Duygusal İhmal ve İstismara Uzmanların Bakış Açısı
Alev ÜstündağÇocuğa yönelik duygusal ihmal ve istismar, diğer istismar türlerinde olduğu gibi gözle görülebilen bulguları olmadığı için hemen tespit edilemeyebilir. Bu nedenle önem verilmesi gereken bir konudur. Çünkü sebep olduğu olumsuz etkiler uzun yıllar sürebilir ya da uzun yıllar sonra ortaya çıkabilir. Tüm bu sebeplerden ötürü duygusal ihmal ve istismarın uzmanlar tarafından iyi gözlemlenebilmesi gerektiği düşünüldüğü için bu araştırma kapsamında çocukla karşılaşan ya da karşılaşma ihtimali bulunan uzmanların duygusal ihmal ve istismara bakış açılarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, nicel araştırma olarak tasarlanmıştır. Nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden nedensel-karşılaştırmalı araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak duygusal ihmal, istismar ve kötü muamele ile ilgili soruların yer aldığı “Uzmanlar İçin Soru Formu” kullanılmıştır. Gelişigüzel örnekleme yönteminden yararlanılarak 780 uzman (çocuk gelişimci, doktor, psikolog, avukat, öğretmen ve asker/polis) görüşüne ulaşılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar genel olarak değerlendirildiğinde; hem soru formunda listelenen davranışların uygun olup olmadığı konusunda, hem de davranışların çocuk ihmal ve istismarı olup olmadığı konusunda uzmanlar arasında yüzdesel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık görülmemiştir. Ancak tek yönlü varyans analizi sonuçları incelendiğinde, bazı davranışlarda uzman yanıtları arasında anlamlı farklılıkların olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ortaya çıkan farklılığın hangi uzman grubundan kaynaklandığını belirlemek için Tukey testi yapılmıştır. Tukey testi sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde, çocuk gelişimcilerle diğer meslek grupları arasında olumlu anlamda farklılaşma olduğu görülmüştür.
The Perspective of Experts About Emotional Neglect and Abuse
Alev ÜstündağEmotional neglect and abuse should be closely observed by experts and for that reason this study aims to determine the viewpoints on emotional neglect and abuse of experts who encounter or might possibly encounter children who are at risk of abuse. Quantitative research methods were used in this research, more specifically, the causal-comparative research method. A “questionnaire for experts” was used as a data collection tool for questions about emotional neglect and abuse. 780 experts were consulted using the random sampling method. A general evaluation of the results showed that there was no significant difference among experts in terms of whether the behaviors listed in the questionnaire were appropriate or not and whether they classified listed behaviors as child neglect or abuse. However, when the results of the one-way analysis of variance were examined, it was found that there were significant differences between the experts’ responses for some behaviors. The Tukey test was conducted to determine which group of experts had different opinions than others. When the results of the Tukey test were evaluated, it was seen that there was a positive difference between child development and other occupational groups.
Emotional abuse or maltreatment towards children is considered to be a synonym for psychological abuse, and any behavior that affects children emotionally or negatively is considered as emotional abuse (Gabarino, Guttman & Seeley, 1986; Wiehe, 1990). According to Brassard, Hart and Hardy (1991), there are various types of emotional abuse, such as restraint, humiliation, contempt, threatening, intimidation, discriminatory, sarcastic and hostile behavior or rejection. In addition, according to the researchers (Iwaniec, 1995; Tower, 1993), if a child is constantly criticized, humiliated, threatened, mocked and intimidated by the parents, this is considered to be emotional abuse. Emotional abuse alone, or as a result of physical or sexual abuse, can be seen as a secondary effect (Navarre, 1987). This is because the negative effects that may be caused can last for many years or may occur after many years. As it is thought that emotional neglect and abuse should be well observed by experts, this study aims to determine the viewpoints on emotional neglect and abuse of experts who encounter or might possibly encounter children who fall within the scope of this research.
Method Emotional neglect and abuse of the child may not be immediately detectable as there are no visible findings unlike other types of abuse (sexual, physical abuse and neglect). For this reason, it is a matter that should be given great importance. This is also because the negative effects that may be caused can last for many years or may occur after many years. Quantitative research methods were used in this research, more specifically, the causal-comparative research method. A “questionnaire for experts” was used as a data collection tool for questions about emotional neglect, abuse and ill-treatment. 780 experts (child development experts, doctors, psychologists, lawyers, teachers and military/police) were consulted using the random sampling method.
Result and Discussion A general evaluation of the results of the research showed that there was no significant difference between experts in terms of whether the behaviors listed in the questionnaire were appropriate or not and whether the behavior was child neglect or abuse. However, when the results of the one-way analysis of variance were examined, it was found that there were significant differences between the responses of the experts in some behaviors. The Tukey test was conducted to determine which group of experts had different views. When the results of the Tukey test were evaluated, it was seen that there was a positive difference between child development and other occupational groups. Our study highlights the need for emotional intervention against emotional neglect, abuse and maltreatment, and the need to develop a common consensus among different occupational groups that meet or encounter children or work with them. In the light of our study we recommend that awareness-raising activities should be increased by being included in the training of in-service training programs of military / police personnel and lawyers, who frequently encounter occupational groups and especially crime and criminals. Although it is known that there is training in the current practice, the findings of this research revealed that more studies should be done to raise awareness. Awareness raising of people and families regarding emotional neglect and abuse can be effective for creating more awareness of various public education facilities. Families may not be aware that some words and behaviors cause emotional abuse. Therefore, appropriate training can raise awareness that some words and behaviors may negatively affect and frighten children.