Research Article

DOI :10.26650/CONNECTIST2022-880148   IUP :10.26650/CONNECTIST2022-880148    Full Text (PDF)

The Mediating Role of Gratitude in the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychological Resilience in Elderly Individuals: The Case of Malatya

Murat Sinan ÖzkanFigen Akça

The old-age period can be seen as an important experience point in the psychological resilience process. In this sense, the high levels of gratitude and self-efficacy of elderly individuals increase their psychological resilience. This study aimed to examine the gratitude, self-efficacy, and psychological resilience levels of elderly individuals. In addition, the study investigated whether the variables differ according to gender. 78 female (39%) and 122 male (61%) elderly individuals participated in the study. Brief Psychological Resilience Scale (BPRS), General Self-Efficacy Scale, and Gratitude Scales were applied to 200 participants in the Elderly Care Center. In this analysis using a relational screening model, the mediator role analysis of Baron and Kenny was performed to determine the mediator effect of life satisfaction together with a t-test. The findings of the study showed that there is a positive relationship between self-efficacy, gratitude, and psychological resilience. The gratitude was determined to have a mediating role in the relationship between the participants’ self-efficacy and psychological resilience. Accordingly, developing the gratitude and self-efficacy skills of the elderly people in elderly care centers or carrying out activities related to this may be beneficial. Thus, it would be appropriate to conduct programs that focus more on self-efficacy and gratitude as two important conditions for preserving the psychological resilience of the elderly.

DOI :10.26650/CONNECTIST2022-880148   IUP :10.26650/CONNECTIST2022-880148    Full Text (PDF)

Yaşlı Bireylerde Öz Yeterlik ve Psikolojik Sağlamlık Arasındaki İlişkide Minnettarlığın Aracı Rolü: Malatya İli Örneği

Murat Sinan ÖzkanFigen Akça

Yaşlılık dönemi, psikolojik sağlamlık sürecinde önemli bir tecrübe noktası olarak görülebilmektedir. Bu anlamda yaşlı bireylerin minnettarlık ve öz yetkinlik düzeylerinin yüksek olması sağlamlıklarını da artırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada yaşlı bireylerin minnettarlık, öz yetkinlik ve psikolojik sağlamlık düzeylerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca değişkenlerin cinsiyete göre farklılık gösterip göstermediği araştırılmıştır. Araştırmaya 78 kadın (%39) 122 erkek (%61) yaşlı birey katılmıştır. Yaşlı Bakım Merkezi’nde bulunan 200 katılımcıya Kısa Psikolojik sağlamlık Ölçeği, Genel Öz yeterlik Ölçeği, Minnettarlık Ölçekleri uygulanmıştır. İlişkisel tarama modelinin kullanıldığı bu analizde, t-testi ile birlikte yaşam doyumunun aracı etkisini belirlemek için Baron ve Kenny’nin aracı rol analizi yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmada bulgulara bakıldığında öz yeterlik ile minnettarlık ve psikolojik sağlamlık arasında pozitif yönde ilişki olduğu görülmektedir. Katılımcıların öz yeterlik ile psikolojik sağlamlık düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkide minnettarlığın aracı role sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Buna göre yaşlı bakım merkezlerinde bulunan yaşlı bireylerin minnettarlık ve öz yeterlik becerilerinin geliştirilmesi veya buna yönelik etkinliklerin yapılması faydalı olabilir. Sonuç olarak, yaşlıların psikolojik sağlamlıklarını koruyabilmenin iki önemli koşulu olarak öz yeterlilik ve minnettarlık üzerinde daha fazla yoğunlaşan programların yapılmasının uygun olacağı söylenebilir.

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Özkan, M.S., & Akça, F. (2022). The Mediating Role of Gratitude in the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychological Resilience in Elderly Individuals: The Case of Malatya. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, 0(62), 123-142.


Özkan M S, Akça F. The Mediating Role of Gratitude in the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychological Resilience in Elderly Individuals: The Case of Malatya. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences. 2022;0(62):123-142.


Özkan, M.S.; Akça, F. The Mediating Role of Gratitude in the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychological Resilience in Elderly Individuals: The Case of Malatya. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 62, p. 123-142, 2022.

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Özkan, Murat Sinan, and Figen Akça. 2022. “The Mediating Role of Gratitude in the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychological Resilience in Elderly Individuals: The Case of Malatya.” Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences 0, no. 62: 123-142.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Özkan, Murat Sinan, and Figen Akça. The Mediating Role of Gratitude in the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychological Resilience in Elderly Individuals: The Case of Malatya.” Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences 0, no. 62 (Dec. 2024): 123-142.

Harvard: Australian Style

Özkan, MS & Akça, F 2022, 'The Mediating Role of Gratitude in the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychological Resilience in Elderly Individuals: The Case of Malatya', Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, vol. 0, no. 62, pp. 123-142, viewed 4 Dec. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Özkan, M.S. and Akça, F. (2022) ‘The Mediating Role of Gratitude in the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychological Resilience in Elderly Individuals: The Case of Malatya’, Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, 0(62), pp. 123-142. (4 Dec. 2024).


Özkan, Murat Sinan, and Figen Akça. The Mediating Role of Gratitude in the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychological Resilience in Elderly Individuals: The Case of Malatya.” Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, vol. 0, no. 62, 2022, pp. 123-142. [Database Container],


Özkan MS, Akça F. The Mediating Role of Gratitude in the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychological Resilience in Elderly Individuals: The Case of Malatya. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences [Internet]. 4 Dec. 2024 [cited 4 Dec. 2024];0(62):123-142. Available from: doi: 10.26650/CONNECTIST2022-880148


Özkan, MuratSinan - Akça, Figen. The Mediating Role of Gratitude in the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychological Resilience in Elderly Individuals: The Case of Malatya”. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences 0/62 (Dec. 2024): 123-142.


Published Online17.05.2022


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