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DOI :10.26650/sdsl2024-1540960   IUP :10.26650/sdsl2024-1540960    Tam Metin (PDF)

Foto und Text: Medienkombination in der literarischen Reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland“ von Karl-Markus Gauß

Khrystyna Kachak

Diese Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse der Foto-Text-Kombination anhand der literarischen Reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland“ des österreichischen Autors Karl-Markus Gauß, die sowohl sprachliche als auch visuelle Elemente in Form von zwei Fotos: von dem Friedhof in Ralbicy/Ralbitz und der Bibliothek in Slepo/ Schleife integriert. Ausgehend von der Theorie der Intermedialität wird die literarische Reportage als ein komplexes multimediales Phänomen betrachtet und gemäß der Typologie von Irina Rajewsky als Medienkombination verstanden. Diese Untersuchung hat zum Ziel, die Interaktion zwischen den beiden Medien zu bestimmen und ihren Einfluss auf die Gesamtwirkung des literarischen Werks zu analysieren. Es liegt die These zugrunde, dass die Interaktion von Sprache und Bild nicht nur den dokumentarischen Charakter der Reportage stärkt, sondern eine neue narrative Dimension eröffnet. Um diese These zu bestätigen, wird eine umfassende Analyse der sprachlichen und visuellen Elemente durchgeführt. Der Text wird hinsichtlich seiner sprachlichen Merkmale, seines Stils, seiner Struktur und seines Inhalts eingehend betrachtet. Parallel dazu werden die fotografischen Elemente – Komposition, Lichtführung, Farbgebung und Perspektive – sowie ihre Platzierung im Text erörtert. Die Studie zeigt, dass die Fotos im Text über ihre illustrative Funktion hinaus als zentrale inhaltliche Anker fungieren. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass sie vertikale narrative Strukturen schaffen, die es ermöglichen, tiefere Einblicke in die facettenreiche Geschichte und die kulturelle Identität der sorbischen Gemeinschaft zu gewinnen. Es wird betont, dass die literarischen Reportagen von K.-M. Gauß die Traditionen und Lebensweise von Minderheiten auf besondere mediale Weise darstellen. Solche Problematik wird im Kontext der gegenwärtigen gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen besonders interessant, da dadurch das Bewusstsein für die Relevanz von Minderheitengeschichten in einer globalisierten Welt verstärkt sein kann.

DOI :10.26650/sdsl2024-1540960   IUP :10.26650/sdsl2024-1540960    Tam Metin (PDF)

Photo and Text: Media Combination in the Literary Reportage “Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland” by Karl-Markus Gauß

Khrystyna Kachak

The purpose of the article is to study the photo-text combination in the literary reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland” by the Austrian author Karl-Markus Gauß, which integrates both linguistic and visual elements in the form of two photos: one of the cemetery in Ralbicy/Ralbitz and the other of the library in Slepo/ Schleife. Based on the theory of intermediality, literary reportage is viewed as a complex multimedia phenomenon and understood as a media combination according to Irina Rajewsky’s typology. The aim of this study is to determine the interaction between the two media and to analyze their influence on the overall effect of the literary work. It is based on the thesis that the interaction of language and image not only strengthens the documentary character of the reportage, but also opens up a new narrative dimension. In order to investigate this thesis, a comprehensive analysis of the linguistic and visual elements is carried out. The text is examined in detail with regard to its linguistic characteristics, style, structure and content. At the same time, the photographic elements – composition, lighting, color and perspective - and their placement in the text are analyzed. The qualitative study revealed that the photos serve as central content anchors, extending beyond a purely illustrative function. They establish vertical narrative structures, providing deeper insights into the rich history and cultural identity of the Sorbian community. It is emphasised that the literary reportages of K.-M. Gauss present the traditions and way of life of minorities in a special media way. Such issues are particularly interesting in the context of current social changes, as they can increase awareness of the relevance of minority histories in a globalized world.


Literary reportage has long exhibited intermedial traits. The longest tradition in this type of text is the combination of text and photo. Based on the theory of intermediality, literature is seen as a medium that conveys information, emotions and ideas. They can be expressed mono-medially (exclusively through a single medium, language) or multi-medially (through the combination of several media). This study analyzes the photo-text combination in the literary reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland” from the collection “Die sterbenden Europäer” (2001) by the Austrian author Karl-Markus Gauß. It involves two media: on the one hand, the text, which conveys information and creates images through linguistic expressions, and on the other, the photograph as an independent medium that brings information and emotions closer to the reader through visual means. According to Irina Rajewsky’s typology, the interplay of photo and text would be classified as a media combination.

