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DOI :10.26650/jes.2020.012   IUP :10.26650/jes.2020.012    Tam Metin (PDF)

Əhməd Bəy Ağaoğlu: Hüquqçu Kimliyinin Portret Cizgiləri

Mehman Damirli

Təqdim edilən məqalədə Əhməd bəy Ağaoğlunun (1869-1939) fəaliyyət və yaradıcılığının yetərincə tədqiq edilməmiş sahələrindən biri – huquqla bağlı sahəsi araşdırılır. Öncə hüquqçu olaraq Ə. Ağaoğlunun çoxyönlü fəaliyyəti ilkin dəyərləndirilməklə, bu fəaliyyətin dörd önəmli istiqaməti müəyyən edilir, eləcə də həmin istiqamətlərin hər biri üzrə Əhməd bəyin töhfələri ümumi olaraq səciyyələndirilir. Sonra hüquqçu pedaqoq kimi Ə. Ağaoğlunun Türkiyənin iki əsas ali məktəbində hüququn tədrisinə töhfəsi diqqət mərkəzinə gətirilməklə, onun konstitusiya hüququ və ümumi hüquq tarixi sahələrindəki dərs kitabları əsas cizgiləri ilə ələ alınır. Daha sonra mütəfəkkirin ictimai-siyasi baxışlarının əks olunduğu əsərləri əsasında onun hüquqi görüşləri ortaya qoyulur, hüquq anlayışı, fərdi azadlıqlar, hüquq və vəzifələrin əlaqəsi, hüquq və din münasibətləri kimi hüququn bir sıra təməl nəzəri məsələlərinə dair fikirləri incələnir. Araşdırmada Ə. Ağaoğlunun hüquqla bağlı fəaliyyətinin müxtəlif yönlərinin təhlili əsasında onun hüquqçu kimliyinin portreti əsas cizgilərilə canlandırılır. Belə ki, tədqiqat nəticəsində Əhməd bəy göz önündə həm (1) Azərbaycan türklərinin və bütün türk müsəlmanların hüquqlarının, eləcə də qadın hüquqlarının mübariz ve ardıcıl müdafiəçisi kimi, həm (2) Osmanlı və Cümhuriyyət Türkiyəsinin və Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyətinin ali qanunverici orqanlarında təmsil olunan nüfuzlu millət vəkili kimi, həm (3) hüquqçu pedaqoq kimi və həm də (4) liberal görüşlü hüquqçu düşüncə adamı kimi durur.

DOI :10.26650/jes.2020.012   IUP :10.26650/jes.2020.012    Tam Metin (PDF)

Ahmed bey Agaoglu: Portrait Traits of Identity as a Lawyer

Mehman Damirli

In this article one of the unexplored areas, namely the law-related area of activity and creativity of Ahmed bey Agaoglu (1869-1939) is examined. Initially assessing the multi-dimensional activities of A. Agaoglu as a lawyer, four key areas of this activity are identified, and Agaoglu’s contributions to each of these areas are generally characterized. Then, the contribution of Agaoglu as a lawyer-pedagogue to the teaching of law in Turkey's two main universities is pointed out and his textbooks on constitutional law and legal history are covered. Further, based on the works of the thinker reflecting his public and political views, his legal views are analyzed and his opinions on a number of theoretical issues of law, such as understanding of law, individual freedoms, the relationship between rights and duties, and the relationship between law and religion, are examined. In the research, based on the analysis of various aspects of Agaoglu's activity related to law, the portrait of his identity as a lawyer is depicted in its following main traits: (1) as a fighter and consistent defender of the rights of Azerbaijani Turks and of all Turkish Muslims, as well as of women's rights, (2) as an influential deputy represented in the supreme legislative bodies of Ottoman and Republic Turkey and the Azerbaijan Democratik Republic, (3) as a lawyer-pedagogue and (4) as a liberal-minded lawyer-thinker.


Recently, despite the growing interest in the socio-political, scientific, and literary activities of Ahmed Bey Agaoglu (1869-1939) and the emergence of a number of works based on a thorough study of various aspects of his rich creativity, unexplored aspects of the activity and creativity of the thinker still remain. One such unexplored aspect is the law-related activities and creativity of Ahmed Bey, who was a graduate of Sarbonna Law School. Currently there is a clear gap in this area. The purpose of the present research is to fill that gap as much as possible.

