Research Article

Petersburg: A Mithic and Textual Existence Beyond The Limits of The Time

Eda Havva Tan Metreş

Every historical existence carries a big part of the humanity of the prehistoric times. Myths known as the expression of the reality, states the theorical construction of an unknown place or time. In this sense Petersburg, which is considered as both a bright indication of Russian modernization and archetype of “unrealistic city” of the modern world, points an existence beyond time. In this way, the city, which is the target of statements such as fake, artificial and cosmopolitan, is remembered as earthly. Petersburg, which embodies a topographical paradox that has both marginal and central property for Russia, becomes an intercultural focus, a city-text in time. The mythological area that took place in the construction of the city was conditioned with the future history, features and life order of the city. City-text which was formed through this approach feeds from the creation legend of the city that dominates the Petersburg theme, feels a catastrophe and gives an apocalyptical mood. In this study the existence formed through the images,myths and ideas that exist in the nature of Petersburg was observed under the light of literary texts with a interdisciplinary method.


Eda Havva Tan Metreş

Her tarihsel varlık, tarih öncesindeki insanlığın büyük bir parçasını kendi bünyesinde taşır. Hakiki gerçeğin dışavurumu olarak nitelendirilen mitler, bilinmeyen bir mekânın ya da zamanın teorik inşasını ifade ederler. Bu anlamda hem Rus modernleşmesinin parlak bir göstergesi hem de modern dünyanın “gerçek dışı kent” arketipi olarak kabul edilen Peterburg (Петербург), zamanın ötesinde bir varoluşa işaret eder. Bu yönüyle sahte, yapay, kozmopolit gibi nitelendirmelerin hedefi olan kent kutsal değil, dünyevi olarak anılır. Rusya için hem marjinal hem de merkezi niteliğe sahip topografik bir paradoksu cisimleştiren Peterburg, zamanla kültürlerarası bir odak, bir kent-metin haline gelir. Kentin kuruluş aşamasında yer alan mitoloji sahası kentin gelecekteki tarihi, çehresi ve yaşam düzeniyle koşullandırılmıştır. Bu yaklaşımla ilişkili olarak oluşturulan kent-metin yüzyıllar boyunca Peterburg temasını hâkim kılan, bir felaketi sezinleyen, apokaliptik bir ruh hali veren kentin yaratılış efsanesinden beslenir. Bu çalışmada Peterburg’un kendi doğasındaki simgeler, mitler ve fikirler üzerinden oluşturulan varoluş, bu süreci ele alan edebi metinler ışığında, disiplinlerarası bir yöntemle ele alınmıştır. 

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Tan Metreş, E.H. (2017). Petersburg: A Mithic and Textual Existence Beyond The Limits of The Time. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, 0(32), 33-48.


Tan Metreş E H. Petersburg: A Mithic and Textual Existence Beyond The Limits of The Time. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies. 2017;0(32):33-48.


Tan Metreş, E.H. Petersburg: A Mithic and Textual Existence Beyond The Limits of The Time. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 32, p. 33-48, 2017.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Tan Metreş, Eda Havva,. 2017. “Petersburg: A Mithic and Textual Existence Beyond The Limits of The Time.” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0, no. 32: 33-48.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Tan Metreş, Eda Havva,. Petersburg: A Mithic and Textual Existence Beyond The Limits of The Time.” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0, no. 32 (Dec. 2024): 33-48.

Harvard: Australian Style

Tan Metreş, EH 2017, 'Petersburg: A Mithic and Textual Existence Beyond The Limits of The Time', The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, vol. 0, no. 32, pp. 33-48, viewed 22 Dec. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Tan Metreş, E.H. (2017) ‘Petersburg: A Mithic and Textual Existence Beyond The Limits of The Time’, The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, 0(32), pp. 33-48. (22 Dec. 2024).


Tan Metreş, Eda Havva,. Petersburg: A Mithic and Textual Existence Beyond The Limits of The Time.” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, vol. 0, no. 32, 2017, pp. 33-48. [Database Container],


Tan Metreş EH. Petersburg: A Mithic and Textual Existence Beyond The Limits of The Time. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies [Internet]. 22 Dec. 2024 [cited 22 Dec. 2024];0(32):33-48. Available from: doi: null


Tan Metreş, EdaHavva. Petersburg: A Mithic and Textual Existence Beyond The Limits of The Time”. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0/32 (Dec. 2024): 33-48.


Published Online31.12.2017


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