Comparative Analysis of Türkiye and European Countries with Similar Characteristics in Terms of Transportation Systems
Serkan Görk, Üsame EkiciTransportation systems are closely related to socioeconomic development thanks to the ease of access they provide. The efficiency of awell-coordinated transportation system plays an important role for sustainable growth. Countries in Europe comparable to Türkiye in terms of population and size and Türkiye were compared in terms of transportation network, passenger and freight transportation for road, rail, sea and air transportation types. The countries for which general data were compiled are Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland and the United Kingdom, as well as Türkiye. Since the data on airline and sea modes in the modal distributions is not available for all analyzed countries, only the mode shares in land transportation (road and railway) were examined. The results show that Türkiye holds a dominant position in road transportation but has significant potential for development in rail transport. When the annual data series are examined, it is concluded that the Covid-19 pandemic significantly changed the data structure in 2020. The results are generally attributable to the development level of the countries. The study explains Türkiye ’s situation compared to developed European countries.
Türkiye ve Benzer Özellik Gösteren Avrupa Ülkelerinin Ulaştırma Sistemleri Açısından Karşılaştırmalı Analizi
Serkan Görk, Üsame EkiciUlaştırma sistemleri, sağladığı erişim kolaylığı sayesinde sosyoekonomik gelişme ile yakından ilişkilidir. İyi koordine olmuş bir ulaştırma sisteminin etkinliği sürdürülebilir bir büyüme için önemli rol oynamaktadır. Avrupa’da nüfus ve büyüklük olarak Türkiye ile kıyaslanabilir ülkeler ve Türkiye karayolu, demiryolu, denizyolu ve havayolu ulaşım türleri için ulaşım ağı, yolcu ve yük taşımaları karşılaştırılmıştır. Genel verileri derlenen ülkeler Türkiye’nin yanı sıra Almanya, Fransa, İtalya, İspanya, Polonya ve Birleşik Krallık’tır. Türel dağılımlarda havayolu ve denizyolu modlarına ilişkin verinin analiz yapılan tüm ülkelere ait bilgisi olmadığından dolayı yalnızca kara ulaştırmasındaki (karayolu ve demiryolu) mod payları incelenmiştir. Sonuçlar, Türkiye’nin karayolu taşımacılığında baskın bir pozisyonda olduğunu, ancak demiryolu taşımacılığında gelişim potansiyeline sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Yıllık veri serileri incelendiğinde 2020 yılında Covid-19 pandemisinin veri yapısını önemli derecede değiştirdiği sonucuna varılmaktadır. Sonuçlar genel olarak ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeyi ile ilişkilendirilebilir niteliktedir. Türkiye’nin gelişmiş Avrupa ülkelerine göre ne durumda olduğu çalışmada aktarılmaktadır.
Transportation systems are essential for socioeconomic development by ensuring access and mobility. The efficiency of these sys tems, particularly in road and rail transport, significantly influences a country’s economic growth and environmental sustainability. This study offers a comparative analysis of transportation systems in Türkiye and European countries with similar population sizes and geographical characteristics, such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, and the United Kingdom. The objective is to assess Türkiye’s current standing in various transportation modes and identify areas for improvement, particularly in rail transport.
This analysis utilizes data from internationally recognized sources, including the OECD, Eurostat, and the World Bank, focusing on the period from 2010 to 2021. It examines transportation infrastructure and modal shares in road and rail transport for both passenger and freight movement. The study highlights the role of geographical and political factors in shaping transportation preferences across countries.
The findings reveal that Türkiye relies heavily on road transport, with 99.4% of passenger transportation and 95.1% of freight transportation carried out by road in 2021 when the modal shares in land transportation is analyzed. This level of dependency on a single mode of transport is in stark contrast to the more diversified modal distributions observed in other European countries. For instance, in Germany and France, a more balanced approach is seen, with significant portions of both passenger and freight movement being handled by rail. Germany, in particular, stands out with over 20% of its freight being transported via rail. In Türkiye, by contrast, rail accounts for only 0.6% of passenger transport and 4.9% of freight transport. These figures suggest that Türkiye has significant untapped potential in the rail sector, which could be developed to reduce its overwhelming reliance on road transport.
Geographical conditions and political strategies play a key role in determining transportation infrastructure choices. Türkiye’s vast, mountainous terrain has historically favored road transport due to its flexibility. In contrast, flatter landscapes in countries like Germany and France have enabled more effective investment in rail networks, contributing to higher rail usage rates. The role of EU transportation policies, which promote sustainable and integrated transport systems, has also been crucial in shaping the transportation strategies of European countries.
Based on these findings, several recommendations are made to enhance Türkiye’s transportation system. First, increasing investment in rail infrastructure is essential to reduce reliance on road transport. Expanding and modernizing the rail network, particularly for freight transport, will improve logistics efficiency. Second, enhancing multimodaltransportationsystems,especially by integrating road and rail transport, will lead to more efficient logistics operations. This can be encouraged through government policies and incentives that promote the use of rail for long-distance freight. Lastly, promoting sustainable transportation is critical. Prioritizing the development of electric and hybrid vehicles, expanding public transit systems, and investing in green transportation infrastructure will contribute to reduced carbon emissions and align with global sustainability objectives.
This comparative analysis underscores both the strengths and weaknesses of Türkiye’s current transportation system. While Türkiye has a dominant position in road transport, its underdeveloped rail sector presents a strategic opportunity for investment and policy reform. By addressing these areas and implementing the suggested improvements, Türkiye can enhance its transportation efficiency, support sustainable development, and strengthen its competitiveness in the global logistics market.
Providing access to more up-to-date data in future studies will contribute to obtaining more accurate and comprehensive results in the analysis of transport systems. Especially with the inclusion of data for the period after 2023-2024 in international databases, the long-term effects of the pandemic on the transport sector and the effects of the investments made in this process can be evaluated more clearly. Making national and international data sources more accessible, improving data collection processes and evaluating the latest developments in countries’ transport policies will make an important contribution to future research.