
DOI :10.18368/IU/sk.14821   IUP :10.18368/IU/sk.14821    Full Text (PDF)


Aytül Kasapoğlu

Sociology education in Turkey, started 100 years ago in 1914 at Istanbul University during the Ottoman Empire era led by lessons given by Ziya Gökalp, a young Ottoman intellectual. As a matter of fact Durkheim, the founder of sociology was trying to find  solutions for the problems of industrial societies by developing concepts such as “solidarity” to prevent “anomie”. At that time Ottoman Empire was neither an industrial nor modern society but Ziya Gökalp assessed Durkheim’ s views as appropriated to save the empire from collapsing. Because Durkheim’s sociology were holistic rather than particularistic. In other words the basis of his theory was “communitarian” rather than “individualistic” and applicable to build solidarity instead of conflict. All these background information show that sociology starting from its early foundation days has identity problems which are still continuing. Thus no body hardly knows what sociology is and what sociologists do in Turkey. this paper is limited to examine problems and status of sociology in Turkey based on the views of sociology students and graduates as well as their perants. In this study empirical phenomenological tradition is applied by carrying out deep interviews with 25 students and 20 graduates along with 25 parents. Findings revealed that the status of sociology in Turkey is below the expected level and both the status of sociology and its education at universities are interactively affect each other negatively. The risk for unemployment of sociologists along with identity problems require more attention to see sociology as a profession as well as a scientific discipline limited only in academic studies.

DOI :10.18368/IU/sk.14821   IUP :10.18368/IU/sk.14821    Full Text (PDF)


Aytül Kasapoğlu

Türkiye’de sosyoloji eğitimi Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde İstanbul Darülfünunun’da Genç Osmanlı entelektüellerinden biri olan Ziya Gökalp’in verdiği derslerle başlamıştır. Kurucu olarak Ziya Gökalp, E. Durkheim’ in bir sanayi toplumu olan Fransa’da başta anomi olmak üzere toplumsal sorunları çözmek amacıyla birey yerine topluma öncelik tanıyan yaklaşımını, henüz sanayileşmemiş Osmanlı toplum ve devlet yapısını çöküşten kurtarmak için uygun bularak benimsemiştir. Durkheim’ın “fert yok cemiyet var” ünlü deyişiyle toplumda çatışma yerine dayanışmayı ön plana çıkaran ahlakçı ve bütüncü yaklaşımının politik amaçlarla benimsenmesi, Türkiye’de sosyolojinin bugün hala süregelen sosyoloji nedir ve sosyolog ne yapar gibi önemli kimlik sorunlarına sahip olmasının başlıca nedenlerinden biri olmuştur. Öte yandan Türkiye’de sosyolojinin akademik bir disiplin olarak ön plana çıkarken karşılığında ücret ödenen bir meslek olarak görülmemesi ve dolayısıyla eğitiminde mezunların istihdamının göz ardı edilmesi araştırmanın temel problemini oluşturmaktadır. Bu makale, öğrenci ve mezun sosyologlar ile onların velilerinin görüşlerini de kapsayan geniş bir ampirik çalışmanın özet bir sunumu olarak yayına hazırlanmıştır. Fenomonolojik nitel araştırma geleneği ilkelerine uygun olarak yürütülen çalışmadan elde edilen verilerin analizi, sorunların özünde sosyolojinin kimliğinin belirsizliğinin ve buna bağlı olarak da öğrenci ve mezunların beklentilerini karşılamaktan uzak bir eğitim verilmesinin yattığını ortaya koymuştur.

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Kasapoğlu, A. PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS OF SOCIOLOGY ON ITS CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSERY IN TURKEY. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 52, p. 131-156, 2016.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Kasapoğlu, Aytül,. 2016. “PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS OF SOCIOLOGY ON ITS CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSERY IN TURKEY.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 52: 131-156.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Kasapoğlu, Aytül,. PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS OF SOCIOLOGY ON ITS CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSERY IN TURKEY.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 52 (Dec. 2024): 131-156.

Harvard: Australian Style

Kasapoğlu, A 2016, 'PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS OF SOCIOLOGY ON ITS CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSERY IN TURKEY', Journal of Economy Culture and Society, vol. 0, no. 52, pp. 131-156, viewed 22 Dec. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Kasapoğlu, A. (2016) ‘PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS OF SOCIOLOGY ON ITS CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSERY IN TURKEY’, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(52), pp. 131-156. (22 Dec. 2024).


Kasapoğlu, Aytül,. PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS OF SOCIOLOGY ON ITS CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSERY IN TURKEY.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society, vol. 0, no. 52, 2016, pp. 131-156. [Database Container],


Kasapoğlu A. PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS OF SOCIOLOGY ON ITS CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSERY IN TURKEY. Journal of Economy Culture and Society [Internet]. 22 Dec. 2024 [cited 22 Dec. 2024];0(52):131-156. Available from: doi: 10.18368/IU/sk.14821


Kasapoğlu, Aytül. PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS OF SOCIOLOGY ON ITS CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSERY IN TURKEY”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0/52 (Dec. 2024): 131-156.


Published Online03.12.2016


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