Research Article

DOI :10.26650/artsanat.2024.21.1289467   IUP :10.26650/artsanat.2024.21.1289467    Full Text (PDF)

Plans of Bilecik Osman Gazi Mosque and Projects of the Madrasah to be Built Adjacent to it in Ottoman Archive Documents

Ramazan Uykur

In this article, archival documents about the madrasah to be built next to the Osman Gazi Mosque in Bilecik are analyzed. A tahrirat was written on September 13, 1899, A.D. (H. Jumada’l-ulâ 1317, R. September 1, 1315) on behalf of the Governor of the Hüdāvendigār Vilâyeti.

In the documents in the archive, along with the documents prepared for the location and location of the new madrasah, detailed information about the Osman Gazi Mosque was also found. A suitable place for the madrasah was chosen next to the courtyard of the mosque and the Keşifnâme was prepared. In the Keşifnâme, there are drawings of the harim and courtyard plans of Osman Gazi Mosque and the madrasah rooms in the courtyard. There are projects for the entrance façade and a plan for the new madrasah to be built next to the mosque courtyard. In addition, the documents contain material information on the construction of the madrasah, cost calculations, construction technology of the period, architectural terms, measurement and weight units. Today, some of the walls and the minaret of the mosque have survived. Excavations were carried out in the ruins by the Eskişehir Museum Directorate, the results have been compared with the documents by us and the findings were found to be consistent with the archive plans. The study will contribute to the enlightenment of an important issue in the history of Ottoman architecture and it will be the basis for further studies.

DOI :10.26650/artsanat.2024.21.1289467   IUP :10.26650/artsanat.2024.21.1289467    Full Text (PDF)

Osmanlı Arşiv Belgelerinde Bilecik Osman Gazi Camii’nin Planları ve Yanında İnşası İstenen Medresenin Projeleri

Ramazan Uykur

Bu makalede, Hüdâvendigâr Vilâyeti Valisi adına M 13 Eylül 1899 (H. Cumâde’l-ûlâ 1317/ R. 1 Eylül 1315) tarihinde yazılan tahrirat ile Bilecik’te Osman Gazi Camii’nin yanında bir medrese inşası hususlarına dair arşiv belgeleri incelenmiştir. 

Arşivdeki evraklarda yeni medresenin yeri ve konumu için hazırlanan belgelerle birlikte Osman Gazi Camii’ne ait detaylı bilgilere de ulaşılmıştır. Cami avlusunun yanında medrese için uygun bir mahal seçilerek Keşifnâme tanzim edilmiş ve içinde Osman Gazi Camii’nin harimi ve avlu planları ile avluda bulunan medrese odalarının çizimleri yer almıştır. Cami avlusunun yanında da yapılacak yeni medresenin giriş cephesi ile planının projeleri bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca belgelerde medresenin inşaatına dair malzeme bilgileri, maliyet hesapları, devrinin inşa teknolojisi, mimari terimler, ölçüm ve ağırlık birimleri hakkında kayıtlara rastlanmıştır. Günümüze camiden geriye duvarların bir bölümü ile minaresi gelebilmiştir. Eskişehir Müze Müdürlüğünce kalıntılarda gerçekleştirilen kazı çalışmalarının sonuçları belgelerle karşılaştırılmış ve tespitlerin arşiv planlarıyla uyumlu olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışmanın Osmanlı dönemi mimarlık tarihi bakımından önemli bir konunun aydınlanmasına katkı sağlayacağı ve sonraki çalışmalara temel teşkil edeceği düşünülmektedir.


Osman Gazi (1258-1324) is the founder Ottoman Principality and Dynasty. Most Ottoman chronicles associate the foundation date of the state with 1299/1300 which is the conquest date of Karacahisar. It is stated Bafeus (Koyunhisar) Battle (1302) won by Osman Gazi against the Byzantines has a significant role in his appearance on the stage of history. Thanks to locations taken after such a battle, the path to İznik and Bursa was opened to Osman Bey. When Osman Gazi died, he was ruling the lands between Eskişehir and Bursa and blockading İznik and Bursa. 

A tahrirat was written to Mâbeyn-i Hümâyûn-ı Mülûkâne Başkitâbet-i Celîlesi of Mektûbî Kalemi of Hüdavendigar Vilayeti. The subject of the correspondence is related to the construction of a madrasah adjacent to the Gazi Mosque in Bilecik

As a result of the research, Keşfi Evvel Defteri of the madrasah and a map of the location have been prepared. According to the inquiry carried out, it was required to purchase a dwelling that cost three thousand kuruş (penny) and then in order to expand the location. It was calculated that the total cost of the construction would be twenty-nine thousand three hundred and eighteen kuruş when the cost of the dwelling was taken into consideration. 

In the Keşif Defteri, there is a sketch of the eastern entrance facade of the madrasah with image drawing and inscription of mürtesem-i amûdî (facade) on it. By providing measurements on the drawing, facade, door and window heights were written next to related parts with a red pen. In the mürtesem-i amûdî sketch of the facade, the height of the facade was drawn beginning from the ground line up to the basement level and from the basement to the eaves. In the centre of the facade, there is a handrail stair leading to the entrance door and it has a symmetric design. 

We understand that the drawing provided together with the resm-i musattahı (plan-section) record of the building is the plan sketch of the madrasah. In the drawing, wall lengths, window and gate openings were written with a red pen and the drawing were designed in this manner. According to the drawing, the madrasah is composed of a rectangular and closed inner courtyard positioned in an east-west direction in the centre and rooms lining around the courtyard. 

