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DOI :10.26650/jos.1224849   IUP :10.26650/jos.1224849    Tam Metin (PDF)

Kur’an-ı Kerim’de K-S-S (ص-ص-ق) Kökü: Semantik Bir Çalışma

Abdullah Elali

Bu araştırma, Kur’an-ı Kerim’de kullanılan K-S-S (ص-ص-ق ) kökünü semantik ilmi açısından incelemeyi amaçlayan bir çalışmadır. Öncelikle araştırmamızın özünü oluşturan semantik ve semantik analiz hakkında açıklayıcı bilgiler verdik. Daha sonra söz konusu kökün temel anlamını belirledik ve İslam öncesi dönem şiirlerinde, Kur’an-ı Kerim’in nüzul döneminde, İslâmî dönem şiirlerinde, eski dönem ve yeni dönem Arapça sözlüklerde kullanılan K-S-S (ص-ص-ق ) köklü türevlerin anlamlarını analiz ederek manalarını belirledik. Tarih boyunca K-S-S (ص-ص-ق )kökünün temel anlamı ile türevleri arasında bir bağlantı olup olmadığını anlayabilmek için K-S-S (ص-ص-ق) kökünden türetilen kelimelerin anlamları ile söz konusu kökün temel anlamı arasındaki ilişkileri açıkladık. K-S-S (ص-ص-ق )kökünün Cahiliye dönemdeki türevlerini analiz ederken de manzum beyitlerin bağlamını ve İslam öncesi şiir koleksiyonlarını açıklayan kitapları dikkate aldık. K-S-S (ص-ص-ق )kökünden türetilen ve Kur’an-ı Kerim’de kullanılan türevlerin anlamlarını tespit ve tahlil ederken, ayetlerin bağlamını, ayetlerin nüzul sebeplerini ve bu ayetleri açıklamak için yazılan tefsir kitaplarını da inceledik. Ayrıca, Kur’an’ın vahyinden eski Arapça sözlüklerin ortaya çıkışına kadar uzanan döneme ait ayetlerin bağlamını araştırdık. Tekrara mahal vermemek için Cahiliye şiirlerinde, Kur’an’da ve Kur’an nüzulünden sonra başlayan ve Arapça sözlüklerin ortaya çıkışına kadar uzanan döneme ait şiirlerde kullanılan ve K-S-S (ص-ص-ق ) kökünden türeyen türevlere değinmeden eski ve yeni Arapça sözlüklerde kayıtlı yeni türevleri de dikkate aldık. Araştırmanın sonunda da ulaştığımız hususları sunduk.

DOI :10.26650/jos.1224849   IUP :10.26650/jos.1224849    Tam Metin (PDF)

الجذر ق-ص-ص في القرآن الكريم، دراسة داللية

Abdullah Elali

هذا البحث عبارة عن بحث يهدف إلى تحليل الجذر ق-ص-ص المستخدم في القرآن الكريم من منظور علم الداللة. بادئ ذي بدء، قدمنا معلومات توضيحية حول علم الداللة والتحليل الداللي، والتي تشكل جوهر بحثنا. ثم حددنا المعنى األساسي للجذر المعني وقمنا بتحليل معاني مشتقات الجذر ق-ص-ص المستخدمة في أشعار العصر ما قبل اإلسالم، وعصر نزول القرآن، وأشعار العصر اإلسالمي، والمعاجم العربية القديمة والجديدة، وحددنا معانيها. ولنتمكن من معرفة ما إن كان هناك ترابط بين المعنى األساسي للجذر ق-ص-ص وبين مشتقاته عبر التاريخ قمنا بشرح العالقات بين معاني الكلمات المشتقة من الجذر ق-ص-ص وبين المعنى األساسي للجذر المعني. أخذنا باالعتبار سياق األبيات الشعرية والكتب التي شرحت دواوين الشعر الجاهلي أثناء تحليل مشتقات الجذر ق-ص-ص في العصر الجاهلي. وكما أخذنا باالعتبار سياق اآليات وأسباب نزول اآليات وكتب التفسير التي كتبت من أجل شرح هذه اآليات عند تحديد وتحليل معاني المشتقات المشتقة من الجذر ق-ص-ص والمستعملة في القرآن الكريم. كما أخذنا بعين االعتبار المشتقات الجديدة المسجلة في القواميس العربية القديمة والجديدة، دون ذكر المشتقات المشتقة من الجذر ق-ص-ص والمستخدمة في أشعار العصر الجاهلي، والقرآن، واألشعار التي تنتمي إلى الفترة التي تبدأ بعد نزول القرآن وتمتد حتى ظهور القواميس العربية. ًا للتكرار. وفي نهاية البحث قدمنا المواضيع التي قد توصلنا إليها. تجنب

