Research Article

DOI :10.26650/senectus.2023.1.2.0013   IUP :10.26650/senectus.2023.1.2.0013    Full Text (PDF)

Design of Institutional Elderly Living Spaces in the Context of the Aging of Society and the Housing Problems in Old Age

Esra Akan

Population aging is one of the most important demographic phenomena in the current century. The fact that the world’s population is aging has been reflected in statistical values. According to data from the World Health Organization, the proportion of the elderly population in the global population is expected to reach 22% by 2050 and exceed the proportion of the young population. The aging of the world population and the increasing proportion of the elderly population in our country will increase the need for services for elderly people and make it necessary to address the situation in the dimension of architectural design. The fast and individualized lifestyle dictated by age and the housing production that keeps pace with this social change can drive elderly individuals to experience loneliness. Elderly people, who are becoming increasingly lonely in the face of social problems, are increasingly in need of institutionalized elderly living spaces that are built on the right constructs, which can meet their psychosocial and psychospatial needs, as well as their basic housing needs. In this context, the necessity of addressing solutional approaches for the future should be taken into consideration.

DOI :10.26650/senectus.2023.1.2.0013   IUP :10.26650/senectus.2023.1.2.0013    Full Text (PDF)

Toplumun Yaşlanması ve Yaşlılıkta Barınma Problemi Bağlamında Kurumsal Yaşlı Yaşam Alanları Tasarımı

Esra Akan

Nüfus yaşlanması, içinde bulunduğumuz yüzyılda öne çıkan önemli demografik olgulardan biridir. Dünya nüfusunun saçlarının beyazladığı gerçeği istatistiksel değerlerle de kendini göstermektedir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü verilerine göre küresel nüfus içindeki yaşlı nüfus oranının 2050 yılına kadar %22’ye ulaşması ve genç nüfus oranını geçmesi öngörülmektedir. Dünya nüfusunun küresel olarak yaşlanması ve yaşlı nüfus oranının ülkemizde de giderek artması, yaşlılara yönelik hizmetlere olan ihtiyacı arttırmakta, durumun mimari tasarım boyutunda da ele alınmasını gerekli kılmaktadır. Çağın dikte ettiği hızlı ve bireyselleşen yaşam biçimi ile bu sosyal değişime ayak uyduran konut üretimi, yaşlı bireyleri yalnızlığa sürüklemektedir. Sosyal sorunlar içinde gitgide yalnızlaşan yaşlıların, temel barınma ihtiyaçlarını olduğu kadar psikososyal ve psikomekânsal ihtiyaçlarını da karşılayabilecekleri, doğru kurgulara oturtulmuş kurumsal yaşlı yaşam alanlarına gereksinimleri de günbegün artmaktadır. Bu bağlamda gelecekle ilgili çözümsel yaklaşımların şimdiden ele alınmasının gerekliliği önemle dikkate alınmalıdır.


Population aging is one of the most important demographic phenomena in the current century. Advances in technology and medicine have increased the quality of life of people, prolonging the average human lifespan. This has led to an increase in the proportion of the elderly population globally. The fact that the world’s population is aging has been reflected in statistical values. According to data from the World Health Organization, the proportion of the elderly population in the global population is expected to reach 22% by 2050 and exceed the proportion of the young population. The aging of the world population and the increasing proportion of the elderly population in our country will increase the need for services for elderly people and make it necessary to address the situation in the dimension of architectural design.

As the proportion of the elderly population increases, the need for old age institutions is predicted to increase greatly. The factors of the processes that lead elderly individuals to live in institutions are multidimensional. Considering the psychosocial changes in old age, it is seen that elderly individuals’ social activity and power, social life, and interactions decrease; and they become more passive. The loss of spouses, friends, or companions; changes in the family structure; and the departure of children from the home for reasons, such as education, work, and marriage, in line with the requirements of modern life; cause the social circles of elderly individuals to shrink. In this situation, it may become difficult for elderly people to deal with housework, shopping, maintaining the continuity of daily routines, and even taking care of themselves. Housing production, which moves in parallel with shrinking family structures and rapidly individualizing lifestyles, keeps pace with age. Additionally, multiroom houses, where spatial configurations and layouts change, are rapidly being replaced by living units with two rooms plus a living room, only two rooms, or only one room. Thus, elderly peoplebexperience spatial changes with isolation in the physical environment.

When creating housing alternatives in the architectural dimension, in addition to the physical competencies and other competencies of elderly people, it is necessary to take into account various factors, such as their social and psychological needs, the maintenance of the life they are accustomed to, the protection of their private life rights, the continuation of their lives in the society, and the increase in their living standards through the use of technology. Based on this context, it is essential to take into account the differences in elderly spatial behavior and perception in the design of elderly institutions and living spaces.

Considering the life processes of elderly people, there are different factors that determine their quality of life and adaptation to the environment. Lawton and Nahemow’s “Ecological Theory of Adaptation and Aging” states that in gerontological terms, elderly people are faced with unlimited challenges in both directions of physical competence and environmental pressure. In this framework, the concept of adaptation, as a behavioral outcome, defines the interaction between competence and pressure that elderly people can or cannot tolerate. In this context, it is important to examine the phenomenon of space for elderly people in the process of adaptation. Old age or aging can emerge as an adaptation problem in which competence decreases and environmental pressure cannot be overcome. Thus, the discipline of architecture should take the responsibility of seeking spatial solutions to this adaptation problem.

