Turkish version of the patient safety culture survey for community pharmacies: Evaluation of patient safety culture perceptions of pharmacy employees
Sümeyye Hatice Kurt, Nazan TorunBackground and Aims: This study adapted the Community Pharmacy Survey on Patient Safety Culture developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for independent pharmacies into a Turkish survey and evaluated the perception of patient safety culture of 392 pharmacy employees operating in Çankaya district of Ankara province.
Methods: The method developed by Brislin was used in the adaptation process to Turkey. After ensuring the language validity of the questionnaire, its construct validity was examined through explanatory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. In this descriptive and cross-sectional study, the participants’ patient safety culture perception scores and demographic characteristics were compared.
Results: According to the results of the study, the questionnaire, as adapted to Turkish, was found to be a valid, reliable, and usable questionnaire for measuring and evaluating patient safety culture. The highest percentage of positive responses was for "Teamwork" (95.3%), "Staff Training and Skills" (91.7%) and "Physical Space and Environment" (90.6%), while the lowest percentage of positive responses was for "Staffing, Work Pressure and Pace" (56.2%). In this study, it was determined that the perception of patient safety culture was higher in female employees, those with higher education levels, those who were pharmacists, those with more years of employment, and those with less than 60 hours of weekly working hours.
Conclusion: As a result of the findings, it was determined that factors such as working environment, training of employees, work intensity, working hours, and the adequacy of the number of personnel affected the perception of the patient safety culture of independent pharmacists. Therefore, improvements should be made in these areas to improve the patient safety culture in pharmacies.