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DOI :10.26650/JECS416318   IUP :10.26650/JECS416318    Tam Metin (PDF)

Bilginin Dijitalleşmesi Bağlamında Akademik Üretim Mekanizmalarının Dönüşümü: Matbaadan Dijital Ortama Dergi Yayıncılığı

Adem SağırPınar Memiş Sağır

Akademik bilgi üretim aracı olarak dergiler, akademisyenlerin çalışmalarını okuyucularıyla paylaştıkları platformlardır. Dergiler, bugün teknolojinin etkisiyle elektronik ortamda yayınlanmaya başlamıştır. Elektronik dergi, bilgi üretiminin dönüşümünde önemli bir aşama olarak göze çarpmaktadır. Kuşkusuz bu kırılmanın yaşanmasında akademisyenler üzerinde yayın baskısının olmasının etkisi büyüktür. Özellikle doçentlik süreçleri başta olmak üzere lisansüstü eğitim mezuniyetinde yayın yapma zorunlulukları, akademik teşvik, akademik yükselme dergi yayıncılığın çeşitlenmesinde baskının temel tetikleyicileri olmuştur. Elektronik dergi yayıncılığı bilgi üretiminde çeşitliliğin oluşmasına da katkı sunmaktadır. Dünyadaki dönüşümler de elektronik dergiciliğin yaygınlaşması üzerinde baskı oluşturmaktadır. Uluslararası görünürlük kaygısı, üniversitelerin yayın sayılarıyla dünyadaki tarama listelerine girme çabası arasındaki ilişkinin kurulmasına sebep olmaktadır. Ayrıca ulusal ya da uluslararası kongrelere entegre bir dergi yayıncılığının da yükselen trendlerden birisi olduğu görülmektedir. Özellikle akademik teşvik puanlamasında yer alan kongre puan şartının tamamlanması için dergilere entegre edilmiş yeni bir eğilimden bahsetmek mümkündür. Bu çalışmanın kaygısı üretim merkezi olarak dergi yayıncılığının dönüşümünün eleştirel okunmasıdır. Amaç ise değişen sistemle birlikte ortaya çıkan avantaj ve dezavantajları tartışarak akademik bilginin neliği sorusuna yanıt aramaktır. Elektronik dergiciliğin artılarını ve eksilerini dikkate alarak dergilerin gelecek konseptini tartışmak ve bir sonraki adımda akademik bilgi üretim süreçlerinin neye evrileceğini sorgulanabilir kılmak da çalışmanın önemli bir sorunsalı olmuştur. 
DOI :10.26650/JECS416318   IUP :10.26650/JECS416318    Tam Metin (PDF)

Transformation of Academic Production Mechanisms in Respect to Digitalization of Information: Journal Publishing From Press to Digital Environment

Adem SağırPınar Memiş Sağır

Journals as means of the production of academic knowledge are the platforms where academics share their work with readers. The journals today with the impact of technology are published online. The publications of electronic journals attract attention in the transformation of the production of information. They have provided diversity as an alternative to few published journals. Undoubtedly, the pressure of publication on academics has significant impact on this transformation. The increase of electronic journal publishing has increased the number of publications as well as contributing to diversification of the production of knowledge. It should be emphasized that worldwide transformations are also among the conditions entailing this type of publishing. Moreover, it is seen that journal publishing integrated to national or international congresses is one of the rising trends. The aim is to seek response to the question what academic information is by discussing advantages and disadvantages emerging with the changing system. Another significant research question is to discuss future concept of journals keeping negative and positive sides of electronic journal publications, and in the next step it is to make what information production processes will transform into questionable. 


The aim of the study is to critically read the transformation of academic/scientific journal publishing as one of the basic tools in which knowledge has produced. At the centre of the transformation, electronic publishing, supported by digitalization, was placed. The crisis of periodical publication faced by the academy after the developments in science and the rise in the number of scientists in the last century was the forerunner of the transition to the electronic publication system. In this context, the information and information technologies has become an important key of going out of the crisis. The path of way going to the crisis has been intertwined with the information explosion, increasing costs, prolongation of publication processes and breakdowns in distribution work. The digital field removed the entire path and created a new form of knowledge/ information. The digitalization has led to changes in the working processes of journals, which describes the communications between the journals and their authors and the interactions between the other journals and the institutions. The transition from the published journal to the electronic journals has led to a wide range of publications. The transfer of the old volumes of published journals to digital ones with open archive systems was another stage of the process. The electronic journal publication is essential in terms of expressing the natural history of journal publishing now the limits of time and place removed. 

The study is framed by the assumption that the transition from the press to the digital has also changed the meanings of the knowledge. The study pointed out that the nonresistance in which digital transformation is inevitable, positively affected the increase in academic production. The publication process, which is facilitated by electronic journalism, increases academic production and exposes some disadvantageous situations. For example, the electronic journal focuses only on the number of volumes getting the ISSN number required to have the property, but it might be caused to neglect the quality of the journal. It is necessary to attract attention to that the digitalization has changed the meaning of making an academic study. The books and periodicals are tended to lose their primary meaning facing the digitalization. Moreover, the fact that some of the national and international journals, which already published in, have an electronic version is an example of the transformative power of the new system.

