Research Article

DOI :10.26650/JECS396176   IUP :10.26650/JECS396176    Full Text (PDF)

Labor Migration Between 1564 and 1611 in the Ottoman State and Its Causes

Hüseyin Arslan

This study examines the causes of labor migration in the Ottoman State in the years between 1564 and 1611. The goal of this study is to find answers to the following questions: Did labor migration occur during the period in question?What were the causes? What were the outcomes? What are the relevant aspects and fields of study? Muhimme Books Registries of Ottoman Archives documents and secondary sources were used in this study. This study consists of an abstract, introduction, goal, method, studies of archives and literature, findings, evaluation, conclusion, and bibliography. Our findings were that the labor force migrated due to a number of reasons such as the inability to comply with on-site production rules, abandoning the places allocated to them, the insufficiency of agricultural areas, and the disagreements between newcomers and the current residents. In conclusion, it was determined that the labor force migrated due to social, economic, administrative, and legal push-pull effects in different regions of the Ottoman state, but the problems were solved by administrators who created appropriate solutions based on the understanding that it was necessary to rewrite the laws whose functions weakened the situation, such as the law of on-site production.  

DOI :10.26650/JECS396176   IUP :10.26650/JECS396176    Full Text (PDF)

Osmanlı’da 1564-1611 Yılları Arasında İşgücü Göçü ve Nedenleri

Hüseyin Arslan

Osmanlı on altıncı asrında, 1564-1611 yılları arasında işgücü göçünün nedenlerinin araştırıldığı bu çalışmanın amacı; belirtilen dönemde işgücü göçü olmuş mu, hangi sebepler altında olmuş ve hangi sonuçları doğurmuş, yönleri ve çalışma alanları nelerdir? sorularına cevap aramaktır. Bu nitelikli araştırmada Osmanlı Arşiv belgelerinden Mühimme Defterleri hükümlerinden ve ikincil kaynaklardan yararlanılmıştır. Bu çalışma; özet, giriş, amaç, yöntem, arşiv ve literatür araştırması, bulgular, değerlendirme ve sonuç ile kaynakçadan oluşmuştur. Bulgular olarak işgücünün, devlet arazilerinde yürürlükte olan yerinde üretim kuralına uymayarak kendisine verilen yerleri işlemeyi bırakması sonucu, tarım alanları yetersizliği ve önce-sonra gelenler arasındaki anlaşmazlıklar gibi bir takım nedenlerle göç ettikleri anlaşılmıştır. Nitelikli işgücünün göç ettiği, zirai alan yetersizliğinin başka yere göçü tetiklediği, köylerde ise sonradan gelenlerin baskısıyla mevcut işgücünün ve nüfusun yer değiştirdiği tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu dönemde, Osmanlı coğrafyasının farklı bölgelerindeki sosyal, ekonomik, idari ve hukuki itme-çekme etkisiyle işgücünün yer değiştirebildiği görülmekle birlikte yöneticilerin uygun çözümler üreterek sorunları giderebildiği tespit edilmiştir. Yerinde üretim yasasında olduğu gibi işlevi zayıflayan yasaların insana ve hayata uyumlu, ileriyi aydınlatır nitelikte düzenlenmesi gereği anlaşılmıştır. İşgücü göçünün bu dönemde de hayatın seyri içinde çeşitli etkiler altında aralıklı da olsa süreğen olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 


This article discusses labor migration between 1564 and 1611 in the Ottoman state, based on Muhimme Books Registries. The study consists of an abstract, introduction, purpose, method, archives and literature research, conceptual framework, findings, evaluation, conclusion and bibliography. 


Answers to the following questions are sought in this study:

- Did incidents of labor migration take place in the Ottoman land in the 16th century?

- What caused them?

- What were their directions and effects?

- What was the quality and quantity of the workforce? 


Muhimme’s decrees of 1564-1611 were used as the main resource. Because the issue was evaluated in only one article, a limited number of archived documents were used, but the research was supported by secondary resources. 

Written in Ottoman Divani calligraphy, some of the Muhimme decrees are discussed in the text, while others are evaluated in terms of their content and their resources. The summaries of some decrees were written in current Turkish and their main themes were provided. In appropriate places, the decrees were simplified in order to make them easier to understand.  

