Research Article

DOI :10.26650/IAR2023-1352546   IUP :10.26650/IAR2023-1352546    Full Text (PDF)

Death and Burial: In the Light of the Graves Recovered from the Ancient City of Idyma - Akyaka Castle and its Surroundings (Muğla, Turkey)

Ayşe Yeşim DemirAçelya AtakişiTolga Köroğlu

In this article, we delve into the intricate cultural perceptions of "death" through the lens of the ancient city of Idyma, nestled within the Ancient Caria Region and tracing its origins back to the 7th century BC. The diverse ways in which different societies have historically approached the concept of death find symbolic expression in their burial traditions, a poignant reflection of their reverence and devotion to the departed. Our study sets out to analyze the burial practices of the denizens of the ancient city of Idyma, shedding light on their unique perspectives on mortality in a comprehensive historical and cultural context. The focal point of our investigation comprises the unearthed Graves within and surrounding the Idyma-Akyaka Castle area, all dating from the Hellenistic Period to the Byzantine Period, excavated during the 2020-2021 season. Unveiling the burial traditions entails a comprehensive anthropological assessment encompassing grave typologies, chronological categorization, distinct burial methods, architectural nuances of the Graves, and the demographic distribution of these resting places. Simultaneously, gleaned insights from these burial sites concerning funeral customs offer glimpses into the social status and economic strata of the individuals interred within. We anticipate that this research will pave the way for renewed archaeological and anthropological endeavors centered on the captivating domain of the Idyma Ancient City. As these findings accrue, we aspire for them to enrich the existing corpus of knowledge concerning the historical and cultural tapestry of Idyma, thereby augmenting our understanding of the broader Carian Region.

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Demir, A.Y., Atakişi, A., & Köroğlu, T. (2023). Death and Burial: In the Light of the Graves Recovered from the Ancient City of Idyma - Akyaka Castle and its Surroundings (Muğla, Turkey). Istanbul Anthropological Review, 0(3), 49-78.


Demir A Y, Atakişi A, Köroğlu T. Death and Burial: In the Light of the Graves Recovered from the Ancient City of Idyma - Akyaka Castle and its Surroundings (Muğla, Turkey). Istanbul Anthropological Review. 2023;0(3):49-78.


Demir, A.Y.; Atakişi, A.; Köroğlu, T. Death and Burial: In the Light of the Graves Recovered from the Ancient City of Idyma - Akyaka Castle and its Surroundings (Muğla, Turkey). Istanbul Anthropological Review, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 3, p. 49-78, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Demir, Ayşe Yeşim, and Açelya Atakişi and Tolga Köroğlu. 2023. “Death and Burial: In the Light of the Graves Recovered from the Ancient City of Idyma - Akyaka Castle and its Surroundings (Muğla, Turkey).” Istanbul Anthropological Review 0, no. 3: 49-78.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Demir, Ayşe Yeşim, and Açelya Atakişi and Tolga Köroğlu. Death and Burial: In the Light of the Graves Recovered from the Ancient City of Idyma - Akyaka Castle and its Surroundings (Muğla, Turkey).” Istanbul Anthropological Review 0, no. 3 (Sep. 2024): 49-78.

Harvard: Australian Style

Demir, AY & Atakişi, A & Köroğlu, T 2023, 'Death and Burial: In the Light of the Graves Recovered from the Ancient City of Idyma - Akyaka Castle and its Surroundings (Muğla, Turkey)', Istanbul Anthropological Review, vol. 0, no. 3, pp. 49-78, viewed 12 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Demir, A.Y. and Atakişi, A. and Köroğlu, T. (2023) ‘Death and Burial: In the Light of the Graves Recovered from the Ancient City of Idyma - Akyaka Castle and its Surroundings (Muğla, Turkey)’, Istanbul Anthropological Review, 0(3), pp. 49-78. (12 Sep. 2024).


Demir, Ayşe Yeşim, and Açelya Atakişi and Tolga Köroğlu. Death and Burial: In the Light of the Graves Recovered from the Ancient City of Idyma - Akyaka Castle and its Surroundings (Muğla, Turkey).” Istanbul Anthropological Review, vol. 0, no. 3, 2023, pp. 49-78. [Database Container],


Demir AY, Atakişi A, Köroğlu T. Death and Burial: In the Light of the Graves Recovered from the Ancient City of Idyma - Akyaka Castle and its Surroundings (Muğla, Turkey). Istanbul Anthropological Review [Internet]. 12 Sep. 2024 [cited 12 Sep. 2024];0(3):49-78. Available from: doi: 10.26650/IAR2023-1352546


Demir, AyşeYeşim - Atakişi, Açelya - Köroğlu, Tolga. Death and Burial: In the Light of the Graves Recovered from the Ancient City of Idyma - Akyaka Castle and its Surroundings (Muğla, Turkey)”. Istanbul Anthropological Review 0/3 (Sep. 2024): 49-78.


Published Online16.11.2023


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