In the study, it is critical to make questionable where journal publishing will modify. In this respect, the elements that affected, managed, controlled and suppressed in the processes in which academic knowledge is produced, are discussed through the problematic of academic knowledge on the basis of publishing context. The meaning of the information in the publishing process has also changed. It is an important indicator that the academic production forms with pragmatist motive. These motivations are sometimes on the focus of money and publishing incentive and sometimes on the centre of being associate professorship. Such factors affecting the process in which information has produced, have discussed in the title of the ‘kitchen’ as associate professorship, academic promotion, congress and citation system. The criteria of an associate professorship, academic incentives and appointment were directly related to journal publishing. In the kitchen part of the study, the issue of academic incentives has given a little more importance. Because, it is observed that for a long time, the publication process is managed by the scoring system. From time to time, it is possible to claim that the subject of incentives even precedes the criteria of associate professorship. For example, it is a disadvantage in academic production that reviewer and editorial scoring in the incentive system have the same scoring qualification as the international article publication. The case, which equates review and writing an article with each other and reduces the value given to information in academic production processes, has been removed from the review score under the publication rating in the academic incentive regulation published in June-2018.

Finally, in the study, it is claimed that one of the issues that will determine the academic debate in the production process in the coming years in Turkey is electronic journal publishing. In this field, the debate will come out the triangulation of academia, knowledge production and researcher in the context of interactions/relationships and an identity building process. The determinism of digital space in academic production processes will keep investing in information and information technologies on the agenda. It is possible to argue that the academic incentive system will be constantly changed and renewed in the context of current debates. One of the possible outcomes is the prediction that academic incentives will be abolished as the non-ethical behaviours differ and increase. It might argue that the lack of a satisfactory science and information policy of producing information. Therefore, the incentives of academic production processes, which are the primary source of knowledge within the framework of policies, will continue to be discussed. As a new problem will be come out about digitalization, it will be discussed as a need for framing intellectual property rights with legal regulations and producing regulations defining copyright rights. In this context, the validity or reliability of information subject to the control of academic plagiarism checker programs will be discussed in the near future. In addition to the need to establish mechanisms to prevent violations of publishing ethics and publishing processes, it will be on the agenda to provide solutions for transparent and auditing of the digital field.

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Sağır, A., & Memiş Sağır, P. (0001). Bilginin Dijitalleşmesi Bağlamında Akademik Üretim Mekanizmalarının Dönüşümü: Matbaadan Dijital Ortama Dergi Yayıncılığı. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(59), 121-141.


Sağır A, Memiş Sağır P. Bilginin Dijitalleşmesi Bağlamında Akademik Üretim Mekanizmalarının Dönüşümü: Matbaadan Dijital Ortama Dergi Yayıncılığı. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 0001;0(59):121-141.


Sağır, A.; Memiş Sağır, P. Bilginin Dijitalleşmesi Bağlamında Akademik Üretim Mekanizmalarının Dönüşümü: Matbaadan Dijital Ortama Dergi Yayıncılığı. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 59, p. 121-141, 0001.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Sağır, Adem, and Pınar Memiş Sağır. 0001. “Bilginin Dijitalleşmesi Bağlamında Akademik Üretim Mekanizmalarının Dönüşümü: Matbaadan Dijital Ortama Dergi Yayıncılığı.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 59: 121-141.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Sağır, Adem, and Pınar Memiş Sağır. Bilginin Dijitalleşmesi Bağlamında Akademik Üretim Mekanizmalarının Dönüşümü: Matbaadan Dijital Ortama Dergi Yayıncılığı.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 59 (Sep. 2024): 121-141.

Harvard: Australian Style

Sağır, A & Memiş Sağır, P 0001, 'Bilginin Dijitalleşmesi Bağlamında Akademik Üretim Mekanizmalarının Dönüşümü: Matbaadan Dijital Ortama Dergi Yayıncılığı', Journal of Economy Culture and Society, vol. 0, no. 59, pp. 121-141, viewed 29 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Sağır, A. and Memiş Sağır, P. (0001) ‘Bilginin Dijitalleşmesi Bağlamında Akademik Üretim Mekanizmalarının Dönüşümü: Matbaadan Dijital Ortama Dergi Yayıncılığı’, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(59), pp. 121-141. (29 Sep. 2024).


Sağır, Adem, and Pınar Memiş Sağır. Bilginin Dijitalleşmesi Bağlamında Akademik Üretim Mekanizmalarının Dönüşümü: Matbaadan Dijital Ortama Dergi Yayıncılığı.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society, vol. 0, no. 59, 0001, pp. 121-141. [Database Container],


Sağır A, Memiş Sağır P. Bilginin Dijitalleşmesi Bağlamında Akademik Üretim Mekanizmalarının Dönüşümü: Matbaadan Dijital Ortama Dergi Yayıncılığı. Journal of Economy Culture and Society [Internet]. 29 Sep. 2024 [cited 29 Sep. 2024];0(59):121-141. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JECS416318


Sağır, Adem - Memiş Sağır, Pınar. Bilginin Dijitalleşmesi Bağlamında Akademik Üretim Mekanizmalarının Dönüşümü: Matbaadan Dijital Ortama Dergi Yayıncılığı”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0/59 (Sep. 2024): 121-141.




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İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınları, uluslararası yayıncılık standartları ve etiğine uygun olarak, yüksek kalitede bilimsel dergi ve kitapların yayınlanmasıyla giderek artan bilimsel bilginin yayılmasına katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınları açık erişimli, ticari olmayan, bilimsel yayıncılığı takip etmektedir.