Among the sketches, there is a plan on which it is written the Osman Gazi Mosque. The harim section of the mosque has a rectangular plan in a North-south direction, and there is a courtyard in the east-west direction to the west of the sanctuary. In the northern section of the courtyard, there is a square-base minaret adjacent to the main wall of the mosque and a madrasah adjacent to the wall of such minaret. The madrasah is composed of cells constructed side by side with a rectangular plan. With two steps taken upward from the courtyard, it is passed through gezinti, vakithâne and abdesthâne units.

The new madrasah to be constructed has been designed to include the dwelling to be purchased, the western section of the Mosque’s courtyard and the abdesthâne of the existing madrasah.

Ayverdi states that there is no building in Bilecik, which dates back to the period of Sultan Osman Gazi, and the Osman Gazi Mosque in Bilecik dates back to the Sultan Orhan foundation. The Mosque was burnt completely during the fire set by the Greeks invading the region during the War of Independence, together with the old Bilecik town; only its minaret and ruins of the walls have survived to this day. 

On November 3-22, 2008, cleaning and excavation works were carried out around the building by Erdal Mean under the supervision of the Museum directorate. With the findings unearthed during such excavation, data validating the plans in the archive have been obtained. E. Mean excavated by separating the area as A and B sections. Especially the clean-cut block stones unearthed in the excavation of Section A and pipes with lenght of 9 m and extending towards the centre of Section A have revealed that such section is the rectangular planned courtyard. 

During the excavation, rubble foundation ruins and early-period slate grounds were found between the minaret and the northern wall of the courtyard. The minaret of mosque survived intact today and has square bases, a cylinder body and a single balcony. To the South of the minaret, a six-line repair inscription dated 1848 in Gregorian (1265 in the Islamic Calendar) was found, which indicates the period of Sultan Abdulmecid. As a result of findings unearthed during the excavation works in B Section, it has been understood that such section belongs to the square planned mosque. 

The documents have revealed a significant discovery in terms of the architectural history of the Ottoman period; because we do not have any information about the original states of the buildings which were destroyed during the fire, except for the minaret. Our knowledge, apart from the documents obtained in the archive, consists of this for now. The mosque was certainly repaired several times during history, but I think that its original state is the same as the plans I have published due to the sloping and narrow conditions of its land. It has been foreseen that such walls would be removed as a plan for a new madrasah would comprise the courtyard and a part of the existing madrasah. During the excavations, ruins belonging to the courtyard and madrasah walls were found. Accordingly, it is understood that despite the efforts and works made for the construction of the new madrasah, it could not be applied and remained in the Project stage. I am publishing this exciting discovery for the first time, and I feel very happy to introduce it to the scientific world to provide a basis for future studies.  

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Uykur, R. (2024). Plans of Bilecik Osman Gazi Mosque and Projects of the Madrasah to be Built Adjacent to it in Ottoman Archive Documents. Art-Sanat, 0(21), 721-744.


Uykur R. Plans of Bilecik Osman Gazi Mosque and Projects of the Madrasah to be Built Adjacent to it in Ottoman Archive Documents. Art-Sanat. 2024;0(21):721-744.


Uykur, R. Plans of Bilecik Osman Gazi Mosque and Projects of the Madrasah to be Built Adjacent to it in Ottoman Archive Documents. Art-Sanat, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 21, p. 721-744, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Uykur, Ramazan,. 2024. “Plans of Bilecik Osman Gazi Mosque and Projects of the Madrasah to be Built Adjacent to it in Ottoman Archive Documents.” Art-Sanat 0, no. 21: 721-744.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Uykur, Ramazan,. Plans of Bilecik Osman Gazi Mosque and Projects of the Madrasah to be Built Adjacent to it in Ottoman Archive Documents.” Art-Sanat 0, no. 21 (Sep. 2024): 721-744.

Harvard: Australian Style

Uykur, R 2024, 'Plans of Bilecik Osman Gazi Mosque and Projects of the Madrasah to be Built Adjacent to it in Ottoman Archive Documents', Art-Sanat, vol. 0, no. 21, pp. 721-744, viewed 21 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Uykur, R. (2024) ‘Plans of Bilecik Osman Gazi Mosque and Projects of the Madrasah to be Built Adjacent to it in Ottoman Archive Documents’, Art-Sanat, 0(21), pp. 721-744. (21 Sep. 2024).


Uykur, Ramazan,. Plans of Bilecik Osman Gazi Mosque and Projects of the Madrasah to be Built Adjacent to it in Ottoman Archive Documents.” Art-Sanat, vol. 0, no. 21, 2024, pp. 721-744. [Database Container],


Uykur R. Plans of Bilecik Osman Gazi Mosque and Projects of the Madrasah to be Built Adjacent to it in Ottoman Archive Documents. Art-Sanat [Internet]. 21 Sep. 2024 [cited 21 Sep. 2024];0(21):721-744. Available from: doi: 10.26650/artsanat.2024.21.1289467


Uykur, Ramazan. Plans of Bilecik Osman Gazi Mosque and Projects of the Madrasah to be Built Adjacent to it in Ottoman Archive Documents”. Art-Sanat 0/21 (Sep. 2024): 721-744.


Published Online31.01.2024


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