İstanbul’da Şehremini Halil Edhem (Eldem) Bey Dönemi ve Faaliyetleri
Yusuf YıldırımHalil Edhem (Eldem) Bey, eğitimini Avrupa’da tamamlamış hem Osmanlı Devleti’nde hem de Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde muhtelif idari ve siyasi vazifeler üstlenmiştir. II. Meşrutiyet’in ilanından sonra Osmanlı Devleti’nde birçok siyasal ve sosyal değişim yaşanmıştı. Halil Edhem Bey de 2 Ağustos 1909-3 Şubat 1910 tarihleri arasında İstanbul’da Şehremini olarak görev yapmıştır. II. Meşrutiyet’in ilanı ile İstanbul halkı ve dönemin hükûmetinin Halil Edhem Bey’den beklentisi şehrin imarı, hastanelerin ıslahı, İstanbul’un temizliğinde hassasiyet ve halk sağlığına özen gösterilmesi, toplu taşıma araçlarında iyileştirme gibi konular olmuştu. Halil Edhem Bey, şehir halkının bu isteklerine cevap vermek istemiş, fakat mevcut ekonomik problemler buna mâni olmuştur. Ayrıca Şehremaneti ile İstanbul daireleri arasındaki çekişmeler, Halil Edhem Bey’in hizmet vermesini bir noktada engellemiştir. Bu çalışmada, Halil Edhem Bey’in İstanbul Şehremanetine atanması ve çalışmaları; ağırlıklı olarak arşiv belgeleri, dönemin gazete ve dergileri ve konuya değinen ikincil kaynaklardan yararlanılarak incelenmiştir.
Halil Edhem (Eldem) Bey’s Tenure as Mayor of Istanbul and His Activities
Yusuf YıldırımHalil Edhem (Eldem) Bey, an individual with a European education, held various administrative and political positions in both the late Ottoman Empire and the early Republic of Türkiye. His tenure as Mayor of Istanbul, from August 2, 1909, to February 3, 1910, coincided with a period of significant political and social transformation following the proclamation of the Second Constitutional Monarchy. During this time, both the citizens of Istanbul and the government placed considerable expectations on Halil Edhem Bey. These included the reconstruction of the city, improvements in hospital services, enhanced cleanliness and public health measures, and better public transportation. Despite his efforts to address these demands, existing economic constraints severely limited his ability to implement reforms. Additionally, conflicts between the Şehremaneti (Municipality) and other Istanbul departments further hindered his capacity to deliver effective municipal services. This study examines Halil Edhem Bey’s appointment to the Istanbul Şehremaneti and his initiatives during his tenure, drawing primarily on archival documents, periodicals, newspapers, and secondary sources.
Halil Edhem Bey was born in Istanbul on June 24, 1861, as the middle son of Grand Vizier İbrahim Ethem Pasha. His education, which began in Istanbul, continued in several European countries, reflecting a diverse and rigorous academic journey that he completed with notable success.
Halil Edhem Bey’s educational trajectory can be summarized as follows: After attending Kaptan İbrahim Pasha Secondary School following his primary education, he moved to Berlin when his father was appointed ambassador. In Berlin, he spent one year learning German before completing his secondary education at Real Schule, where he studied for four years. Following this, he traveled to Switzerland and attended the University of Zurich, studying natural sciences for one year. At the request of his father, Halil Edhem Bey enrolled at the Vienna Polytechnic School, where he pursued studies in natural sciences and chemistry. However, he returned to Switzerland the same year to continue his education at the University of Bern, where he ultimately earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1885.
After returning to Istanbul, Halil Edhem Bey began his career in public service with several key appointments. On August 13, 1885, he was appointed General Director of Military Factories. Subsequently, on September 7, 1887, he assumed the role of geology lecturer at the Mekteb-i Mülkiye-i Şahane (School of Civil Service). By the order of Sultan Abdülhamid II, he was appointed as a clerk in the Translation Office of the Erkan-ı Harbiye-i Umumiyye (General Staff) Department on December 11, 1889. His academic and administrative contributions extended further when, on July 25, 1892, he was sent to represent the empire at the Human Sciences and Antiquities Congresses held in Moscow. Later that year, on December 11, 1892, he was appointed as the Deputy Director of the Müze-i Hümayun (Imperial Museum).
Halil Edhem Bey’s tenure as Istanbul’s City Mayor began under unusual circumstances. Hazım Bey, the incumbent Şehremini (Mayor), was unable to continue his duties due to illness and the likelihood of an extended treatment period. While on a research trip in Konya in his capacity as Deputy Director of the Müze-i Hümayun, Halil Edhem Bey received a telegram from Ferit Pasha of Avlonyalı, the Minister of Internal Affairs, notifying him of his appointment as the new Şehremini. He was instructed to return to Istanbul immediately, and on August 2, 1909, he officially assumed office.
During his tenure as Istanbul’s City Mayor, Halil Edhem Bey prioritized public health, taking measures to combat epidemics and imposing deterrent penalties on individuals and institutions that endangered public well-being. He also oversaw the renovation and improvement of the city’s hospitals and worked to address issues related to urban transportation, reflecting his commitment to improving the living standards of Istanbul’s residents.
Halil Edhem Bey’s tenure as Istanbul’s Şehremini coincided with a period of significant economic hardship, which created numerous challenges. To address the financial imbalance in the Şehremaneti’s income and expenditures, he sought to borrow funds. However, high interest rates and the reluctance of the government to endorse borrowing further exacerbated the economic crisis. As a result, several planned projects could not be realized, including increasing the revenues of the Şehremaneti, rehabilitating streams, relocating milk and dairy shops and cow stables outside the city, and constructing a dock between Kadıköy and Haydarpaşa. These financial constraints culminated in Halil Edhem Bey’s resignation on February 3, 1910, after which Tevfik Bey was appointed to replace him. The economic difficulties faced by the Şehremaneti played a decisive role in his decision to step down.
Following his resignation, Halil Edhem Bey was appointed Director General of Museums in 1910, a position he held for 21 years. In 1931, he was elected as a Member of Parliament (MP) for Istanbul. His contributions extended into the intellectual and cultural realms, particularly through his involvement in the preparatory work for the book Outlines of Turkish History, initiated at the request of Atatürk. For this book, he authored the chapter titled Anatolian Seljuks Period Architecture and Decorative Arts. In 1932, Halil Edhem Bey presented a paper on the care and protection of ancient artifacts at the First Turkish History Congress held at Dolmabahçe Palace in Istanbul. A founding member of the Turkish Historical Society, he became its second president in 1933 following the death of Sâmih Rifat Bey. Subsequently, in 1938, Halil Edhem Bey became the first president of the Turkish Historical Society.
Halil Edhem Bey passed away on November 18, 1938, while serving as an MP for Istanbul. Following his death, Kazım Karabekir was elected to fill the vacant Istanbul parliamentary seat in a vote held by the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye on December 5, 1938.