According to Masonic Sources, the Events of Dissolution and Division Experienced by the Masons of Türkiye During the Republican PeriodEnver Emre ÖcalDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1460527Araştırma MakalesitrS. 1-42History of American Chamber of Commerce for The Levant (1911-1914)Nesrin Kanberoğlu, Ramazan Erhan GüllüDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1531099Araştırma MakalesienS. 43-71Education and Training at the Mekteb-i Bahriye (Naval Academy) During the Reign of Abdülhamid II in Light of the Naval Military Schools RegulationsMuhammet Sebahattin KurtaranDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1520476Araştırma MakalesitrS. 73-107Education in the Shadow of War: Turkish Naval School during the First World WarMehmet KorkmazDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1525789Araştırma MakalesitrS. 109-136The Status of Sultan Mehmed Reşad’s Kadınefendis in the Harem: Hierarchy and Palace RepresentationLale UçanDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1443736Araştırma MakalesitrS. 137-165Halil Edhem (Eldem) Bey’s Tenure as Mayor of Istanbul and His ActivitiesYusuf YıldırımDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1517975Araştırma MakalesitrS. 167-195Observations and Insights on Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s Western Anatolian Travels to Eskişehir, İzmit, Bilecik, and Bursa (January 1923)Ali OkumuşDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1461512Araştırma MakalesitrS. 197-238Bolshevik Tendencies and Sources in the Turkish Press during the National Struggle PeriodMustafa ArıkanDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1466049Araştırma MakalesitrS. 239-278The Perception of Lausanne in Turkish Politics between Two Coups (1960-1980)Firdes TemizgüneyDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1462254Araştırma MakalesitrS. 279-312Between War and Diploma: The German Invasion of Belgium in World War II and Turkish StudentsMurat AydoğduDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1505658Araştırma MakalesitrS. 313-355From Friends to Foes: Romanian Diplomats in Türkiye during the Early Years of the Communist Regime (1947–1949)Metin OmerDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1434747Araştırma MakalesienS. 357-376Resolution or Interest Oriented Policy? International Influence on the Cyprus Conflict Between 1960-1974Yakup Kaya, Merve Gönlühoş ElmasDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1385517Araştırma MakalesienS. 377-409Interim Regimes and Businesspeople in TürkiyeHaluk AlkanDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1488047Araştırma MakalesitrS. 411-437İstanbul University Faculty of Literature History of Turkish Language and Literature DepartmentAli Şükrü ÇorukDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1580095Araştırma MakalesitrS. 439-472Russia-Armenia Relations on the Context of Humanitarian Cooperation (1991-2023)Gunel MusayevaDOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1555386Araştırma MakalesienS. 473-501