Changes in the Shoe-making Profession as a Legacy Transferred From Father to Son: Denizli-Yeşilyuva Sample
Türkan Erdoğan, Şirin Eda UyanıkIn this article, industrial developments in the shoe-making profession of continued from the past to the present in the Yeşilyuva neighbourhood (formerly a village in Acipayam district) of the Denizli province, changes in occupational division of labor, production place and technique, transfer of the profession from father to son, etc. were discussed. In this study, using participatory observation and semi-structured interview techniques among qualitative research techniques, the objective was to learn from individuals about their attitudes towards the profession, their professional modes of production, what happened during the professional transfer phase, and how the division of labor was, and to determine how it has changed over time. According to the research findings, the shoe-making profession, which used to be a craft performed with simple tools and arm strength, was affected by the factorization in the city. After the industrial development, the production of shoes in Yeşilyuva began to be based on the mechanization of the production of shoes in Yeşilyuva, especially during 1990s. Industrial developments and changes created by mechanization over time have led to some changes in the master-apprentice relationship, and in the work and task sharing of factory workers. There are now breaks in the transfer of the shoe-making profession from father to son.
Babadan Oğula Aktarılan Bir Miras Olarak Ayakkabıcılık Mesleğinde Yaşanan Değişimler: Denizli-Yeşilyuva Örneği
Türkan Erdoğan, Şirin Eda UyanıkBu makalede Denizli ilinin (daha önce Acıpayam ilçesine bağlı köy statüsünde olan) Yeşilyuva mahallesinde geçmişten günümüze devam eden ayakkabıcılık mesleğindeki endüstriyel gelişmeler ve buna bağlı olarak yaşanılan mesleki iş bölümü, üretim yeri ve tekniği ile mesleğin babadan oğula aktarımı vb. konulardaki değişimler üzerinde durulmuştur. Nitel araştırma tekniklerinden katılımcı gözlem ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniğinin kullanıldığı bu çalışmada ayakkabıcıların mesleğe karşı tutumlarının, üretim biçimlerinin, mesleki aktarımın ve iş bölümünün nasıl olduğu ve zamanla nasıl değişim geçirdiği saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre, eskiden basit aletlerle ve kol gücü ile icra edilen bir zanaat olan ayakkabıcılık mesleği, endüstriyel gelişim sonrasında şehirde yaşanan fabrikalaşmadan zamanla etkilenmiş, özellikle 1990’lı yıllardan itibaren Yeşilyuva’da ayakkabı üretimi, makineleşmeye dayalı olarak gerçekleştirilmeye başlanmıştır. Sanayileşme ve makineleşmenin zaman içerisinde yarattığı değişmeler, usta-çırak ilişkisinde ve imalathane çalışanlarının iş ve görev paylaşımında bazı değişikliklere yol açmıştır. Ayakkabıcılık mesleğinin babadan oğula aktarımında da artık kırılmalar yaşanmaktadır. Yeşilyuva’dan Denizli kentine yaşanan göçler mesleği olumsuz etkilemektedir. Göç edenler kentte mesleklerine devam etmemekte, başka sektörlerde çalışmak durumunda kalmaktadırlar. Dolayısıyla göç sonrası ayakkabıcılık mesleği, işgücü ve üretim biçiminden etkilenmiş, zaman içerisinde bu mesleği sürdüren bireylerin sayısında azalmalar görülmeye başlamıştır. Bu değişiklikler aynı zamanda sektörleşmenin de zayıflamaya başladığının işaretidir.
With the emergence of steam machines after the industrial development, a significant change in production patterns was observed. Effects of the industrial revolution changed not only the mode of production, but also the occupational authority, division of labor, working conditions and professional ethics, etc. These changes are also parallel with the factorization process. With the effect of factorization, mass production began to spread all over the world, which affected many professions and caused some changes. In this context, the changes have taken place mostly in traditional professions based on handicrafts. Some of the traditional professions based on arm strength were subjected to change, while others were doomed to extinction.
In this article, industrial developments in the shoe-making profession from the past to the present in the Yeşilyuva neighbourhood (formerly a village in Acipayam district) of the Denizli province, changes in occupational division of labor, production place and technique, transfer of the profession from father to son, etc. were discussed. According to the literature review conducted in the study, the fact that this is the first sociological study on this subject reveals the importance of our research.
In this study, which uses semi-structured interview techniques from qualitative interview techniques, interviews with 14 interviewers, including 7 fathers and 7 sons, were completed in order to better determine the changes in the transfer of the profession from father to son. With the data obtained from the interviews, it was aimed to determine the occupational change and the breakdowns in the transfer of the profession from father to son.
The history of the shoe-making profession in Yeşilyuva dates back to ancient times. The history of the shoe-making profession, which is still in place in Yeşilyuva, and which has been a settlement since ancient times, dates back to the time before this region was dominated by the Turks. The suitability of environmental conditions and the fact that the tribes settled in the region are engaged in livestock, make Yeşilyuva very suitable for the development of leather work. The aim of this research is to determine how this profession, which dates back to ancient times, has been subjected to a change after the industrial development and the breakdowns in the transfer of the profession from father to son.
As a result of interviews, it was concluded that the industrial development and mass production affected the shoe-making profession in Yeşilyuva. The profession of shoe-making, a craft based on handicrafts and arm strength, was influenced by mass production in cities, and suffered significant changes as a result of these effects. The production with arm strength started to be mechanized in the 1990s. Today, new machines continue to arrive at the shoe mills in Yeşilyuva. With mechanization, changes have begun to take place in the spatial sense. Production, which used to be made in small shops under houses, is now continuing in the Yeşilyuva Shoe-makers Industrial Site, which started to be built in the 1980s. The changes that come with mechanization are not limited to spatial change. There have also been changes in the professional division of labor. Production with 2-3 people in small shops in the past, continues today with more people in larger factories. Production is now divided into different stages, and continued by different people. This change has also led to changes in professional authority. While capital owners took part in every stage of production in the past, they became more interested in the economic parts of the work than the manufacturing phase, and left the production to craftsmen working in factories. At this point, it is seen that the master-apprentice relationship, based on vocational teaching, has turned into a boss-worker relationship with economic concerns.
Apart from the changes mentioned, there are breaks in the profession that is passed from father to son as a professional inheritance. Sons who came to the shop with their father at a young age and started to learn the profession, and took over the profession in the future, have started to work in different sectors today. The main reason for this is that the profession no longer provides an economic income as it used to, and with the arrival of machines, the profession has started to require an economic capital. Thus, there are disruptions in the transfer of the shoe making-profession, which is seen as a cultural capital and a family heritage. These troubles have led to a weakening of the profession.
Individuals who are unable to continue their shoe-making profession migrate to the city and turn to different sectors. The profession has been negatively affected by this migration. These negative effects are explained as the difficulty of finding people to work in the sector and the lack of growing individuals to continue the profession anymore. These problems show that the profession of shoe-making in Yeşilyuva is becoming increasingly weak.