
DOI :10.26650/arcp2019-5127   IUP :10.26650/arcp2019-5127    Tam Metin (PDF)

Tendencies in Logic, and Some Modest Advice to Young Logicians

Walter Carnielli

This brief note raises the question of why there is no advice in the literature for young logicians, while there is for mathematicians, musicians, and others. Trying to take advantage of what exists in other areas, some tendencies in logic, and reasons to follow – or not to follow-- trends are discussed.

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Carnielli, W. (0001). Tendencies in Logic, and Some Modest Advice to Young Logicians. Felsefe Arkivi, 0(51), 343-350.


Carnielli W. Tendencies in Logic, and Some Modest Advice to Young Logicians. Felsefe Arkivi. 0001;0(51):343-350.


Carnielli, W. Tendencies in Logic, and Some Modest Advice to Young Logicians. Felsefe Arkivi, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 51, p. 343-350, 0001.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Carnielli, Walter,. 0001. “Tendencies in Logic, and Some Modest Advice to Young Logicians.” Felsefe Arkivi 0, no. 51: 343-350.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Carnielli, Walter,. Tendencies in Logic, and Some Modest Advice to Young Logicians.” Felsefe Arkivi 0, no. 51 (Sep. 2024): 343-350.

Harvard: Australian Style

Carnielli, W 0001, 'Tendencies in Logic, and Some Modest Advice to Young Logicians', Felsefe Arkivi, vol. 0, no. 51, pp. 343-350, viewed 28 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Carnielli, W. (0001) ‘Tendencies in Logic, and Some Modest Advice to Young Logicians’, Felsefe Arkivi, 0(51), pp. 343-350. (28 Sep. 2024).


Carnielli, Walter,. Tendencies in Logic, and Some Modest Advice to Young Logicians.” Felsefe Arkivi, vol. 0, no. 51, 0001, pp. 343-350. [Database Container],


Carnielli W. Tendencies in Logic, and Some Modest Advice to Young Logicians. Felsefe Arkivi [Internet]. 28 Sep. 2024 [cited 28 Sep. 2024];0(51):343-350. Available from: doi: 10.26650/arcp2019-5127


Carnielli, Walter. Tendencies in Logic, and Some Modest Advice to Young Logicians”. Felsefe Arkivi 0/51 (Sep. 2024): 343-350.


Son Revizyon14.12.2019


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