Turkey’s First Zoologist Prof. Dr. Fahire Battalgazi’s Short But Fruitful Academic
Ayşe Didem Battalgazi UsluProf. Dr. Fahire (Battalgil) Battalgazi was born as an Ottoman Empire subject in İstanbul at the turbulent beginning of the 20th century (1902/1905?-1948). She had a short but very successful academic career at İstanbul University and Paris Sorbonne University. Since her field of study was the fresh water fish biodiversity and systematic in Turkey she travelled a lot, inspecting the rivers of Anatolia. She was the first zoologist of Turkey and had identified 30 new fish species in 5 manuscripts between the years 1940-1944. Today 15 of her foundings are valid. With this study we will be giving information about her academic career and family life.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Fahire Battalgil, Fresh water fish, İstanbul Darülfünün, Female scientist, Ottoman subject, Turkish citizen