Türkiye’de Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri Lisansüstü Tezlerinin “Sosyal Politika” Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi
Verda Canbey ÖzgülerBağımlı çalışanların üretim sürecinde karşılaştıkları sorunların çözülmesi, sınıflar arasındaki çatışmaların azaltılması amacıyla yürütülen faaliyetleri içeren “Sosyal Politika” disiplini günümüzde ağırlıklı olarak Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri (ÇEEİ) bölümleri çatısı altında varlığını sürdürmektedir. “Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri” bölümleri dışında sosyoloji, kamu yönetimi gibi bölümlerde de “Sosyal Politika” alanı ile ilgili dersler verilmekte ve akademik çalışmalar yürütülmektedir. Sosyal politikanın Türkiye’deki gelişimi temelde iki ana ekol (İstanbul Üniversitesi ve Ankara Üniversitesi) etrafında açıklanmakla birlikte farklı görüşler de bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada köklü bir geleneğe sahip olan “Sosyal Politika” disiplininin akademik alandaki izdüşümünün lisansüstü tezler bağlamındaki görünümü analiz edilmektedir. Dar anlamda sosyal politika; kapitalist düzende işverenler ve işçiler arasında ortaya çıkan çelişki, dengesizlik ve menfaat çatışmalarını ortadan kaldırmak, sınıflar arasında uyum sağlamak amacını taşımakta, sanayi toplumlarının sorunlarına eğilmektedir. Geniş anlamda sosyal politika ise; tüm sosyal grupların sorunları ile ilgilenen, sosyal alanları kapsayan, sorunlara çözüm üreten uygulamaların tamamını ifade etmektedir. Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri disiplininin temel alanlarından biri olan “Sosyal Politika”, günümüzde işgücü piyasaları, iş ve sosyal güvenlik hukuku, insan kaynakları yönetimi, çalışma sosyolojisi ile örgütsel yönetim ve çalışma psikolojisi gibi alanlara da yayılmış bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri Disiplininde “Sosyal Politika” ile ilgili mevcut Türkçe literatüre ilişkin lisansüstü tezler üzerinden bir değerlendirme yapmaktır. Bu bağlamda “Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri” anabilim dalında yazılan ve Yükseköğretim Kurulu’nun (YÖK) tez arşivinden elde edilen lisansüstü tezler doküman incelemesi tekniğiyle incelemiştir. İnceleme sonucunda elde edilen bulgular, yüzde ve frekans tablolarıyla gösterilerek yorumlanmıştır.
Evaluating Graduate Theses on Labour Economics and Industrial Relations in Turkey within the Context of “Social Policy”
Verda Canbey ÖzgülerIn the present day, the discipline of “social policy” is mainly studied under the departments of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations (LEIR) since it includes topics such as resolving problems of workers during production and reducing class conflicts. Apart from the departments of “Labour Economics and Industrial Relations,” courses and academic studies on “social policy” are also current in other departments such as sociology and public administration. Even though the development of social policy in Turkey is mainly covered by two prominent schools (Istanbul University and Ankara University), there are different opinions on the matter. The present study analyses the outlook of the academic projection of “social policy,” which has a long-standing tradition within the context of graduate theses. Narrowly defined, social policy aims to eliminate the conflicts, imbalances, and conflicts of interest that arise between employers and workers in the capitalist order, to harmonize between classes and to address the problems of industrial societies. Broadly defined however, social policy refers to studies that deal with issues of all social groups, covering common areas and producing solutions to problems. Social policy, which is one of the fundamental fields of the Labour Economics and Industrial Relations discipline, has spread to fields such as labour markets, labour, social security law, human resource management, sociology of work and organizational management, and work psychology. This study aims to assess postgraduate dissertations on the existing Turkish literature in the field of “social policy.” In this context, postgraduate theses in the field of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations from the dissertation archive of the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) were studied by document examination. Findings obtained as a result of the investigation were interpreted by showing percentage and frequency tables.
