Research Article

DOI :10.26650/jol.2024.1589561   IUP :10.26650/jol.2024.1589561    Full Text (PDF)

Styled Language Units Created with Organ Names in Bâbür's Work Called Mübeyyen Der Fıkh

Derya Doğan

In the historical progression of languages, the inadequacy of existing vocabulary to meet emerging needs often leads to the creation of new words and expressions. Languages employ various methods to address this necessity, and one such method is the formation of formulaic language units through the combination of multiple words. These units, which include compounds, reduplications, idioms, proverbs, and other formulaic expressions, are pivotal in demonstrating the developmental level of a language. They are intricately linked to the cultural and social dimensions of the language community. Historically,  these elements have served as potent tools of expression in all periods of the Turkish Language, particularly in texts where they enhance both the semantic and syntactic richness. A noteworthy manifestation of this can be seen in the Classical Period of Chagatai Turkish, especially within the works of the poet Babur Shah. His work, Mübeyyen Der Fıkh, is remarkable for its effective use of formulaic language units involving organ names. In this study, formulaic language units formed with organ names in the work of Babur Shah, one of the poets of the Classical Period Chagatai Turkish, called Mübeyyen Der Fıkh, were examined. The work in question constitutes an important example in terms of the active use of formulaic language units formed with organ names. The research reveals the linguistic richness of Chagatai Turkish and the functionality of formulaic language units in the texts belonging to this period. In this context, the types, usage frequencies and semantic features of formulaic language units formed with organ names were analysed in detail. The findings show the important role of these units, which reflect the expressive power and cultural depth of Chagatai Turkish, in the language structure of the period.

DOI :10.26650/jol.2024.1589561   IUP :10.26650/jol.2024.1589561    Full Text (PDF)

Bâbür’ün Mübeyyen Der Fıkh Adlı Eserinde Organ Adları ile Oluşturulan Kalıplaşmış Dil Birimleri

Derya Doğan

Dillerin tarihsel seyri içinde mevcut kelime kadrosunun ihtiyacı karşılama noktasında yetersiz kalması, dilde yeni kelimelere ve ifade araçlarına gereksinim duyulması sonucunu doğurmaktadır. Diller bu ihtiyacı karşılamak üzere pek çok yönteme sahiptir. Birden fazla kelimenin bir araya gelerek kalıplaşmış birimler oluşturması da bu yöntemlerden biridir. Bir dilin gelişmişlik düzeyinin en güçlü göstergelerinden biri olan kalıplaşmış dil birimleri, dilin kültürel ve sosyal yönü ile doğrudan bağlantılıdır. Bir dilin biçim bilimi, anlam bilimi ve söz dizimi alanları ile ilgili olan kalıplaşmış dil birimleri (birleşikler, ikilemeler, deyimler, atasözleri ve kalıp ifadeler) Türk Dilinin tüm tarihsel devrelerinde en etkili ifade aracı olarak metinlerde varlık göstermektedir. Dildeki neredeyse tüm kelime türlerinin birleşmesi ile meydana gelebilen kalıplaşmış dil birimleri göz önünde bulundurulduğunda organ adları ile oluşanların önemli bir yer tuttuğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Klasik Dönem Çağatay Türkçesi şairlerinden Bâbür Şah’ın Mübeyyen Der Fıkh adlı eserinde, organ adlarıyla oluşturulan kalıplaşmış dil birimleri incelenmiştir. Söz konusu eser, organ adlarıyla oluşturulan kalıplaşmış dil birimlerinin işlek bir şekilde kullanımı açısından önemli bir örnek teşkil etmektedir. Araştırma, Çağatay Türkçesinin dil bilimsel açıdan zenginliğini ve bu döneme ait metinlerde kalıplaşmış dil birimlerinin işlekliğini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, organ adlarıyla oluşturulan kalıplaşmış dil birimlerinin türleri, kullanım sıklıkları ve anlam özellikleri detaylı bir şekilde analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular, Çağatay Türkçesinin ifade gücünü ve kültürel derinliğini yansıtan bu birimlerin, dönemin dil yapısı içerisindeki önemli rolünü göstermektedir.


In the historical progression of languages, the inadequacy of existing vocabulary to meet emerging needs often leads to the creation of new words and expressions. Languages employ various methods to address this necessity, and one such method is the formation of formulaic language units through the combination of multiple words. These units, which include compounds, reduplications, idioms, proverbs, and other formulaic expressions, are pivotal in demonstrating the developmental level of a language. They are intricately linked to the cultural and social dimensions of the language community.

