
DOI :10.26650/arcp2019-5122   IUP :10.26650/arcp2019-5122    Tam Metin (PDF)

Logic in The 21st Century: Advice For Young Logicians

John Corcoran

By logic I mean the subject Aristotle started in Prior Analytics. Logic studies demonstration and everything necessary for demonstration, and also many things that come to mind in the course of such studies—including axiomatic method as described in my short “Axiomatic method”. By young I mean less than about 40 years old. By logicians I mean people who have dedicated their lives to advancing and criticizing logic: to discovering and establishing new additions and also to clarifying and correcting what has or had been accepted. More specifically, my advice is for people who have already embarked on their careers: from fresh PhDs, instructors, and assistant professors to young professors looking forward to reaping the fruits of their long years of study and research. My advice is for people who have mastered logic and who want to improve their mastery. I would write something very different for students, something along the lines of my “Logic teaching in the 21st century”. Some of the things I recommend you have already done. Please do not think that my recommending something suggests that I think you have not already done it. Moreover, I am fully aware that other retired logicians are as qualified as I to give advice that will help you make the most of your remaining years as an active logician. I hope you seek their advice. I can tell you with certainty that some of their advice will conflict with mine and that some of their advice will serve you better. Temperaments vary; this advice will not be suitable for all temperaments. Be careful whose advice you accept. The lessons of my paper “Critical thinking and pedagogical license” apply here. I recommend that you consider its implications for career decisions.

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    Corcoran, J. (0001). Logic in The 21st Century: Advice For Young Logicians. Felsefe Arkivi, 0(51), 309-319.


    Corcoran J. Logic in The 21st Century: Advice For Young Logicians. Felsefe Arkivi. 0001;0(51):309-319.


    Corcoran, J. Logic in The 21st Century: Advice For Young Logicians. Felsefe Arkivi, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 51, p. 309-319, 0001.

    Chicago: Author-Date Style

    Corcoran, John,. 0001. “Logic in The 21st Century: Advice For Young Logicians.” Felsefe Arkivi 0, no. 51: 309-319.

    Chicago: Humanities Style

    Corcoran, John,. Logic in The 21st Century: Advice For Young Logicians.” Felsefe Arkivi 0, no. 51 (Sep. 2024): 309-319.

    Harvard: Australian Style

    Corcoran, J 0001, 'Logic in The 21st Century: Advice For Young Logicians', Felsefe Arkivi, vol. 0, no. 51, pp. 309-319, viewed 28 Sep. 2024,

    Harvard: Author-Date Style

    Corcoran, J. (0001) ‘Logic in The 21st Century: Advice For Young Logicians’, Felsefe Arkivi, 0(51), pp. 309-319. (28 Sep. 2024).


    Corcoran, John,. Logic in The 21st Century: Advice For Young Logicians.” Felsefe Arkivi, vol. 0, no. 51, 0001, pp. 309-319. [Database Container],


    Corcoran J. Logic in The 21st Century: Advice For Young Logicians. Felsefe Arkivi [Internet]. 28 Sep. 2024 [cited 28 Sep. 2024];0(51):309-319. Available from: doi: 10.26650/arcp2019-5122


    Corcoran, John. Logic in The 21st Century: Advice For Young Logicians”. Felsefe Arkivi 0/51 (Sep. 2024): 309-319.


    Son Revizyon10.12.2019


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