Customer Dissatisfaction Towards Chatbot Services of e-Commerce Shopping Sites: A Qualitative Analysis
Burak Can Altay, Naim ÇetintürkThis research examines the customers’ comments about the chatbots published in a customer complaint website while shopping from an e-commerce site or app. First, 89 customers’ complaints were imported from a customer complaint platform to a single document. Then, the document was subjected to content analysis using a qualitative research tool, Maxqda Plus 2022, and each comment was categorized under related complaint categories. Second, the frequency of customer complaints categories was calculated using the same tool. Additionally, visual maps for each category were created to make the complaints more understandable. While these categorical variables have been addressed in previous studies, variables based on consumer feedback have only been included in this study. According to the research findings, the most frequent customer complaint category is about meaningfulness (with a share of 47.6% in the general total). The least frequent ones are the inability to find a real contact person and the absence of chatbot service (with a share of 7.9%).
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Altay, B.C., & Çetintürk, N. (2024). Customer Dissatisfaction Towards Chatbot Services of e-Commerce Shopping Sites: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, 9(1), 112-120.
Altay B C, Çetintürk N. Customer Dissatisfaction Towards Chatbot Services of e-Commerce Shopping Sites: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Transportation and Logistics. 2024;9(1):112-120.
Altay, B.C.; Çetintürk, N. Customer Dissatisfaction Towards Chatbot Services of e-Commerce Shopping Sites: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, [Publisher Location], v. 9, n. 1, p. 112-120, 2024.
Chicago: Author-Date Style
Altay, Burak Can, and Naim Çetintürk. 2024. “Customer Dissatisfaction Towards Chatbot Services of e-Commerce Shopping Sites: A Qualitative Analysis.” Journal of Transportation and Logistics 9, no. 1: 112-120.
Chicago: Humanities Style
Altay, Burak Can, and Naim Çetintürk. “Customer Dissatisfaction Towards Chatbot Services of e-Commerce Shopping Sites: A Qualitative Analysis.” Journal of Transportation and Logistics 9, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 112-120.
Harvard: Australian Style
Altay, BC & Çetintürk, N 2024, 'Customer Dissatisfaction Towards Chatbot Services of e-Commerce Shopping Sites: A Qualitative Analysis', Journal of Transportation and Logistics, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 112-120, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,
Harvard: Author-Date Style
Altay, B.C. and Çetintürk, N. (2024) ‘Customer Dissatisfaction Towards Chatbot Services of e-Commerce Shopping Sites: A Qualitative Analysis’, Journal of Transportation and Logistics, 9(1), pp. 112-120. (10 Mar. 2025).
Altay, Burak Can, and Naim Çetintürk. “Customer Dissatisfaction Towards Chatbot Services of e-Commerce Shopping Sites: A Qualitative Analysis.” Journal of Transportation and Logistics, vol. 9, no. 1, 2024, pp. 112-120. [Database Container],
Altay BC, Çetintürk N. Customer Dissatisfaction Towards Chatbot Services of e-Commerce Shopping Sites: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Transportation and Logistics [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];9(1):112-120. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JTL.2024.1355850
Altay, BurakCan - Çetintürk, Naim. “Customer Dissatisfaction Towards Chatbot Services of e-Commerce Shopping Sites: A Qualitative Analysis”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 9/1 (Mar. 2025): 112-120.