Research Article

DOI :10.26650/JECS2019-0053   IUP :10.26650/JECS2019-0053    Full Text (PDF)

Measurement of Social Stratification and Mobility in Turkey Through Occupations

Caner Özdemir

In Turkey, the number of quantitative studies on social stratification has been low for years. This is mostly due to a lack of available data. In this paper, it is aimed to investigate the status of social stratification in Turkey, the effects on occupational status and the change in social mobility through the analysis of secondary data. To this end, datasets from International Social Survey Programme dated 2009, TURKSTAT Household Labor Force Research dated 2010 and TURKSTAT Adult Education Research dated 2012 have been analysed despite their shortcomings. Occupational status scores and social stratification positions of the respondents in these surveys have been calculated according to EGP, ISEI and CAMSIS indexes which are based on distinct conceptualizations. Ordinary least squares and multinomial logistic regression models show that parental occupational status, educational level of the respondent and parental educational level have all significant effects on respondents’ occupational status across all indexes and datasets. Moreover, multilevel models show that the effect of parental occupational status on respondents’ occupational status is lower among younger cohorts. These results are in line with the international literature. Despite the implications towards an increase in upward mobility, in order to have more clear inferences further research should be designed to capture social mobility through direct measures of educational and occupational statuses of respondents and their parents.

DOI :10.26650/JECS2019-0053   IUP :10.26650/JECS2019-0053    Full Text (PDF)

Türkiye’de Toplumsal Tabakalaşma ve Hareketliliğin Meslekler Üzerinden Ölçümü

Caner Özdemir

Türkiye’de toplumsal tabakalaşma üzerine yapılan nicel çalışmaların sayısı uluslararası literatürle karşılaştırıldığında çok sınırlı kalmıştır. Bu durumun en önemli sebeplerinden birisi veri yetersizliğidir. Bu çalışmada meslek temelli tabakalaşma ölçekleri kullanılarak Türkiye’de toplumsal tabakalaşmanın mevcut durumunun, mesleki statüyü etkileyen faktörlerin ve toplumsal hareketliliğin değişiminin halihazırdaki verilerle tespit edilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla çeşitli sınırlılıklarına rağmen 2009 tarihli Uluslararası Sosyal Tarama Programı (ISSP), 2010 tarihli TÜİK Hanehalkı İşgücü Araştırması ve 2012 tarihli TÜİK Yetişkin Eğitimi Araştırması verilerindeki meslek bilgileri kullanılarak örneklemlerdeki bireylerin mesleki statüleri ve tabakalaşma hiyerarşisindeki konumları farklı kuramsal kavramlaştırmalara dayanan EGP, ISEI ve CAMSIS ölçeklerine göre ayrı ayrı hesaplanmıştır. En küçük kareler regresyon modelleri ve çoklu kategori lojistik regresyon modelleri analizlerinde ebeveyn mesleki statüsü, birey eğitim düzeyi ve ebeveyn eğitim düzeyinin bireyin mesleki statüsü üzerindeki etkisinin tüm verisetleri ve ölçeklerde anlamlı olduğu bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, çok düzeyli modelleme analizlerinde ebeveyn mesleki statüsünün birey mesleki statüsü üzerindeki etkisinin genç kuşaklarda azaldığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar uluslararası literatürdeki bulgularla büyük ölçüde paralellikler göstermektedir. Yapılan analizlerde yukarı hareketlilik imkanlarının artma eğiliminde olduğu gözükse de daha kesin yargılara varabilmek için hem örneklemi hem ölçüm araçları Türkiye’de toplumsal hareketlilik düzeyini ölçmek üzere tasarlanmış ebeveyn ve birey eğitim ve meslek durumlarını doğrudan ölçen hedefe yönelik araştırmalara ihtiyaç vardır.


This study is aimed to measure social stratification in Turkey using occupation-based measures, to identify factors affecting social stratification and to investigate the change in social mobility through secondary data analysis. Despite more than a century of history of quantitative studies on social stratification and mobility in international literature, the number of studies using representative data is very limited in Turkey. First of all, the research on social stratification in Turkey have been limited to conceptual discussions on social classes. Another reason for the shortage of quantitative studies on social stratification and mobility in Turkey is the lack of available representative data that include detailed information about occupations and educational backgrounds of respondents and their parents. Despite their limitations, some datasets that have become available in recent years provide opportunities in this sense. In this paper, three different datasets that have been collected in the last decade have been analysed. These are the data from International Social Survey Programme dated 2009, TURKSTAT Household Labor Force Research dated 2010 and Adult Education Research dated 2012. For all three datasets, occupational status scores and social stratification positions are calculated for Turkish respondents using EGP, ISEI and CAMSIS indexes which depend on distinct conceptualizations. Ordinary least squares regression models and multinomial logistic regression models show that parental occupational status, respondents’ education level and parental education level all have significant effects on respondents’ occupational status. This result is in line with the international literature for almost all countries. The effect of education level of both the parents and respondents themselves have been found to be highly effective since Blau and Duncan. However, some studies have shown that the effects of parental occupational status and parental education on respondents’ occupational status decline as a result of educational expansion, especially at the tertiary level, while some others have shown persistent effects on occupational status in other contexts. On the other hand, some scholars argued for equalizing effects of education only for bachelor’s degrees. Considering the fact that, educational expansion in Turkey is relatively a new phenomenon even for the primary level, it can be expected that the strong effects of parental and individual education level on occupational status may persist for a while. Nevertheless, using multilevel modelling the change in the levels of social mobility in Turkey is also investigated in this paper. Respondents are nested within birth cohorts in a multilevel model using Adult Education Research data. In this model, ISEI scores of respondents are defined as a dependent variable and the intercept and the slope for the effect of parental occupational status are set to be random. Thus, the change in the effect of parental occupational status on the respondents’ occupational status across cohorts could be identified. Similar effects on occupational status are found for parental occupational status, respondents’ education level and parental education. Furthermore, a negative correlation is calculated for the relationship between parental and individual occupational status scores, which means the effect of parental occupational status on individual occupational status is higher for cohorts that have lower parental occupational status on average. Since the mean score for parental occupational status is higher for younger cohorts, it can be concluded that there are more upward social mobility opportunities for younger cohorts. This result can be explained in reference to recent educational expansion in Turkey especially at the tertiary level and the shift from non-skilled jobs, especially in agriculture, to skilled jobs, routine non-manual jobs and to professional occupations as shown in recent studies on Turkey. However, considering the limitations of the data used in this paper, ad hoc research designed to measure the level of social mobility in Turkey is needed for further and more clear inferences.

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Özdemir, C. (2020). Measurement of Social Stratification and Mobility in Turkey Through Occupations. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(1), 59-77.


Özdemir C. Measurement of Social Stratification and Mobility in Turkey Through Occupations. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2020;0(1):59-77.


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Özdemir, Caner,. Measurement of Social Stratification and Mobility in Turkey Through Occupations.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 1 (Feb. 2025): 59-77.

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Özdemir, C. (2020) ‘Measurement of Social Stratification and Mobility in Turkey Through Occupations’, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(1), pp. 59-77. (5 Feb. 2025).


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Özdemir C. Measurement of Social Stratification and Mobility in Turkey Through Occupations. Journal of Economy Culture and Society [Internet]. 5 Feb. 2025 [cited 5 Feb. 2025];0(1):59-77. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JECS2019-0053


Özdemir, Caner. Measurement of Social Stratification and Mobility in Turkey Through Occupations”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0/1 (Feb. 2025): 59-77.


Published Online11.09.2020


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