
De la structure élémentaire à la structure translative

Pierre Antoine Navarette

We defend the idea that meaning is no longer manifested in relations of contradiction or contrariety but instead in relations of homology, as well as in the translation of meaning. The translation requires a spatial anchoring and an extension from a category A to a category A’, by lateral deployment as it is the case in mathematics. The translative structure thus implies the transfer of properties and semiotic traits from the initial category to the final category: Such a narrative structure manifests itself precisely in Borgès, in the new title Le Jardin aux sentiers qui bifurquent.

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Navarette, P.A. (2015). De la structure élémentaire à la structure translative. The Journal of Linguistics, 0(33), 45-55.


Navarette P A. De la structure élémentaire à la structure translative. The Journal of Linguistics. 2015;0(33):45-55.


Navarette, P.A. De la structure élémentaire à la structure translative. The Journal of Linguistics, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 33, p. 45-55, 2015.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Navarette, Pierre Antoine,. 2015. “De la structure élémentaire à la structure translative.” The Journal of Linguistics 0, no. 33: 45-55.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Navarette, Pierre Antoine,. De la structure élémentaire à la structure translative.” The Journal of Linguistics 0, no. 33 (Mar. 2025): 45-55.

Harvard: Australian Style

Navarette, PA 2015, 'De la structure élémentaire à la structure translative', The Journal of Linguistics, vol. 0, no. 33, pp. 45-55, viewed 9 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Navarette, P.A. (2015) ‘De la structure élémentaire à la structure translative’, The Journal of Linguistics, 0(33), pp. 45-55. (9 Mar. 2025).


Navarette, Pierre Antoine,. De la structure élémentaire à la structure translative.” The Journal of Linguistics, vol. 0, no. 33, 2015, pp. 45-55. [Database Container],


Navarette PA. De la structure élémentaire à la structure translative. The Journal of Linguistics [Internet]. 9 Mar. 2025 [cited 9 Mar. 2025];0(33):45-55. Available from: doi: null


Navarette, PierreAntoine. De la structure élémentaire à la structure translative”. The Journal of Linguistics 0/33 (Mar. 2025): 45-55.


Published Online25.12.2015


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