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DOI :10.26650/JECS2019-0029   IUP :10.26650/JECS2019-0029    Tam Metin (PDF)

“Misafir İşçiden” “Yaşlı Göçmene” Avrupa’da Yaşlanan Göçmenlerin Sorunları: Fransa Örneği

Hülya YükselZeynep Hiçdurmaz

Avrupa ülkelerinin işgücü ihtiyacını karşılamak için, 1950-60’lı yıllarda, “misafir işçi” olarak gelen ve ülkelerine döneceği varsayılan göçmenler, başlangıçta olumlu algılanmışlar, ancak, çalışma hayatının dışına çıktıktan sonra göç ettikleri ülkelere yerleşerek yaşlanmaya başlayınca bir “sorun” olarak tanımlanmışlardır. Bunun nedeni ise, yaşlanan nüfusa verilecek hizmetlerin oluşturduğu sosyal ve ekonomik yüktür. Bu çalışmada, yaşlı göçmenlerin yaşadıkları sorunların Fransa özelinde ele alınması amaçlanmıştır. Fransa’nın, %21,8’lik yaşlı göçmen nüfusu, %14,8 olan Avrupa ortalamasının üzerindedir. Yaşlı göçmenler yapısal ve bireysel faktörlere bağlı olarak birçok sorunla karşılaşmaktadır. Bu sorunlar, aidiyet, sosyoekonomik durum, sağlık, bakım hizmetlerine erişim ve sağlık çıktılarındaki eşitsizlikler açısından ele alınarak irdelenmiştir. Bu sorunlar, göçmenlerin, toplumdan ekonomik ve sosyal yönden yalıtılmışlığı ile sonuçlanmaktadır. Göçmen işçilerin, çalışma hayatları boyunca zorlu iş koşullarına maruz kalmaları, sağlıklarının erken yaşta bozulmasına yol açmakta daha kötü sağlık çıktılarına sahip olmaktadırlar. Buna karşılık, sağlık ve bakım hizmetlerine erişimde dezavantajlı konumda bulunmaktadırlar. Çalışma boyunca vurgulanan husus, bu sorunların bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla kavranabileceği gerçeğidir. Sonuç bölümünde ise, bu yaşanan sorunların çözümünde, sosyal haklar anlamında göçmen varlığının kabulünün gerekliliğinden ve bu bağlamda, yaşlı göçmenlerin toplumla uyum içerisinde yaşamaları için gerekli olan düzenlemelerden bahsedilmiştir. 
DOI :10.26650/JECS2019-0029   IUP :10.26650/JECS2019-0029    Tam Metin (PDF)

From “Guest Worker” to “Elderly Immigrant” Problems of Aging Migrants in Europe: The Example of France

Hülya YükselZeynep Hiçdurmaz

European countries started accepting mass numbers of migrant workers in the 1950s and 1960s with bilateral agreements to address labor shortages in Europe. Initially, migrant “guest workers” were perceived favorably for their contribution to the workforce. However, once migrants ceased working and grew older and more settled in their host countries, they were seen as “problems” due to the cost of social and health care services. In this study, we aim to examine the problems of elderly immigrants in France. The elderly immigrant population of 21.8% in France is above the European average of 14.8%. Older migrants face many problems stemming from structural and individual factors. These problems are examined in terms of belonging, socioeconomic status, health, access to care services and inequalities in health outcomes. These problems result in the economic and social isolation of immigrants from society. Exposure of migrant workers to challenging work conditions throughout their working lives contributes to deterioration of their health at an early age and poor health outcomes. Yet they are disadvantaged in accessing health care and social services. The highlight of the study is that these problems should be dealt with using a holistic perspective. In conclusion, we call for their full integration in the French social contract through policy changes. In this context, the necessary regulations for the elderly migrants to live in harmony with the society are mentioned. 


The aging of the world population is a concern of all developed and developing countries, including Turkey, owing to the increasing financial burden of providing care and social services to the elderly. According to Eurostat 2018 data, 19.4% of the population in the EU-28 countries is 65 or more years old; in 2050, this share will reach 29.1%. France has the second highest number of immigrants in EU-28 countries. While the overall proportion of elderly immigrants living in European countries is 14.3%; France has a rate of 21.8%.

European countries started accepting mass numbers of migrant workers from developing countries in the 1950s and 1960s with bilateral agreements to address labor shortages in Europe. Initially, migrant “guest workers” were perceived favorably for their contributions to the workforce. However, once migrants ceased working, grew older and more settled in their host countries, they were seen as problems due to the cost of social and health care services. Although population aging represents a demographic problem, elderly immigrant populations are in a more disadvantaged position due to their language, financial and cultural isolation in the host countries.

In this study, we offer a definition of old age. Then we will discuss the problems of elderly immigrants living in France along three dimensions: On a macro level, we focus on structural origins of the aging migrant problem such as low salaries and housing problems; on a mezzo level, the role of family, neighborhood, and associations; and at the micro level we look at how individual elderly immigrants experience these problems.

Old age, which was a symbol of respectability in the traditional family structures in pre- industrial societies, has changed its meaning and form in today’s modern societies. Recent research addresses the problems experienced by elderly immigrants, and the social construction of the elderly immigrant figure as social problem in Europe, specifically France.