DOI :10.26650/jos.1224849   IUP :10.26650/jos.1224849    Tam Metin (PDF)

Root Q-S-S (ص-ص-ق) in the Holy Qur’an: A Semantic Study

Abdullah Elali

The present research aims to analyze the root q-s-s (ص-ص-ق ) used in the Holy Qur’an from the perspective of semantics. First of all, we provide illustrative information about semantics and semantic analysis, which form the core of our research. Then we determine the basic meaning of the intended root and analyze the meanings of the derivatives of the root q-s-s (ص-ص-ق ) used in the poetry of the pre-Islamic era, the era of the revelation of the Qur’an, the poetry of the Islamic era, and the old and new Arabic dictionaries, and we determine their meanings. In order to understand whether there is a connection between its basic meaning and its derivatives, we explain the relationships between the meanings of the words derived from the root q-s-s (ص-ص-ق ) and the basic meaning of the root in question. When analyzing the derivatives of the q-s-s (ص-ص-ق ) root in the Jahiliyyah period, we consider the context of the verse couplets and the books that explain the pre-Islamic poetry collections. When identifying and analyzing the meanings of the derivatives derived from the root q-s-s (ص-ص-ق ) and used in the Qur’an, we also consider the context of the verses, the reasons for the revelation of the verses, and the tafsir books written to explain these verses. We have also considered the context of the verses from the period from the revelation of the Qur’an to the emergence of ancient Arabic dictionaries. In order to avoid repetition, we also take into account the new derivatives registered in the old and new Arabic dictionaries, without mentioning the derivatives derived from the root q-s-s (ص-ص-ق), used in the poems of ignorance, the Qur’an, and the poems belonging to the period starting after the revelation of the Qur’an and extending until the emergence of the Arabic dictionaries. At the end of the research, we present the conclusions we reached.


Semantics is a science whose field is words and meanings. It searches for the meanings of words and studies the changes and developments that occur in the meanings of words throughout history. It also searches for the relationship between the signifier and the signified, that is, it searches for the relationship between the letters that are fixed next to each other and what they indicate after they are superimposed. Semantics, when searching for the terms of meanings, adopts the historical approach and the descriptive approach. Interest in semantics and the search for meanings of words began at a very early age, and we find this interest among the early Arab Muslims. For example, commentators and those interested in the sciences of the Qur’an wrote books about the miracle of the Qur’an, the strangeness of the Qur’an, and the Mushkik Al-Qur’an. Fundamentalists used word denotation to express the meanings extracted from the verses and texts, and linguists paid attention to the meanings of words and their derivatives in order to return the words or the meanings of words to a single origin from which many branches come. Thus, we find that the subject of studying the semantics of words among Arabs in the past was confined to these matters, and this subject was not based on one special science with its limitations and rules. Subject of studying the semantics of words did not happen until the end of the nineteenth century at the hands of Western scholars. So, semantics established its rules and laid down its laws, and its field at that time was to search for the meanings of words historically; then, it developed to study the meaning in a specific time and place. This science began to be employed in many fields, such as in an existential understanding of the Qur’an, after studying the meanings of its words. This research analyzes the origin of the q-s-s (ص-ص-ق ) used in the Holy Qur’an historically from the perspective of semantics, to properly understand the meanings of the words derived from this origin and used in the Holy Qur’an, and to identify the derivatives that were derived from it throughout history and the developments that these derivatives have undergone in their meanings. At the beginning, we present an introduction in which we clarify the origins of this science, its topic, and the method of employing this science in understanding the Holy Qur’an, then we explain the historical semantic analysis approach. Then we move on to analyze this root throughout history, from the oldest text that we could access to our current era. Therefore, we clarify and analyze the meanings of the derivatives of the root q-s-s (ص-ص-ق ) in the poetry of the pre-Islamic era by listing the poetic verses that include the derivatives of this root and explaining these verses, and by looking at their context after referring to the books that explain the collections of pre-Islamic poetry. Then we move on to analyzing the meanings of the root derivatives q-s-s (ص-ص-ق ) in the Holy Qur’an by presenting the Quranic verses that include the root derivatives q-s-s (ص-ص-ق (and interpreting these verses after referring to the books of interpretation of the Holy Qur’an that were written between the first and fourth era of the Hijrah. Then we analyze the meanings of the derivatives of the root Q-S-S (Q-S-S) in the poetry of the Islamic era, and we follow in this section the approach that we followed in analyzing the derivatives of the root concerned in the pre-Islamic poetry. In this section, we return to the collections of Islamic poetry that include poetry attributed to the era that followed the revelation of the Holy Qur’an until the codification of ancient Arabic linguistic dictionaries began. Then we move on to the analysis of root derivatives q-s-s (ص-ص-ق ) in the dictionaries of the ancient language and then the dictionaries of the modern language by displaying the meanings of the new derivations of the original q-s-s (ص-ص-ق ) only, without highlighting the meanings that were used in the pre-Islamic era, the era of the revelation of the Qur’an, and the poetry of the Islamic era to avoid repetition. We clarify the relationships between the primary meaning of the q-s-s (ص-ص-ق (root and the meanings of its derivatives during the analysis, to see whether the meaning of the word derived from the root in question is related to the primary semantic domain of the root or not. Knowing this helps us to understand the derivatives of roots in a deep and correct way. At the end of this research, we conclude that this root has a large and wide range of meanings. The use of this root and the derivation of words from it did not end after a specific era. Rather, it continued as needed throughout the ages between the expansion of the use of this root and its derivatives and the narrowing of its use, which indicates its development throughout history and its non-degeneration. We find that a semantic change occurred within some derivatives of the root q-s-s (ص-ص-ق), as if the word denotes one meaning and then denotes another meaning without changing its form or structure. We conclude that all derivatives derived from the root q-s-s (ص-ص-ق )are related to the essential connotation of the root q-s-s (ص-ص-ق), either directly or through interpretation.

