Childhood Maltreatment and Violent Behaviour: A Systematic Review
Md. Bashir Uddin Khan, Yanwen TangA complex interlink between childhood maltreatment and later life delinquency is evident in different studies. This systematic review examines the intricate relationship between childhood maltreatment and the subsequent engagement of individuals in violent exposures. A comprehensive search of the Web of Science (WoS) core collection synthesises several empirical studies published over the last 18 years. Through a meticulous screening process and stringent inclusion criteria, 27 studies were finally selected for analysis using the PRISMA guidelines. The synthesised findings highlight the nuanced interplay between various forms of childhood maltreatment and other confounding factors that predict violence. The USA and China were the most pragmatic in studying this issue. Different statistical techniques, e.g., correlation, regression, and structural equation modelling, were used in these studies. It was found that different forms of maltreatment directly affect violent behaviours. Other factors like psychopathy, drug abuse, conduct disorder, impulsivity, narcissistic vulnerability, and other psychosocial factors often confound it or act as mediators. Gender differences were also examined in some studies. Females were found to be more prone to violent exposure as the outcome of their maltreatment experience in some studies. Findings reveal that neighbourhood factors (neighbourhood disorganisation and social capital) are less represented here.
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Khan, M.U., & Tang, Y. (2024). Childhood Maltreatment and Violent Behaviour: A Systematic Review. Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi, 12(1), 57-78.
Khan M U, Tang Y. Childhood Maltreatment and Violent Behaviour: A Systematic Review. Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi. 2024;12(1):57-78.
Khan, M.U.; Tang, Y. Childhood Maltreatment and Violent Behaviour: A Systematic Review. Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi, [Publisher Location], v. 12, n. 1, p. 57-78, 2024.
Chicago: Author-Date Style
Khan, Md. Bashir Uddin, and Yanwen Tang. 2024. “Childhood Maltreatment and Violent Behaviour: A Systematic Review.” Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi 12, no. 1: 57-78.
Chicago: Humanities Style
Khan, Md. Bashir Uddin, and Yanwen Tang. “Childhood Maltreatment and Violent Behaviour: A Systematic Review.” Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi 12, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 57-78.
Harvard: Australian Style
Khan, MU & Tang, Y 2024, 'Childhood Maltreatment and Violent Behaviour: A Systematic Review', Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 57-78, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,
Harvard: Author-Date Style
Khan, M.U. and Tang, Y. (2024) ‘Childhood Maltreatment and Violent Behaviour: A Systematic Review’, Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi, 12(1), pp. 57-78. (10 Mar. 2025).
Khan, Md. Bashir Uddin, and Yanwen Tang. “Childhood Maltreatment and Violent Behaviour: A Systematic Review.” Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, 2024, pp. 57-78. [Database Container],
Khan MU, Tang Y. Childhood Maltreatment and Violent Behaviour: A Systematic Review. Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];12(1):57-78. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JPLC2024-1360724
Khan, Md. BashirUddin - Tang, Yanwen. “Childhood Maltreatment and Violent Behaviour: A Systematic Review”. Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi 12/1 (Mar. 2025): 57-78.