In the article, initially assessing the multi-dimensional activities of A. Agaoglu as a lawyer, four key areas of this activity are identified, and Agaoglu’s contributions to each of these areas are generally characterized. Then, the contribution of Agaoglu as a lawyer-pedagogue to the teaching of law in Turkey's two main universities is pointed out and his textbooks on constitutional law and legal history are covered. Further, based on the works of the thinker reflecting his public and political views, his legal views are analyzed and his opinions on a number of theoretical issues of law, such as understanding of law, individual freedoms, the relationship between rights and duties, and the relationship between law and religion, are examined.

In particular, it is noted that Agaoglu defined law as a dynamic social phenomenon which regulates relationships between individuals and thereby he stood in the position of a sociological approach to law. Agaoglu considered the existence of individual freedoms an important prerequisite for the development of societies and cultures, and highly valued their role. In his view, societies without individual freedoms cannot go ahead. One of the most important components of Agaoglu's understanding of law was the principle of respect for citizens' rights. According to him, societies without rights can not survive and thrive. In such societies, generally, "the concept of law disappears and society is thrown away like a lifeless, inactive toy." Furthermore, where people are ignorant of their rights, “justice is gone, and public life is ruined.” The realization of rights involves the execution of relevant duties as a necessary condition and guarantee. According to Agaoglu, since it is not possible to ensure rights without duty, "to think of duty without right also is to put all human beings in the place of animals." By attaching a broader social and moral meaning on the close relationship between rights and duties, the thinker considered the protection of rights the "highest and most honorable duty" of members of society.

In research based on the analysis of various aspects of Agaoglu's activity related to law, his portrait of identity as a lawyer is depicted in its following main traits: (1) as a fighter and consistent defender of the rights of Azerbaijani Turks and of all Turkish Muslims, as well as of women's rights, (2) as an influential deputy represented in the supreme legislative bodies of Ottoman and Republic Turkey and the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, (3) as a lawyerpedagogue, who educated his students in the spirit of respect for the advanced political, legal and moral values of their time, whose textbooks on the subjects of constitutional law and history of law were the first in Turkey in this field, and (4) as a liberal-minded lawyer-thinker, who embraced a sociological understanding of law, advocated the secularization of law by separating it from religion, and considered the extension of individual freedoms an important factor in the development of society, and the protection of human rights and freedoms as the main objective of the democratic state's legal system.

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Damirli, M. (2020). Əhməd Bəy Ağaoğlu: Hüquqçu Kimliyinin Portret Cizgiləri. Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi, 9(2), 171-183.


Damirli M. Əhməd Bəy Ağaoğlu: Hüquqçu Kimliyinin Portret Cizgiləri. Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi. 2020;9(2):171-183.


Damirli, M. Əhməd Bəy Ağaoğlu: Hüquqçu Kimliyinin Portret Cizgiləri. Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi, [Publisher Location], v. 9, n. 2, p. 171-183, 2020.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Damirli, Mehman,. 2020. “Əhməd Bəy Ağaoğlu: Hüquqçu Kimliyinin Portret Cizgiləri.” Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi 9, no. 2: 171-183.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Damirli, Mehman,. Əhməd Bəy Ağaoğlu: Hüquqçu Kimliyinin Portret Cizgiləri.” Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi 9, no. 2 (May. 2024): 171-183.

Harvard: Australian Style

Damirli, M 2020, 'Əhməd Bəy Ağaoğlu: Hüquqçu Kimliyinin Portret Cizgiləri', Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 171-183, viewed 4 May. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Damirli, M. (2020) ‘Əhməd Bəy Ağaoğlu: Hüquqçu Kimliyinin Portret Cizgiləri’, Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi, 9(2), pp. 171-183. (4 May. 2024).


Damirli, Mehman,. Əhməd Bəy Ağaoğlu: Hüquqçu Kimliyinin Portret Cizgiləri.” Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 2, 2020, pp. 171-183. [Database Container],


Damirli M. Əhməd Bəy Ağaoğlu: Hüquqçu Kimliyinin Portret Cizgiləri. Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi [Internet]. 4 May. 2024 [cited 4 May. 2024];9(2):171-183. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jes.2020.012


Damirli, Mehman. Əhməd Bəy Ağaoğlu: Hüquqçu Kimliyinin Portret Cizgiləri”. Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi 9/2 (May. 2024): 171-183.


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