Research Article

DOI :10.26650/EurJBiol.2023.1293969   IUP :10.26650/EurJBiol.2023.1293969    Full Text (PDF)

The Effects of Refrigerated Storage Time on Sialic Acid and Nitric Oxide Levels and Oxidant Antioxidant System of Human Milk

Begüm Gürel GökmenTuğba Tunalı Akbay

Objective: Human milk (HM) is a marvelous nutrition that serves all the needs of infants in the first six months with the vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids it contains. For the first 4-6 months of a baby’s life, Nursing is accepted as the most beneficial and recommended feeding method. The greatest technique for providing nutrition in the absence of breastfeeding is through expressed HM. In this case, milk storage conditions become critical. The proper storage of HM is essential for preserving the nutritional and antioxidant properties of HM. This study aims to examine the effects of storing HM in the refrigerator.

Materials and Methods: The effects of storing HM in the refrigerator were examined for four days with regard to the protein profile oxidant-antioxidant balance and nitric oxide (NO) and sialic acid (SA) levels.

Results: Total protein (TP) levels decreased gradually over the four days. In the SDS-PAGE electrophoresis method, the heavy chain sIgA and 𝜅-casein bands also disappeared in HM. While glutathione-S-transferase and superoxide dismutase activities decreased significantly during the first two days, their activities fell below the detection limit in the last two days. While the glutathione level and catalase activity also decreased gradually over the four days, the malondialdehyde, SA, and NO levels increased significantly.

Conclusion: HM can be safely stored in the refrigerator for two days due to the TP, SA, and NO levels, as well as the antioxidant enzyme activities, remaining unchanged from the first day of expressing HM.

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Gökmen, B.G., & Tunalı Akbay, T. (2023). The Effects of Refrigerated Storage Time on Sialic Acid and Nitric Oxide Levels and Oxidant Antioxidant System of Human Milk. European Journal of Biology, 82(2), 243-250.


Gökmen B G, Tunalı Akbay T. The Effects of Refrigerated Storage Time on Sialic Acid and Nitric Oxide Levels and Oxidant Antioxidant System of Human Milk. European Journal of Biology. 2023;82(2):243-250.


Gökmen, B.G.; Tunalı Akbay, T. The Effects of Refrigerated Storage Time on Sialic Acid and Nitric Oxide Levels and Oxidant Antioxidant System of Human Milk. European Journal of Biology, [Publisher Location], v. 82, n. 2, p. 243-250, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Gökmen, Begüm Gürel, and Tuğba Tunalı Akbay. 2023. “The Effects of Refrigerated Storage Time on Sialic Acid and Nitric Oxide Levels and Oxidant Antioxidant System of Human Milk.” European Journal of Biology 82, no. 2: 243-250.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Gökmen, Begüm Gürel, and Tuğba Tunalı Akbay. The Effects of Refrigerated Storage Time on Sialic Acid and Nitric Oxide Levels and Oxidant Antioxidant System of Human Milk.” European Journal of Biology 82, no. 2 (Jul. 2024): 243-250.

Harvard: Australian Style

Gökmen, BG & Tunalı Akbay, T 2023, 'The Effects of Refrigerated Storage Time on Sialic Acid and Nitric Oxide Levels and Oxidant Antioxidant System of Human Milk', European Journal of Biology, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 243-250, viewed 27 Jul. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Gökmen, B.G. and Tunalı Akbay, T. (2023) ‘The Effects of Refrigerated Storage Time on Sialic Acid and Nitric Oxide Levels and Oxidant Antioxidant System of Human Milk’, European Journal of Biology, 82(2), pp. 243-250. (27 Jul. 2024).


Gökmen, Begüm Gürel, and Tuğba Tunalı Akbay. The Effects of Refrigerated Storage Time on Sialic Acid and Nitric Oxide Levels and Oxidant Antioxidant System of Human Milk.” European Journal of Biology, vol. 82, no. 2, 2023, pp. 243-250. [Database Container],


Gökmen BG, Tunalı Akbay T. The Effects of Refrigerated Storage Time on Sialic Acid and Nitric Oxide Levels and Oxidant Antioxidant System of Human Milk. European Journal of Biology [Internet]. 27 Jul. 2024 [cited 27 Jul. 2024];82(2):243-250. Available from: doi: 10.26650/EurJBiol.2023.1293969


Gökmen, BegümGürel - Tunalı Akbay, Tuğba. The Effects of Refrigerated Storage Time on Sialic Acid and Nitric Oxide Levels and Oxidant Antioxidant System of Human Milk”. European Journal of Biology 82/2 (Jul. 2024): 243-250.


Published Online31.08.2023


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