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DOI :10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2024.1518350   IUP :10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2024.1518350    Tam Metin (PDF)

Paediatric oral dosage forms: Why do caregivers need drug modifications and how?

Özlem Akbal DağıstanMiray ArslanFevziye İşçiGamze Nur Temurtaş

Background and Aims: A major obstacle to developing appropriate medications is the lack of understanding of what is acceptable for paediatric patients and the types of alterations that can be made to the dosage form. This study aimed to identify problems encountered when administering oral dosage forms to paediatric patients and solutions identified by patients’ caregivers.

Methods: A questionnaire was developed by the research team based on relevant literature and their experiences. The first part involves questions to determine the demographic characteristics of the paediatric patient and their caregivers. The second section includes 11 statements about the problems experienced by caregivers regarding the child’s medication use. The last part consists of 4 closed-ended questions and one open-ended question to evaluate the solutions offered by the patient’s caregivers.

Results: A total of 419 caregivers participated in the study. In particular, it has been revealed that children experience problems regarding the taste, smell, and size of medicines. When the caregivers’ solutions are evaluated, it was observed that the most common method is convincing or forcing the child to take, followed by dosage form alterations such as breaking, crushing, and dividing the form.

Conclusion: This is the first study to evaluate problems encountered when administering oral dosage forms to paediatric patients in Türkiye. The results show that the absence of age-appropriate medicines forces caregivers to alter their dosage forms. This study also highlights the necessity of considering user preferences in the dosage form design, which is an essential parameter of the target product quality profile that ensures patient compliance. 

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Akbal Dağıstan, Ö., Arslan, M., İşçi, F., & Temurtaş, G.N. (2024). Paediatric oral dosage forms: Why do caregivers need drug modifications and how?. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 54(3), 307-315.


Akbal Dağıstan Ö, Arslan M, İşçi F, Temurtaş G N. Paediatric oral dosage forms: Why do caregivers need drug modifications and how?. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy. 2024;54(3):307-315.


Akbal Dağıstan, Ö.; Arslan, M.; İşçi, F.; Temurtaş, G.N. Paediatric oral dosage forms: Why do caregivers need drug modifications and how?. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, [Publisher Location], v. 54, n. 3, p. 307-315, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Akbal Dağıstan, Özlem, and Miray Arslan and Fevziye İşçi and Gamze Nur Temurtaş. 2024. “Paediatric oral dosage forms: Why do caregivers need drug modifications and how?.” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 54, no. 3: 307-315.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Akbal Dağıstan, Özlem, and Miray Arslan and Fevziye İşçi and Gamze Nur Temurtaş. Paediatric oral dosage forms: Why do caregivers need drug modifications and how?.” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 54, no. 3 (Mar. 2025): 307-315.

Harvard: Australian Style

Akbal Dağıstan, Ö & Arslan, M & İşçi, F & Temurtaş, GN 2024, 'Paediatric oral dosage forms: Why do caregivers need drug modifications and how?', İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 307-315, viewed 14 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Akbal Dağıstan, Ö. and Arslan, M. and İşçi, F. and Temurtaş, G.N. (2024) ‘Paediatric oral dosage forms: Why do caregivers need drug modifications and how?’, İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 54(3), pp. 307-315. (14 Mar. 2025).


Akbal Dağıstan, Özlem, and Miray Arslan and Fevziye İşçi and Gamze Nur Temurtaş. Paediatric oral dosage forms: Why do caregivers need drug modifications and how?.” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, vol. 54, no. 3, 2024, pp. 307-315. [Database Container],


Akbal Dağıstan Ö, Arslan M, İşçi F, Temurtaş GN. Paediatric oral dosage forms: Why do caregivers need drug modifications and how?. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy [Internet]. 14 Mar. 2025 [cited 14 Mar. 2025];54(3):307-315. Available from: doi: 10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2024.1518350


Akbal Dağıstan, Özlem - Arslan, Miray - İşçi, Fevziye - Temurtaş, GamzeNur. Paediatric oral dosage forms: Why do caregivers need drug modifications and how?”. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 54/3 (Mar. 2025): 307-315.


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