About the 67th issueAyşen Akkor GülEditorialenSpecial Issue Editors’ Introduction: Television in the Global SouthYeşim Kaptan, Ece AlganEditorialenConditions and consequences of Türkiye’s transnational TV production: A study of American women audiencesUğur Baloğlu, Lee ArtzDOI :10.26650/CONNECTIST2024-1502116Research ArticleenP. 1-33The influence of Turkish TV series on generation Z in South Africa: An exploratory studyMercia Coetzee, Fatih Baritci, Zühal Fidan BaritciDOI :10.26650/CONNECTIST2024-1508303Research ArticleenP. 35-60Populist styles and meanings in Acun Medya reality showsGökçe Baydar ÇavdarDOI :10.26650/CONNECTIST2024-1505745Research ArticleenP. 61-86A cultural analysis of Generation Z’s perception of individualism and collectivisim in Turkish television commercials through a Hofstedian lensNilnur Tandaçgüneş Kahraman, Özlem KalanDOI :10.26650/CONNECTIST2024-1508466Research ArticleenP. 87-114Representations of religion in the entertainment media: A comparison of the TV series Shtisel in Israel and Ömer in TürkiyeAyşenur KılıçDOI :10.26650/CONNECTIST2024-1515576Research ArticleenP. 115-141‘Bad word’ for good engagement: The commodification of ‘the Suroboyoan language’ in Indonesian local television newsroomAditya Fahmi Nurwahid, Citra Safira, Esa Fk WibowoDOI :10.26650/CONNECTIST2024-1512951Research ArticleenP. 143-175How past-present-future interconnect in China: CDramas as a tool of cultural governance and the possibility of a ‘Chinese wave’ in the case of GenZSevda Ünal, Mutlu BinarkDOI :10.26650/CONNECTIST2024-1519379Research ArticleenP. 177-208