci, B. Chemical compositions of Sideritis albiflora Hub. – Mor.. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, [Publisher Location], v. 51, n. 3, p. 378-385, 2021.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Kırcı, Damla, and Nagehan Saltan and Fatih Göger and Yavuz Bülent Köse and Betül Demirci. 2021. “Chemical compositions of Sideritis albiflora Hub. – Mor..” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 51, no. 3: 378-385.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Kırcı, Damla, and Nagehan Saltan and Fatih Göger and Yavuz Bülent Köse and Betül Demirci. Chemical compositions of Sideritis albiflora Hub. – Mor..” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 51, no. 3 (Jul. 2024): 378-385.

Harvard: Australian Style

Kırcı, D & Saltan, N & Göger, F & Köse, YB & Demirci, B 2021, 'Chemical compositions of Sideritis albiflora Hub. – Mor.', İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 378-385, viewed 4 Jul. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Kırcı, D. and Saltan, N. and Göger, F. and Köse, Y.B. and Demirci, B. (2021) ‘Chemical compositions of Sideritis albiflora Hub. – Mor.’, İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 51(3), pp. 378-385. (4 Jul. 2024).


Kırcı, Damla, and Nagehan Saltan and Fatih Göger and Yavuz Bülent Köse and Betül Demirci. Chemical compositions of Sideritis albiflora Hub. – Mor..” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, vol. 51, no. 3, 2021, pp. 378-385. [Database Container],


Kırcı D, Saltan N, Göger F, Köse YB, Demirci B. Chemical compositions of Sideritis albiflora Hub. – Mor.. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy [Internet]. 4 Jul. 2024 [cited 4 Jul. 2024];51(3):378-385. Available from: doi: 10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2021.908035


Kırcı, Damla - Saltan, Nagehan - Göger, Fatih - Köse, YavuzBülent - Demirci, Betül. Chemical compositions of Sideritis albiflora Hub. – Mor.”. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 51/3 (Jul. 2024): 378-385.


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