Historically, these elements have served as potent tools of expression in all periods of the Turkish Language, particularly in texts where they enhance both the semantic and syntactic richness. The Turkish written language, which developed between the 15th and 20th centuries and is described as the continuation of Karakhanid Turkish and Khwarezm Turkish, is called Chagatai.

Turkish. Chagatai Turkish, one of the most powerful periods of the Turkish Language, is also one of the richest periods in terms of the number of literary works. Although the works written in Chagatai Turkish vary in terms of content, they also contain many concepts and terms.

A noteworthy manifestation of this can be seen in the Classical Period of Chagatai Turkish, especially within the works of the poet Babur Shah. His work, Mübeyyen, is remarkable for its effective use of formulaic language units involving organ names. This study aims to highlight the rich and potent structure of Chagatai Turkish, showcasing its significant capacity for using formulaic language units, a critical area in linguistic studies. This exploration not only sheds light on the linguistic intricacies of Chagatai Turkish but also underscores the broader implications of formulaic units in understanding the evolution and functionality of languages.

Organ names have been widely used in texts since the earliest periods of the Turkish Language. It is seen that organ names have an important place in the construction of formulaic units, which are formed when words combine with another word, lose their original meaning and take a new form. Organ names are one of the most basic elements in the vocabulary of the language. When the texts in Chagatai Turkish, which is one of the content-richest and grammatically strongest periods of the Turkish language, are examined, it is seen that organ names have a very important place in the vocabulary. Organ names are very useful in Chagatai Turkish in terms of usage both alone and in word groups. The frequency of use of formulaic language units, especially those formed by organ names, in the Chagatai Turkish texts is remarkable. In this study, in which the formulaic language units created with organ names were examined in the work titled Mübeyyen by Bâbür Şah, one of the Chagatai Turkish poets of the Classical Period, 47 organ names were identified in the work. It was determined that stereotyped language units were formed with 30 of these organ names. In the study on Mübeyyen, which is a very remarkable work in terms of the active use of formulaic language units created with organ names, it is aimed to show how rich and functional the Chagatai Turkish has in terms of the use of formulaic language units, which have a very important place in linguistic studies. Additionally, in the studies carried out on Bâbür's work called Mübeyyen, compounds and idioms formed with organ names were identified and examined in the work, but no ambiguities, proverbs and formulaic expressions formed with organ names were found. It is likely that this is due to the limited content of Mübeyyen, the book of fiqh.

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Doğan, D. (2020). Styled Language Units Created with Organ Names in Bâbür's Work Called Mübeyyen Der Fıkh. The Journal of Linguistics, 0(0), -.


Doğan D. Styled Language Units Created with Organ Names in Bâbür's Work Called Mübeyyen Der Fıkh. The Journal of Linguistics. 2020;0(0):-.


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Doğan, Derya,. 2020. “Styled Language Units Created with Organ Names in Bâbür's Work Called Mübeyyen Der Fıkh.” The Journal of Linguistics 0, no. 0: -.

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Doğan, Derya,. Styled Language Units Created with Organ Names in Bâbür's Work Called Mübeyyen Der Fıkh.” The Journal of Linguistics 0, no. 0 (Mar. 2025): -.

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Doğan, D 2020, 'Styled Language Units Created with Organ Names in Bâbür's Work Called Mübeyyen Der Fıkh', The Journal of Linguistics, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. -, viewed 9 Mar. 2025,

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Doğan, D. (2020) ‘Styled Language Units Created with Organ Names in Bâbür's Work Called Mübeyyen Der Fıkh’, The Journal of Linguistics, 0(0), pp. -. (9 Mar. 2025).


Doğan, Derya,. Styled Language Units Created with Organ Names in Bâbür's Work Called Mübeyyen Der Fıkh.” The Journal of Linguistics, vol. 0, no. 0, 2020, pp. -. [Database Container],


Doğan D. Styled Language Units Created with Organ Names in Bâbür's Work Called Mübeyyen Der Fıkh. The Journal of Linguistics [Internet]. 9 Mar. 2025 [cited 9 Mar. 2025];0(0):-. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jol.2024.1589561


Doğan, Derya. Styled Language Units Created with Organ Names in Bâbür's Work Called Mübeyyen Der Fıkh”. The Journal of Linguistics 0/0 (Mar. 2025): -.


Published Online07.02.2025


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