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DOI :10.26650/tjbc.1467663   IUP :10.26650/tjbc.1467663    Tam Metin (PDF)

Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Endemic Fish Species Egirdira nigra (Teleostei: Leuciscidae)

Fahrettin KüçükSalim Serkan GüçlüUfuk Gürkan YıldırımErgi BahrioğluGözde Şavran

Objective: In this study, various characteristics of the Eğirdir minnow, an endemic species of Anatolia that inhabits specific/narrow areas, were determined from 142 individuals sampled between 2021 and 2022. These characteristics include length-weight relationship, Von Bertalanffy growth equation, condition factors, spawning season, first spawning size, and fecundity attributes.

Materials and Methods: A monthly sampling of 142 specimens of Egirdira nigra was conducted using multi-mesh gill nets between March 2021 and April 2022.

Results: The sampled E. nigra population consists of individuals aged II-V, with 57.75% female and 42.25% male. The length-weight relationships were as follows: W = 0.0059 L3.5445, R² = 0.9312 (female + male), W = 0.009 L3.3077, R² = 0.9353 (male), and W = 0.0058 L3.5679, R² = 0.9233 (female). The condition factors were calculated as 1.67 (male) and 1.87 (female). The gonadosomatic index was highest in March (13.95) and lowest in August (0.5073). The population’s mean fecundity was calculated as 4787 individuals/egg.

Conclusion: Although the population exhibits a wide age range and positive growth values, it is believed to be under significant threat from invasive/exotic species sharing the same environment, such as Atherina boyeri, Gambusia holbrooki, Pseudorasbora parva, and Carassius gibelio. Therefore, the conservation of species and their habitats is of paramount importance.

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Küçük, F., Güçlü, S.S., Yıldırım, U.G., Bahrioğlu, E., & Şavran, G. (2024). Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Endemic Fish Species Egirdira nigra (Teleostei: Leuciscidae). Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections, 8(2), 95-104.


Küçük F, Güçlü S S, Yıldırım U G, Bahrioğlu E, Şavran G. Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Endemic Fish Species Egirdira nigra (Teleostei: Leuciscidae). Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections. 2024;8(2):95-104.


Küçük, F.; Güçlü, S.S.; Yıldırım, U.G.; Bahrioğlu, E.; Şavran, G. Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Endemic Fish Species Egirdira nigra (Teleostei: Leuciscidae). Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections, [Publisher Location], v. 8, n. 2, p. 95-104, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Küçük, Fahrettin, and Salim Serkan Güçlü and Ufuk Gürkan Yıldırım and Ergi Bahrioğlu and Gözde Şavran. 2024. “Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Endemic Fish Species Egirdira nigra (Teleostei: Leuciscidae).” Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections 8, no. 2: 95-104.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Küçük, Fahrettin, and Salim Serkan Güçlü and Ufuk Gürkan Yıldırım and Ergi Bahrioğlu and Gözde Şavran. Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Endemic Fish Species Egirdira nigra (Teleostei: Leuciscidae).” Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections 8, no. 2 (Mar. 2025): 95-104.

Harvard: Australian Style

Küçük, F & Güçlü, SS & Yıldırım, UG & Bahrioğlu, E & Şavran, G 2024, 'Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Endemic Fish Species Egirdira nigra (Teleostei: Leuciscidae)', Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 95-104, viewed 14 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Küçük, F. and Güçlü, S.S. and Yıldırım, U.G. and Bahrioğlu, E. and Şavran, G. (2024) ‘Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Endemic Fish Species Egirdira nigra (Teleostei: Leuciscidae)’, Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections, 8(2), pp. 95-104. (14 Mar. 2025).


Küçük, Fahrettin, and Salim Serkan Güçlü and Ufuk Gürkan Yıldırım and Ergi Bahrioğlu and Gözde Şavran. Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Endemic Fish Species Egirdira nigra (Teleostei: Leuciscidae).” Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections, vol. 8, no. 2, 2024, pp. 95-104. [Database Container],


Küçük F, Güçlü SS, Yıldırım UG, Bahrioğlu E, Şavran G. Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Endemic Fish Species Egirdira nigra (Teleostei: Leuciscidae). Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections [Internet]. 14 Mar. 2025 [cited 14 Mar. 2025];8(2):95-104. Available from: doi: 10.26650/tjbc.1467663


Küçük, Fahrettin - Güçlü, SalimSerkan - Yıldırım, UfukGürkan - Bahrioğlu, Ergi - Şavran, Gözde. Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Endemic Fish Species Egirdira nigra (Teleostei: Leuciscidae)”. Turkish Journal of Bioscience and Collections 8/2 (Mar. 2025): 95-104.


Çevrimiçi Yayınlanma09.08.2024


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