Following the report about “Elderly Migrants” presented in the French National Assembly in 2013, elderly migrants’ problems entered the public agenda as a problem with which there needs to be intervention. This report was a turning point in the view of the problems of elderly migrants living in France. According to this report, the most important problem for successful aging is determined as low income. We determined that the problems experienced by elderly immigrants in France can be grouped under 3 headings:

(1) Living in limbo between the country of origin and the country of immigration: Belongingness Issues. Immigrants who define themselves as “workers” in their country of immigration, after leaving employment and aging, move into the unworthy position as “elderly migrant” in France. As such, they are not fully integrated and the need for reconnecting with the country of origin increases. As a result, immigrants search for a solution to the “double absence, double asset” dilemma. Migrants who have lost their reasons for existence in the country after retirement cannot return to their countries of origin. On the one hand, based on psychological, social, cultural and physical factors, they are shifting in between while living in social isolation in France. On the other hand, they feel useful in sending money back to the country of origin. In this case, staying in France is not a choice, but a must. In the discussion of aging and migration phenomenon, cultural influences are also important.

(2) Socioeconomic problems: Social exclusion and isolation. According to the 2013 the report, elderly migrants contend with low income, language barriers and poor housing conditions in migrant workers’ lodgings. These problems result in the economic and social isolation of immigrants from society. To deal with this social exclusion, Muslim migrants use mosques to socialize and feel connected. 

(3) Inequalities in health outcomes and access to health care social services. Exposure of migrant workers to challenging work conditions throughout their careers contributes to premature health deterioration and poor health outcomes. Yet they are disadvantaged in accessing health care and social services. One of the reasons for this is that culturally sensitive services are not sufficiently provided in European countries. The study entitled “Transition of Immigrants into Old Age” portrays the poor health outcomes for migrants in France. According to this research, one of every two migrants has experienced an occupational illness, work-related health problems, or on-the-job accidents.

For future social interventions, policy makers should take into account that older migrants are not homogenous. They differ significantly based on their gender, socio-economic status, and cultural characteristics. The highlight of this study is that problems should be dealt with using a holistic perspective. Elderly migrants are too often seen as having outlived their usefulness in France to the extent that their social needs are either relegated to internal support networks or ignored by the larger society. We call for their full integration in the French social contract through policy changes.

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Yüksel, H., & Hiçdurmaz, Z. (0001). “Misafir İşçiden” “Yaşlı Göçmene” Avrupa’da Yaşlanan Göçmenlerin Sorunları: Fransa Örneği. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(59), 213-234.


Yüksel H, Hiçdurmaz Z. “Misafir İşçiden” “Yaşlı Göçmene” Avrupa’da Yaşlanan Göçmenlerin Sorunları: Fransa Örneği. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 0001;0(59):213-234.


Yüksel, H.; Hiçdurmaz, Z. “Misafir İşçiden” “Yaşlı Göçmene” Avrupa’da Yaşlanan Göçmenlerin Sorunları: Fransa Örneği. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 59, p. 213-234, 0001.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Yüksel, Hülya, and Zeynep Hiçdurmaz. 0001. ““Misafir İşçiden” “Yaşlı Göçmene” Avrupa’da Yaşlanan Göçmenlerin Sorunları: Fransa Örneği.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 59: 213-234.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Yüksel, Hülya, and Zeynep Hiçdurmaz. “Misafir İşçiden” “Yaşlı Göçmene” Avrupa’da Yaşlanan Göçmenlerin Sorunları: Fransa Örneği.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 59 (Sep. 2024): 213-234.

Harvard: Australian Style

Yüksel, H & Hiçdurmaz, Z 0001, '“Misafir İşçiden” “Yaşlı Göçmene” Avrupa’da Yaşlanan Göçmenlerin Sorunları: Fransa Örneği', Journal of Economy Culture and Society, vol. 0, no. 59, pp. 213-234, viewed 29 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Yüksel, H. and Hiçdurmaz, Z. (0001) ‘“Misafir İşçiden” “Yaşlı Göçmene” Avrupa’da Yaşlanan Göçmenlerin Sorunları: Fransa Örneği’, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(59), pp. 213-234. (29 Sep. 2024).


Yüksel, Hülya, and Zeynep Hiçdurmaz. “Misafir İşçiden” “Yaşlı Göçmene” Avrupa’da Yaşlanan Göçmenlerin Sorunları: Fransa Örneği.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society, vol. 0, no. 59, 0001, pp. 213-234. [Database Container],


Yüksel H, Hiçdurmaz Z. “Misafir İşçiden” “Yaşlı Göçmene” Avrupa’da Yaşlanan Göçmenlerin Sorunları: Fransa Örneği. Journal of Economy Culture and Society [Internet]. 29 Sep. 2024 [cited 29 Sep. 2024];0(59):213-234. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JECS2019-0029


Yüksel, Hülya - Hiçdurmaz, Zeynep. “Misafir İşçiden” “Yaşlı Göçmene” Avrupa’da Yaşlanan Göçmenlerin Sorunları: Fransa Örneği”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0/59 (Sep. 2024): 213-234.




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