Research Article

DOI :10.26650/oba.540893   IUP :10.26650/oba.540893    Full Text (PDF)

In the Footsteps of a German Geoscientist in Istanbul (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck

Mehmet Namık YalçınGerhard Walther Penck

Privat Dozent Dr. Walther Penck was among the German scholars invited to Istanbul in 1915 within the framework of reforms aiming to improve education at Istanbul Darülfünunu (Istanbul University). He was appointed as Professor of Geology and Mineralogy and, together with his assistant Hamit Nafiz (Pamir), he founded the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy which marks the beginning of systematic education and research in geology in Turkey. Penck returned to Germany in the summer of 1918 to have treatment for malaria. His attempts to return to Turkey failed, however, due both to the chaotic conditions of the war and the capitulation regulations of the allied powers who had prohibited all German activities within the Ottoman Empire. Based on documents kept in the Penck Family Archives, this paper will try to shed light upon unknown and/or little known aspects of the three years (1915-1918) he spent in Istanbul. 

DOI :10.26650/oba.540893   IUP :10.26650/oba.540893    Full Text (PDF)

Auf den Fussspuren eines deutschen Geowissenschaftlers in Istanbul (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck

Mehmet Namık YalçınGerhard Walther Penck

Universitätsdozent Dr. Walther Penck aus Leipzig wurde im Oktober 1915 an die Universität Istanbul als ordentlicher Professor der Mineralogie und Geologie berufen. Zusammen mit Hamit Nafiz Bey (Pamir), der ihm als Assistent beiseite gestellt wurde, hat er das Geologisch Mineralogische Institut der Universität Istanbul gegründet. Penck und Hamit Nafiz Bey fingen sofort an, einen neuen und modernen Lehrplan auszuarbeiten und zugleich die ersten geologischen Forschungsarbeiten auszuführen. Nach drei Jahren ging Prof. Penck zusammen mit seiner Familie nach Deutschland, um sich wegen seiner Malariaerkrankung weiterbehandeln zu lassen. Er konnte aber nicht wieder zurückkehren, da erst die chaotischen Umstände der Nachkriegszeit und dann die Regelungen der Alliierten es nicht zugelassen haben. Dieser Artikel wurde verfasst, um diese Periode der Geschichte der Geologie in der Türkei zu beleuchten und mit Hilfe von Dokumenten aus dem Familienarchiv Penck gewisse Einschnitte aus dem Leben eines deutschen Gelehrten und seiner Familie in Istanbul darzustellen.

DOI :10.26650/oba.540893   IUP :10.26650/oba.540893    Full Text (PDF)

Bir Alman Yerbilimcinin İstanbul’daki Ayak İzleri (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck

Mehmet Namık YalçınGerhard Walther Penck

1915 yılında İstanbul Darülfünunu’na İlm-i Arz ve Maâdin (Jeoloji ve Mineraloji) müderrisi olarak atanan Leipzig Üniversitesi doçentlerinden Dr. Walther Penck, asistan olarak görevlendirilen Hamit Nafiz (Pamir) Bey ile birlikte İlm-i Arz Darü’l-Mesaisi’ni (Jeoloji Enstitüsünü) kurarak, Türkiye’de ilk sistematik jeoloji eğitimini ve araştırmalarını başlatmıştır. Dönemin zor arazi şartlarında yapılan çalışmaların sonucunda Penck yakalandığı sıtma hastalığının tedavisi için 1918 yazı başında Almanya’ya gitmek zorunda kalmıştır. Türkiye’ye dönme çabaları, önce harp yıllarının sonundaki karmaşıklıklar, sonra da İtilaf Devletleri’nin savaştan mağlup çıkan Osmanlı İmparatorluğu bünyesindeki tüm Alman unsurlarının faaliyetlerine son vermesi nedeniyle sonuçsuz kalmıştır. Bu makalede Walther Penck’in İstanbul’da geçirdiği üç yıllık dönemin az bilinen veya hiç bilinmeyen yönlerine ve jeolojinin ülkemizdeki tarihçesine, Penck Ailesinin kişisel arşivinde günümüze kadar korunmuş belgelerin yardımıyla, ışık tutulmaya çalışılmıştır. 

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Yalçın, M.N., & Penck, G.W. (2019). In the Footsteps of a German Geoscientist in Istanbul (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck. Studies in Ottoman Science, 20(2), 1-58.


Yalçın M N, Penck G W. In the Footsteps of a German Geoscientist in Istanbul (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck. Studies in Ottoman Science. 2019;20(2):1-58.


Yalçın, M.N.; Penck, G.W. In the Footsteps of a German Geoscientist in Istanbul (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck. Studies in Ottoman Science, [Publisher Location], v. 20, n. 2, p. 1-58, 2019.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Yalçın, Mehmet Namık, and Gerhard Walther Penck. 2019. “In the Footsteps of a German Geoscientist in Istanbul (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck.” Studies in Ottoman Science 20, no. 2: 1-58.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Yalçın, Mehmet Namık, and Gerhard Walther Penck. In the Footsteps of a German Geoscientist in Istanbul (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck.” Studies in Ottoman Science 20, no. 2 (Mar. 2025): 1-58.

Harvard: Australian Style

Yalçın, MN & Penck, GW 2019, 'In the Footsteps of a German Geoscientist in Istanbul (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck', Studies in Ottoman Science, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 1-58, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Yalçın, M.N. and Penck, G.W. (2019) ‘In the Footsteps of a German Geoscientist in Istanbul (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck’, Studies in Ottoman Science, 20(2), pp. 1-58. (10 Mar. 2025).


Yalçın, Mehmet Namık, and Gerhard Walther Penck. In the Footsteps of a German Geoscientist in Istanbul (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck.” Studies in Ottoman Science, vol. 20, no. 2, 2019, pp. 1-58. [Database Container],


Yalçın MN, Penck GW. In the Footsteps of a German Geoscientist in Istanbul (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck. Studies in Ottoman Science [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];20(2):1-58. Available from: doi: 10.26650/oba.540893


Yalçın, MehmetNamık - Penck, GerhardWalther. In the Footsteps of a German Geoscientist in Istanbul (1915-1918): Prof. Dr. Walther Penck”. Studies in Ottoman Science 20/2 (Mar. 2025): 1-58.


Published Online03.07.2019


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