The Role of Cultural Capital on Profession Choices of Academicians
Ayşe Mahinur TezcanThe social origin, academic background, social and cultural capital of an academician in an academic game, affect his/her adaptation strategies, which are necessary within academia. That is to say, the differences in the practice of developing strategies to help better play the game and minimize the obstacles it faces are due to distinctions of cultural capital. The impact of cultural capital on the actor also affects the process of an actor’s inclusion in the game. In this study, the effects of the cultural capital levels (root cultural capital) that academicians have before they are included in the academy game will be analyzed. Cultural capital inherited from the family gains importance in determining professional preferences. In this study, in light of the data obtained from in-depth interviews conducted with thirty-five academicians from different academic generations and root cultural capital levels, we tried to reveal why, and under what conditions, they prefer academics as a profession. In this study, multiple methods, and one of the qualitative research methods, were used. As a result of the research, it is seen that the root cultural capital level determines the choices of the academic actor at two levels. At this point, the motivation behind the choices of the academic actor towards the profession is categorized as “earning his/her keep” and “enjoy life”
Meslek Olarak Akademisyenlik Tercihinde Kültürel Sermayenin Yeri
Ayşe Mahinur TezcanAkademi oyunu içinde yer alan bir akademisyen sahip olduğu sosyal kökeninden, eğitiminden, kültürel ve sosyal sermayelerinden akademik hayata uyum göstermesi noktasında etkilenmektedir. Bir diğer deyişle, aktörün oyun sürecinde oyunu daha iyi oynamasına ve karşılaştığı engelleri minimize etmesine yardımcı olacak stratejiler geliştirme pratiklerindeki farklılıklar kültürel sermaye farklılıklarından kaynaklanmaktadır. Kültürel sermayenin aktör üzerindeki etkisi oyuna dâhil olma sürecini de etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada, akademisyenlerin akademi oyununa dâhil olmadan önce sahip oldukları kültürel sermaye seviyelerinin (kök kültürel sermaye) meslek seçimlerine etkileri analiz edilecektir. Mesleki tercihlerin belirlenmesinde aileden tevarüs eden kültürel sermaye önem kazanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, farklı akademik kuşaklardan ve kök kültürel sermaye seviyelerinden otuz beş akademisyen ile yapılan derinlemesine görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler ışığında meslek olarak akademisyenliği neden ve hangi koşullarda tercih ettikleri ortaya koyulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden çoklu yöntem kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda kök kültürel sermaye seviyesinin akademik aktörün tercihlerini iki düzeyde belirlemekte olduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu noktada akademik aktörün mesleğe yönelmesine ilişkin tercihlerinin arka planında var olan motivasyon “hayatı idame ettirmek” ve “hayattan keyif almak” olarak kategorize edilmektedir. Hayatı idame ettirme temel maksadı ile tercihi belirlemenin daha klasik ve daha az riskli olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Buna mukabil hayattan keyif almak şeklinde kategorize edilen tercihin temel belirleyeninin merak, sevgi, ilgi olduğu noktada tercihlerin sonucunun çeşitli riskler taşıyabileceği düşünülmektedir.
The social origin, academic background, social and cultural capital of an academician in an academic game directly affect his/her adaptation strategies, which are necessary within academia. That is to say, the differences in the practice of developing strategies to help better play the game and minimize the obstacles it faces are due to distinctions of cultural capital.
The impact of cultural capital on the actor also affects the process of an actor’s inclusion in the game. In this study, the effects of the cultural capital levels (root cultural capital) that academicians have before they are included in the academy game will be analyzed. Cultural capital inherited from the family gains importance in determining professional preferences. In this study, in light of the data obtained from indepth interviews conducted with thirty-five academicians from different academic generations and root cultural capital levels, we tried to reveal why, and under what conditions, they prefer academics as a profession. Academic generations was classified as first academical generation who attend to academia before 1980; the second academical generation were those who attended to academia between 1980- 2002 and the third academical generation those who attended to academia after 2002.
Cultural capital level is the decisive factor of educational achievement. Cultural capital is implicitiy inherited by children from families, or their families’ special efforts to level up their children’s cultural capital. This transfer has a passive or active appearance. An academician having passed through all levels of education, and being named “gownsman of gownsmen”, has a high level of cultural capital.
Including the academy game in Turkey has needed different types of cultural capital in various periods. For instance, in early Republican times, academic vacancies were filled with the relatives of the same families, educated in foreign countries, and of the ruling class. This elite class with high level of cultural capital has been the main actors of the academy game for a long time. The descendants, with a high cultural capital, of the elite ancestors went to study abroad with the effect of their habitus. After returning to home, they found their place in bureaucracy or university.
It is considered that there has been an important change in social and cultural capital types of Turkish academicians when the societal position of academicians has been redetermined in the historical process of Turkey. In this sense, it can be said that academicianship is a choice which is endowed by the cultural capital of the actors. Therefore, being an academician has required either to become a member of the elite class (social ceiling) or to adapt to the habitus of this elite class in Turkey for a long time.
As a result of the research, it is seen that the root cultural capital level determines the choices of the academic actor at two levels. At this point, the motivation behind the choices of the academic actor towards the profession is categorized as “earning his/her keep” and “enjoy life”. The action with the motivation of earning his/her keep is more classical and has a lower risk. On the other hand, it is thought that the main determinant of the preferences that can be categorized as enjoy life is engaged with curiosity, love and interest. And the result of the choices may carry various risks. The general acceptance that the academy is a profession with high cultural capital and qualifications of the elite people shows a partial change with the massification of education. Academicians are among the professions where the master-apprentice relationship is most prominent. In the tradition of choosing the master’s apprentice, the apprentice’s habitus and social capital affect the access of the apprentice to the master.
Even though the choices of actors within a particular habitus evoke the idea of how subjective they are, they are not independent of the habitus in which they are located, and the cultural capital they possess.