Research Article

DOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.001   IUP :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.001    Full Text (PDF)

The Cuisine of The History Journal

İlhan Şahin

The Faculty of Letters is foremost among the faculties of Istanbul University. In this context, the faculty has an historic mission as the founder in Turkey of social sciences and, in particular, of history. The faculty’s mission is both to nourish scholars and to stand out in both training and education as well as in international scientific periodicals. One of the most important of these periodicals is Tarih Dergisi (The History Journal), which began to be published in 1949. This journal was established by Distinguished Professor M. Cavid Baysun and quickly took its place among the important periodical journals of the day. However, we should take note of two important stages in the preparation of this journal in order for it to become a finished product. The first concerns the articles being put into a form that makes them ready for printing and the second is the printing stage of the journal. This article takes up the preparation for printing and printing stages as they happened between 1974 and 1984. In this regard, we address the matters of making the content ready for printing and also the long and careful path to publication in the printing stage at the Faculty of Letters Printing House.

DOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.001   IUP :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.001    Full Text (PDF)

Tarih Dergisi’nin Mutfağı

İlhan Şahin

Edebiyat Fakültesi, İstanbul Üniversitesi’nin ilk ve en önemli fakültesi olma özelliğini taşır. Bu bağlamda fakülte, başta tarih olmak üzere insanî bilimlerin Türkiye’de kurucusu olmak gibi tarihî bir misyona sahiptir. Bu misyon hem yetiştirdiği bilim insanları hem de eğitim-öğretim ve uluslararası bilimsel periyodik yayınlarda kendini gösterir. Bu periyodik bilimsel yayınlardan en önemlilerinden biri, 1949 yılından bugüne kadar yayınlanan Tarih Dergisi’dir. Ord. Prof. M. Cavid Baysun tarafından tesis edilen dergi, kısa süre içinde önemli periyodik dergiler arasında yerini almıştır. Derginin ürün olarak ortaya çıkmasında iki önemli safhanın olduğunu belirtmek gerekir. Bunlardan biri, dergide yer alacak makalelerin basıma hazır bir hâle getirilmesi; diğeri ise derginin basım aşamasıdır. Bu makalede derginin özellikle 1974-1983 yılları arasındaki basımı ve basım safhası ele alınmakta ve bu bağlamda makalelerin basıma hazır hâle getirilmesi; uzun ve ince bir yol olan Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi’ndeki basım süreci üzerinde yoğunlaşılmaktadır.

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Şahin, İ. (2020). The Cuisine of The History Journal. Turkish Journal of History, 0(71), 1-14.


Şahin İ. The Cuisine of The History Journal. Turkish Journal of History. 2020;0(71):1-14.


Şahin, İ. The Cuisine of The History Journal. Turkish Journal of History, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 71, p. 1-14, 2020.

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Şahin, İlhan,. 2020. “The Cuisine of The History Journal.” Turkish Journal of History 0, no. 71: 1-14.

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Şahin, İlhan,. The Cuisine of The History Journal.” Turkish Journal of History 0, no. 71 (Mar. 2025): 1-14.

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Şahin, İ 2020, 'The Cuisine of The History Journal', Turkish Journal of History, vol. 0, no. 71, pp. 1-14, viewed 14 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Şahin, İ. (2020) ‘The Cuisine of The History Journal’, Turkish Journal of History, 0(71), pp. 1-14. (14 Mar. 2025).


Şahin, İlhan,. The Cuisine of The History Journal.” Turkish Journal of History, vol. 0, no. 71, 2020, pp. 1-14. [Database Container],


Şahin İ. The Cuisine of The History Journal. Turkish Journal of History [Internet]. 14 Mar. 2025 [cited 14 Mar. 2025];0(71):1-14. Available from: doi: 10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.001


Şahin, İlhan. The Cuisine of The History Journal”. Turkish Journal of History 0/71 (Mar. 2025): 1-14.


Published Online28.08.2020


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