The Geoeconomic Importance of the Kura and Aras Rivers in Terms of the Azerbaijan Aran (Kür-Araz) Economic Region
Neşe Yeşilbaş, Kaan KapanThe Aras and Kura Rivers are sourced from inside the borders of Turkey, then merge near Azerbaijan’s Sabirabad town, and flow into the Caspian Sea in the Neftchala. These rivers are an important factor in the development and operational performance of the Aran (Kür-Araz) Economic Region; a critical region wherein Azerbaijan’s economic activities, including agriculture, animal husbandry, industry, energy, and transportation, are concentrated. The region has been reshaped into its current state based on its economic geography, particularly through strategic and economic changes that occurred after Azerbaijan’s independence. For these reasons, research has compared the period of the U.S.S.R and today’s conditions in the area of the Aran (Kür-Araz) economic region, and especially in the Araz River, in geoeconomic terms. In this study, the geographic distribution of economic activities, changes over time, and mutual interactions with residential areas are discussed in detail. This study is based on one-to-one field observations, making use of many state institutions and organizations in Azerbaijan, and was concluded by analyzing archival records written in the Cyrillic alphabet through a rich and detailed literature review. This study concluded that the examination of the Azerbaijani Aran (Kür-Araz) region would be appropriate under five headings. The data related to this study are presented regarding the issues that should be taken into consideration in order to recognize and assign the importance to the region that is necessary to ensure that the area does not lose its prominence in the future. Finally, the regional and global significance of the research field is remarkable, particularly in terms of geoeconomics.
Kura ve Aras Nehirlerinin Azerbaycan Aran (Kür-Araz) Bölgesi Açısından Jeoekonomik Önemi
Neşe Yeşilbaş, Kaan KapanAras ve Kura nehirleri kaynağını Türkiye sınırları içerisinden alıp Azerbaycan’ın Sabirabad şehri yakınlarında birleşmekte buradan sonra ise Neftçala şehrinde Hazar denizine dökülmektedir. Aras ve Kura nehirlerinin varlığı, oluşturulmasında önemli bir etken olan Aran (Kür-Araz) Ekonomik Bölgesi, Azerbaycan’ın tarım, hayvancılık, sanayi, enerji, ulaşım gibi ekonomik faaliyetlerinin yoğunlaştığı bir saha olarak önem taşımaktadır. Mevcut bölge özellikle Azerbaycan’ın bağımsızlığı sonrasında meydana gelen stratejik ve ekonomik değişimlerle ekonomik coğrafyası açısından da yeniden şekillenmiştir. Bu nedenler doğrultusunda araştırma sahası olan Aran (Kür-Araz) ekonomik bölgesinin özellikle Aras ve Kura nehirleri özelinde jeoekonomik açıdan Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği dönemi ve günümüz koşullarının karşılaştırması yapılmıştır. Söz konusu ekonomik faaliyetlerin coğrafi dağılışları, zaman içerisinde uğradıkları değişimler ve mekân ile karşılıklı etkileşimleri ayrıntılı bir şekilde ele alınmıştır. Araştırmada, Azerbaycan’daki birçok devlet kurum ve kuruluşundan faydalanarak, çalışma birebir saha gözlemlerine dayandırılmış, Kiril alfabesiyle yazılmış arşiv kitaplarının çözümlenmesiyle birlikte zengin ve detaylı bir literatür taraması ile analiz edilerek neticelendirilmiştir. Çalışma neticesinde Azerbaycan Aran (Kür-Araz) bölgesini 5 başlık altında incelemenin doğru olacağı kanısına varılmıştır. Bölgeye gerekli önemin verilmesi ve sahanın gelecekte de önemini yitirmemesi adına dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar hakkında bu çalışma ile ilgili veriler ortaya konulmuş, son olarak da araştırma sahasının bölgesel ve küresel önemine özellikle jeoekonomik açıdan değinilmiştir.