In the present day, the discipline of “social policy” is mainly studied under the departments of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations (LEIR) since it includes topics such resolving problems of workers during production and reducing class conflicts. Apart from the departments of “Labour Economics and Industrial Relations,” courses and academic studies on “social policy” are also current in other departments such as social work, sociology, and public administration. Even though the development of social policy in Turkey is mainly covered by two prominent schools (Istanbul University and Ankara University), there are different opinions on the matter. The present study analyses the outlook of the academic projection of “social policy,” which has a long-standing tradition within the context of graduate theses. Narrowly defined, social policy aims to eliminate the conflicts, imbalances, and conflicts of interest that arise between employers and workers in the capitalist order, to harmonize between classes and to address the problems of industrial societies. Broadly defined however, social policy refers to studies that deal with issues of all social groups, covering common areas and producing solutions to problems. Social policy, which is one of the fundamental fields of the Labour Economics and Industrial Relations discipline, has spread to areas such as labour markets, labour, social security law, human resource management, sociology of work and organizational management, and work psychology.
Difficult to define and limit, the scope of “social policy” is quite broad. In its fullest sense, it encompasses all policies aimed at making changes in the social structure. Even though its course of development differs from one country to another, the concept of social policy was influenced by the Industrial Revolution and conditions at that time and, in time, has become a scientific discipline. Its main feature can be defined as the aim of maintaining the continuity of the economic and social system by partly compensating and eliminating problems and adverse outcomes stemming from the system.
In a narrow sense, social policy intends to eliminate inconsistencies, imbalances, and conflicts of interest emerging between employers and workers in the capitalist order and to maintain harmony between classes. It focuses on the problems of industrial societies. In a broad sense, it signifies the entire body of practices concerned with the issues of all social groups, covering social fields, and providing solutions for problems. In this context, social policy aims to offer solutions for the problems of all social groups by considering all social fields. Accordingly, it also includes factors like education, health, the protection of craftspeople, taxation policies, agriculture, and the cooperative system.
While social policy grew as a scientific discipline and underwent changes and transformations in terms of practice, it mainly flourished under the departments of “Labour Economics and Industrial Relations” within the higher education system in Turkey. In other words, emerging and developing in parallel with the need for solutions to problems encountered in society, the discipline of social policy has also brought about the emergence of the department of “Labour Economics and Industrial Relations.” Nowadays, as a result of the diversification of social problems, the scope of the department has also widened within this context and, due to the rapid development of information technologies stemming from globalization, social policy has become more crucial. These developments have led to an increased interest in social policies and academic studies concerning social policy.
Adopting a partly detailed perspective through the analysis of graduate theses, the present study attempts to answer the following questions:
• How are the theses examined within the scope of the study distributed across years, graduate study levels, and universities?
• How are the subjects of theses on “social policy” distributed?
• Do the theses involve field research?
• How are these theses connected with the definition and concept of social policy?
These questions are answered within the framework of dimensions created based on the studies in the national academic literature.
This study has a qualitative research design allowing the presentation of research results by reading the data one-by-one based on codes and categories. The qualitative research method was accepted as the most suitable research method for this study which aims to determine the thematic states of graduate theses, including the concept of “social policy” in their titles and analyze and comment on the theses thoroughly.
The research population consists of 3836 theses written within the scope of “Labour Economics and Industrial Relations” in the database (National Thesis Centre) of the Turkish Council of Higher Education (CoHE). As for the study sample, it comprises 124 theses. The data obtained as a result of scanning using the keyword “social policy” in the “Title” tab in the “Detailed Search” section were transferred onto “Excel” spreadsheets, and MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2018 and the theses offering access to full texts were downloaded.
The theses were classified according to publication years, levels of graduate study, and institutes. To ensure validity and reliability, the Excel data files created by the researcher based on the lists of theses from the CoHE database were presented to an expert for consultation. Based on the opinion of this expert, the keywords of the research questions were finalized.
The document analysis method was employed in the study to analyze the content of the theses. The document analysis stages used in the present study can be listed as follows: “accessing documents,” “obtaining documents,” “analyzing the data,” and “using the data”.
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the concept, “social policy” covers a wide range of fields in academic studies. Following a general examination of research studies, it seems that the feared effect of the combination of the words “social” and “policy” does not occur. This issue, emphasized in the studies of Makal (2008), and Koray (2013), is worthy of further discussion. Just like this argument, the entire research is undoubtedly open to critique and further development. This is a qualitative study, and it is not independent of the value judgment, observations, and experience of the researcher. Given the number of studies conducted within the scope of this discipline in which each review is either the reason or outcome of another increase, a clearer picture regarding the subject matter will be revealed.