The deep ties that individuals have formed to the environment in which they have lived for many years during the aging process may be a source of stress when they move away from this environment. For example, for elderly people who move to an institution, the new environment, which they come to by choice or necessity, constitutes an unfamiliar environment. Moreover, the administrators, staff, and residents in this structure are elements of an unfamiliar social environment and can create environmental pressure on these elderly people. Elderly people may experience anxiety, worry, and uncertainty in the face of social and physical changes as a result of changes in the environment in which they live, and they may also show maladaptive behaviors toward new places.

Since the 1970s, the science of aging and the discipline of architecture have been working on gerontological space concepts for elderly people in order to create harmonious environments within the range of competence and environmental stresses faced by these people. Gerontechnological design, new spatial arrangements, assisted living strategies for these spaces, and traditional and innovative housing/building/ living models are important research topics in architectural design. It is very important to create an infrastructure for the production of architectural design models that support the adaptation zones of the Ecological Adaptation Theory.

Depending on whether elderly institutional designs respond to the affective and behavioral needs of elderly people, they could cause harmonious or maladaptive behavioral reactions and pave the way for the formation of high and low interactive spatial environments. The cognitive and behavioral states of elderly people depend on not only their own competencies and abilities, but also their interactions with the physical environment.

Architectural design usually seeks a solution to a problem related to concrete space within the framework of standards. However, these standards are not sufficient to solve the psychological and social problems of elderly people. As such, building performance in old age institutions is a serious problem. The architectural design process, which proceeds only on the basis of qualitative data, leads to the production of spaces that are not sufficient for elderly people with sensory and affective needs beyond the usual standards, which may make them resent life and turn inward. Considering that old age is a period of change, the space should be included in this change.

From literature-based examinations, the solutions developed by countries for the housing problem of the elderly population can generally be explained in two basic dimensions. The first is the dimension of adapting existing housing to the physical and social conditions appropriate to the situation, with services and care services that will allow elderly people to live as long as possible in their own house. The second is the dimension of establishing new living environments in the form of housing or institutional structures designed for the dependency levels of individuals.

The solutions and alternatives that countries offer to their elderly population are shaped within their own social structures. The diversity of services and alternatives developed for the housing problem of elderly people can provide clearer answers to such problems. In this context, it is necessary to both improve existing services and develop new policies, taking into account that the elderly population for which alternatives will be produced is not a homogeneous group with regard to factors, such as dependency level, age, gender, educational status, marital status, and income level.

Within the scope of this article, a report in which elderly-oriented factors have been included in the design is presented by tracing the fictional changes of exemplary institutional elderly living spaces involving different geographies and cultures in a historical process. It is seen that institutional environments developed through different models seek solutions to meet the sensory and affective needs of elderly people.

It is seen that buildings are drawn from isolated to centralized environments, the sustainability of active aging in life is given importance, and connections with urban life and activities are increased. Getting closer to environments that support intergenerational interaction is important. The area and features of internal and external social interaction places need to be taken into account in the dimension of design, considering the differences of elderly users. By increasing the area of living units, it is seen that home-like design details are given importance, and personal bathroom and kitchen requirements are taken into consideration.

The design process for the elderly population should be handled with a holistic approach that includes psychological, sociological, and cultural dimensions to improve their quality of life beyond creating a physical environment. Concepts such as freedom/ autonomy, connectivity/belonging, accessibility, social relationship/high interaction, and security/privacy can play roles as parameters to improve the quality of life of elderly people, meet their spatial behavior needs, and increase their ability to easily “adapt” to their changing environment.

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Akan, E. (2023). Design of Institutional Elderly Living Spaces in the Context of the Aging of Society and the Housing Problems in Old Age. Senectus, 1(2), 145-184.


Akan E. Design of Institutional Elderly Living Spaces in the Context of the Aging of Society and the Housing Problems in Old Age. Senectus. 2023;1(2):145-184.


Akan, E. Design of Institutional Elderly Living Spaces in the Context of the Aging of Society and the Housing Problems in Old Age. Senectus, [Publisher Location], v. 1, n. 2, p. 145-184, 2023.

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Akan, Esra,. 2023. “Design of Institutional Elderly Living Spaces in the Context of the Aging of Society and the Housing Problems in Old Age.” Senectus 1, no. 2: 145-184.

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Akan, Esra,. Design of Institutional Elderly Living Spaces in the Context of the Aging of Society and the Housing Problems in Old Age.” Senectus 1, no. 2 (May. 2024): 145-184.

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Akan, E 2023, 'Design of Institutional Elderly Living Spaces in the Context of the Aging of Society and the Housing Problems in Old Age', Senectus, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 145-184, viewed 19 May. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Akan, E. (2023) ‘Design of Institutional Elderly Living Spaces in the Context of the Aging of Society and the Housing Problems in Old Age’, Senectus, 1(2), pp. 145-184. (19 May. 2024).


Akan, Esra,. Design of Institutional Elderly Living Spaces in the Context of the Aging of Society and the Housing Problems in Old Age.” Senectus, vol. 1, no. 2, 2023, pp. 145-184. [Database Container],


Akan E. Design of Institutional Elderly Living Spaces in the Context of the Aging of Society and the Housing Problems in Old Age. Senectus [Internet]. 19 May. 2024 [cited 19 May. 2024];1(2):145-184. Available from: doi: 10.26650/senectus.2023.1.2.0013


Akan, Esra. Design of Institutional Elderly Living Spaces in the Context of the Aging of Society and the Housing Problems in Old Age”. Senectus 1/2 (May. 2024): 145-184.


Published Online27.08.2023


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