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Elali, A. (2023). Kur’an-ı Kerim’de K-S-S (ص-ص-ق) Kökü: Semantik Bir Çalışma. Şarkiyat Mecmuası, 0(43), 1-22.


Elali A. Kur’an-ı Kerim’de K-S-S (ص-ص-ق) Kökü: Semantik Bir Çalışma. Şarkiyat Mecmuası. 2023;0(43):1-22.


Elali, A. Kur’an-ı Kerim’de K-S-S (ص-ص-ق) Kökü: Semantik Bir Çalışma. Şarkiyat Mecmuası, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 43, p. 1-22, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Elali, Abdullah,. 2023. “Kur’an-ı Kerim’de K-S-S (ص-ص-ق) Kökü: Semantik Bir Çalışma.” Şarkiyat Mecmuası 0, no. 43: 1-22.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Elali, Abdullah,. Kur’an-ı Kerim’de K-S-S (ص-ص-ق) Kökü: Semantik Bir Çalışma.” Şarkiyat Mecmuası 0, no. 43 (May. 2024): 1-22.

Harvard: Australian Style

Elali, A 2023, 'Kur’an-ı Kerim’de K-S-S (ص-ص-ق) Kökü: Semantik Bir Çalışma', Şarkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 0, no. 43, pp. 1-22, viewed 9 May. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Elali, A. (2023) ‘Kur’an-ı Kerim’de K-S-S (ص-ص-ق) Kökü: Semantik Bir Çalışma’, Şarkiyat Mecmuası, 0(43), pp. 1-22. (9 May. 2024).


Elali, Abdullah,. Kur’an-ı Kerim’de K-S-S (ص-ص-ق) Kökü: Semantik Bir Çalışma.” Şarkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 0, no. 43, 2023, pp. 1-22. [Database Container],


Elali A. Kur’an-ı Kerim’de K-S-S (ص-ص-ق) Kökü: Semantik Bir Çalışma. Şarkiyat Mecmuası [Internet]. 9 May. 2024 [cited 9 May. 2024];0(43):1-22. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jos.1224849


Elali, Abdullah. Kur’an-ı Kerim’de K-S-S (ص-ص-ق) Kökü: Semantik Bir Çalışma”. Şarkiyat Mecmuası 0/43 (May. 2024): 1-22.


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