The Aras and Kura Rivers are extremely significant water resources that support multiple economic activities in all countries and regions where their branches extend. The prosperous geographic conditions of Aras and Kura basin are acknowledged by all regional societies and have witnessed a multitude of civilizations, establishments, and economic and cultural activities for millennia. The economic activities surrounding the rivers’ tributary streams have a prominent role in this region’s geographic value.
Upon examining Azerbaijan’s stream resources, we observe that water management in the country is not an easy undertaking. Two main rivers (Kura/Turkey–Georgia–Azerbaijan, Aras/Turkey–Iran–Azerbaijan) are hydrographically sourced outside the country’s borders. Access to the benefits of these international cross-border rivers is crucial for the country in both geostrategic and geoeconomics terms. Our study focuses on the Aran (Kür-Araz) Economic and Geographic Economic Region revealing the need for further strategic and economic assessment, as it is located between the Aras and Kura Rivers (this region is also named after these rivers).
Scarcity of water resources is a serious problem in Azerbaijan. This challenge may not be perceived in the Azerbaijani highlands but it is causing some issues in plains and lowlands and is a crucial factor in the direction of economic activities. Indeed, the cities around the streams were formed by various economic regions’ growth or support. The expansion of economic activities such as industry and commerce is evolving. The direct and indirect impacts of streams on formation and growth of the cities is undeniable (Ağdaş, Ağcabedi, Beyleqan, Bilesuvar, Berde, Zerdab, İmişli, Yevlah, Kürdemir, Göyçay, Neftçala, Saatlı, Sabirabad, Salyan, Ucar, and Hacıqabul rayons; cities like Mingeçevir, Şirvan, Elibayramlı, and Yevlah). This region is distinguished by its efficient geographic conditions, mainly for agricultural activities, followed by industry, transportation, and energy. Water resources have been the most important tool for enriching the region with these advantages. It is also important to meet water demands in Azerbaijan, as it cannot produce enough technology, and its economy remains directed by self-sufficient agricultural production. Water resources are essential, not only in agricultural production but also to provide agricultural products for processing through industrial activities.
The Aras River’s Azerbaijan side was affected by political geography incidents in 1990s. While agricultural products were limited in line with economic interest prior to independence, the diversity was increased following independence. It would be insufficient to consider the growth of the region only in terms of agriculture. Growth in industry, commerce, and transportation has also occurred in the Aran (Kür-Araz) region. The Aran (Kür-Araz) economic region is an area that demonstrates how the same geography was used for two different aspects of economic activity—prior to independence and following independence, although not every field in the same activity type or in terms of activity spread is equally important. Some cities are more prominent in energy and industry and others in transportation, industry, and agriculture. It is well known that following the intense exploitation of recent human activities in the Aras basin, the natural resources of the basin have been ruined; the water ecosystem has been damaged by nearby lakes; and the stream basin has been polluted. Irrigation systems require improvement, and human activities need to be executed with a more systematic and planned approach in order to increase the economic efficiency and environmental integrity of the region. Even if these goals are actualized, it should not be forgotten that Azerbaijan needs to position itself well in order to adapt to this ever changing world. Aras should not be seen as a mere international river, but as the core of many resources and economic activities in the country; thus, its geoeconomic importance should not be overlooked. From a geoeconomic perspective the people of the region (underdeveloped or developing countries), with geographies that are destined to coexist in our developing and constantly changing world, must design both interstate and domestic policies well. The primary objective is undoubtedly for countries to make good use of and to protect their assets. When the term geoeconomy was first introduced in the post-Cold War period, regionalism activities accelerated, as witnessed all over the world. The establishment of collaborative protective activities with regard to the Kura and Aras Rivers, which are in common use of Turkey, Iran, Georgia, and Azerbaijan, should be considered that might reveal shortages in joint foreign policymaking. It is imperative to handle all details of cross-border streams and establish real regional associations.