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DOI :10.26650/jot.2018.4.1.0001   IUP :10.26650/jot.2018.4.1.0001    Tam Metin (PDF)

Virtual Reality or Just Reality? A SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Industry

Nur Kulakoğlu Dilekİsmail KızılırmakSebahattin Emre Dilek

Developments in information and communication technology are increasingly transforming spatial relationships in tourism from a local into a global dimension. The virtual reality (VR) technology developed in this context is an important tool in this transformation. Virtual reality is an interactive environment generated by computers which enables participants to create countless real and unreal simulated experiences. The aim of this study is to describe virtual reality in the context of the tourism industry, to offer an evaluation by summarizing previous studies and conducting a situation analysis of virtual reality applications in terms of tourism via a SWOT analysis. The results of the situation analysis can be used to remark upon the place of VR technology in the tourism industry. In this framework, some suggestions for the tourism industry and future studies are given. 

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Kulakoğlu Dilek, N., Kızılırmak, İ., & Dilek, S.E. (2018). Virtual Reality or Just Reality? A SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Industry. Journal of Tourismology, 4(1), 67-74.


Kulakoğlu Dilek N, Kızılırmak İ, Dilek S E. Virtual Reality or Just Reality? A SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Industry. Journal of Tourismology. 2018;4(1):67-74.


Kulakoğlu Dilek, N.; Kızılırmak, İ.; Dilek, S.E. Virtual Reality or Just Reality? A SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Industry. Journal of Tourismology, [Publisher Location], v. 4, n. 1, p. 67-74, 2018.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Kulakoğlu Dilek, Nur, and İsmail Kızılırmak and Sebahattin Emre Dilek. 2018. “Virtual Reality or Just Reality? A SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Industry.” Journal of Tourismology 4, no. 1: 67-74.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Kulakoğlu Dilek, Nur, and İsmail Kızılırmak and Sebahattin Emre Dilek. Virtual Reality or Just Reality? A SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Industry.” Journal of Tourismology 4, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 67-74.

Harvard: Australian Style

Kulakoğlu Dilek, N & Kızılırmak, İ & Dilek, SE 2018, 'Virtual Reality or Just Reality? A SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Industry', Journal of Tourismology, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 67-74, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Kulakoğlu Dilek, N. and Kızılırmak, İ. and Dilek, S.E. (2018) ‘Virtual Reality or Just Reality? A SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Industry’, Journal of Tourismology, 4(1), pp. 67-74. (10 Mar. 2025).


Kulakoğlu Dilek, Nur, and İsmail Kızılırmak and Sebahattin Emre Dilek. Virtual Reality or Just Reality? A SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Industry.” Journal of Tourismology, vol. 4, no. 1, 2018, pp. 67-74. [Database Container],


Kulakoğlu Dilek N, Kızılırmak İ, Dilek SE. Virtual Reality or Just Reality? A SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Industry. Journal of Tourismology [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];4(1):67-74. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jot.2018.4.1.0001


Kulakoğlu Dilek, Nur - Kızılırmak, İsmail - Dilek, SebahattinEmre. Virtual Reality or Just Reality? A SWOT Analysis of the Tourism Industry”. Journal of Tourismology 4/1 (Mar. 2025): 67-74.




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