In order to determine the interaction between the two media and to analyze their influence on the overall effect of the literary work, the text is examined in detail, taking into account its linguistic characteristics, its style, its structure, its content, its narrative perspective and its composition. At the same time, the composition, lighting, coloring, perspective of photos and their placement in the text are examined. Particular attention is paid to how the photographs relate to the text and what influence they have on its overall message. This includes analyzing how text and photographs interact, complement or possibly contradict each other. Furthermore, the intermedial relationships between the text and the photographs as different media are discussed. It analyzes how this interaction influences the overall effect of the literary work and what significance it has for understanding it. 

Only two photographs appear on the 39 pages of the reportage: of the cemetery in Ralbicy/Ralbitz and the library in Slepo/ Schleife. K.-M. Gauß devotes the first chapter to a verbal description of the old cemetery. About ten pages later, the photo that confirms what has been written is presented. It takes up the whole page and is accompanied by the caption “Die Geometrie der Toten, Ralbicy/Ralbitz” (“The geometry of the dead, Ralbicy/Ralbitz”). Such a distant placement of the image can be influenced by layout, design and other technical constraints, as well as by the author’s intention to present the image to the recipient later. The metaphorical caption shows the contrast between the terms “geometry” and “dead”, which could create a tension or an unusual connection between order and finitude.

The second image in the literary reportage was captioned “Der Wert der Bücher, Slepo/Schleife”, (“The value of books, Slepo/Schleife”) and depicts a part of the facade of the Jakub Lorenc-Zaleski Central Library, with an old window. In contrast to the photo of the cemetery, whose visual representation is also linguistically detailed, the picture has no verbal accompaniment other than a signature. The reader is also unaware of whether there is a need for the library in the present day. However, the inestimable value of what is hidden behind the window of the library, which can also be seen as a window into the world of Sorbian culture, remains undeniable. 

Both the cemetery and the Sorbian library embody the identity of the people and are considered symbolic incarnations of Sorbian culture, preserving the collective memory and history of the people. Their significance goes beyond their mere physical presence and manifests itself in a symbolic depth in which they represent the values and traditions of the Sorbian community. These places act as archives of Sorbian heritage, storing a rich spectrum of information and meanings that are passed down from generation to generation. The aspects mentioned above could speak in favor of the selection of the photographs.

The results suggest that the interaction of text and photography not only reinforces the factual level of the reportage, but also builds up a new narrative level. The use of photography is not limited to the illustrative function, it acts as a central core point of content, on which deeper vertical structures are built that provide insight into the history of the Sorbs. This intermedia approach ensures a deeper understanding of the complex nature of reality and the techniques through which it is represented. From this perspective, the literary reportages of K.-M. Gauß contribute to making the history, traditions and way of life of the minorities accessible to a wider audience, which is of great importance due to the ever-changing social and political landscapes.

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Kachak, K. (2024). Foto und Text: Medienkombination in der literarischen Reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland“ von Karl-Markus Gauß. Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 0(52), 17-31.


Kachak K. Foto und Text: Medienkombination in der literarischen Reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland“ von Karl-Markus Gauß. Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi. 2024;0(52):17-31.


Kachak, K. Foto und Text: Medienkombination in der literarischen Reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland“ von Karl-Markus Gauß. Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 52, p. 17-31, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Kachak, Khrystyna,. 2024. “Foto und Text: Medienkombination in der literarischen Reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland“ von Karl-Markus Gauß.” Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 0, no. 52: 17-31.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Kachak, Khrystyna,. Foto und Text: Medienkombination in der literarischen Reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland“ von Karl-Markus Gauß.” Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 0, no. 52 (Mar. 2025): 17-31.

Harvard: Australian Style

Kachak, K 2024, 'Foto und Text: Medienkombination in der literarischen Reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland“ von Karl-Markus Gauß', Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, vol. 0, no. 52, pp. 17-31, viewed 14 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Kachak, K. (2024) ‘Foto und Text: Medienkombination in der literarischen Reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland“ von Karl-Markus Gauß’, Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 0(52), pp. 17-31. (14 Mar. 2025).


Kachak, Khrystyna,. Foto und Text: Medienkombination in der literarischen Reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland“ von Karl-Markus Gauß.” Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, vol. 0, no. 52, 2024, pp. 17-31. [Database Container],


Kachak K. Foto und Text: Medienkombination in der literarischen Reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland“ von Karl-Markus Gauß. Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi [Internet]. 14 Mar. 2025 [cited 14 Mar. 2025];0(52):17-31. Available from: doi: 10.26650/sdsl2024-1540960


Kachak, Khrystyna. Foto und Text: Medienkombination in der literarischen Reportage „Die Slawen von nebenan – Sorbische Reise durch Deutschland“ von Karl-Markus Gauß”. Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 0/52 (Mar. 2025): 17-31.


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