The following order was used while referring to the Muhimme Notebooks: Muhimme Book Registry number, decree number, hijri date of the decree and its Gregorian equivalent (For example: Muhimme;6,206-207,445.26 Ra.972/1.11.1564).

Archives and Literature Search

Muhimme Book Registries of the Ottoman Archives form the backbone of this study. It is possible to make a scientific contribution to better understand how the structure and the quality of the population was influenced by labor migration and to improve social development by finding solutions to social, cultural, administrative and economic problems that this workforce and population were exposed to by making use of this original resource.

Evaluation and Conclusion 

The findings obtained as a result of the research are as follows: labor migration of farmers broke the rule of on-site production; many migrated in order to find jobs; labor migration was caused by insufficient availability of agricultural land; and labor migration was caused by the people who settled in villages afterwards. It was determined in findings that those who formed the labor force in the agricultural sector as a side effect of the on-site production rule migrated because they did not sow the public land allocated to them. The farmers who left their land started to work in various branches of crafts, which can be regarded as the sectors of industry during that century. In a sense, there was a shift from agricultural economy to small industrial economy. The imposition of the on-site production rule may have been to address the following issues: production and increase in production, tax collection, prevention of the elimination and reduction of their income as enforced by the cavalrymen to maintain the number of the soldiers for the army. It is also useful to note that this rule does not apply to private property. Regarding those who migrated in search of jobs, it is understood that skilled labor force migration took place from Thessaly to Rodoscuk. It has also been determined that labor force migration took place from the Aegean islands to Manisa. It is understood from related documents that miners were sent from Rumeli to Shirvan, which is located in today’s Azerbaijan. The state evidently transferred qualified labor forces from the west to Shirvan in the east. It is possible to say that qualified labor force migration took place during this period from Albania, Rumeli, Thrace, Tekirdag-Rodoscuk, and the Aegean islands to Anatolia, Manisa, Foça and Shirvan. Another cause of labor migration is the land’s insufficiency for people living in certain places. For instance, Sirem Sancak was over-populated at that time and there was not enough land for agriculture, planting, and raising livestock. The document states that the people of Sirem would be settled on the abandoned land in Sirem and the villagers would be sent to DorMushi and other ruined villages to settle and to engage in agriculture, farming, raising livestock, and other production fields in order to prevent them from migrating to other towns or to foreign land. It has also been determined that 65 people from various groups within the tribe of Aydınbeglüyörük in Ankara moved to other places. It is striking that the state and its officials were active in finding fair solutions to prevent labor migration. Today, it is possible to make investments that contribute to happiness, peace, society, security, and welfare for people living in areas where labor migration is common, and to determine production and employment opportunities on the spot. It is possible to form a synergy of employment, welfare, and development by determining the expectations, needs, abilities, capacities, and local and national needs and targets for various businesses and sectors while creating power and energy within this framework.

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Arslan, H. (2018). Labor Migration Between 1564 and 1611 in the Ottoman State and Its Causes. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(57), 185-215.


Arslan H. Labor Migration Between 1564 and 1611 in the Ottoman State and Its Causes. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2018;0(57):185-215.


Arslan, H. Labor Migration Between 1564 and 1611 in the Ottoman State and Its Causes. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 57, p. 185-215, 2018.

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Arslan, Hüseyin,. 2018. “Labor Migration Between 1564 and 1611 in the Ottoman State and Its Causes.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 57: 185-215.

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Arslan, Hüseyin,. Labor Migration Between 1564 and 1611 in the Ottoman State and Its Causes.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 57 (May. 2024): 185-215.

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Arslan, H. (2018) ‘Labor Migration Between 1564 and 1611 in the Ottoman State and Its Causes’, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(57), pp. 185-215. (2 May. 2024).


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Arslan H. Labor Migration Between 1564 and 1611 in the Ottoman State and Its Causes. Journal of Economy Culture and Society [Internet]. 2 May. 2024 [cited 2 May. 2024];0(57):185-215. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JECS396176


Arslan, Hüseyin. Labor Migration Between 1564 and 1611 in the Ottoman State and Its Causes”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0/57 (May. 2024): 185-215.




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