Araştırma Makalesi

DOI :10.26650/jot.2020.6.1.0011   IUP :10.26650/jot.2020.6.1.0011    Tam Metin (PDF)

The Effect of Digital Content Marketing on Tourists’ Purchase Intention

Şerife Yazgan PektaşAzize Tunç Hassan

The purpose of this study is to reveal the effect of digital contents on tourists’ purchase intention using the persuasion knowledge model. For this purpose, data were collected by purpose sampling method between 25 December 2018 and 31 January 2019 with the approval of Bartin University Social and Humanities Ethics Committee. The obtained 105 data were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was found that there were significant positive relationships between tourists’ purchase intention, eWOM and suspicion sub-dimensions (reliability, disbelief). While the reliability of the subdimensions of the suspicion scale influenced eWOM and tourists’ purchase intention, it did not appear to have an impact on persuasive information. In addition to the negative correlation between persuasion and suspicion sub-dimensions, it was found that the sub-dimensions of suspicion did not affect persuasion.

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Yazgan Pektaş, Ş., & Tunç Hassan, A. (2020). The Effect of Digital Content Marketing on Tourists’ Purchase Intention. Journal of Tourismology, 6(1), 79-98.


Yazgan Pektaş Ş, Tunç Hassan A. The Effect of Digital Content Marketing on Tourists’ Purchase Intention. Journal of Tourismology. 2020;6(1):79-98.


Yazgan Pektaş, Ş.; Tunç Hassan, A. The Effect of Digital Content Marketing on Tourists’ Purchase Intention. Journal of Tourismology, [Publisher Location], v. 6, n. 1, p. 79-98, 2020.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Yazgan Pektaş, Şerife, and Azize Tunç Hassan. 2020. “The Effect of Digital Content Marketing on Tourists’ Purchase Intention.” Journal of Tourismology 6, no. 1: 79-98.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Yazgan Pektaş, Şerife, and Azize Tunç Hassan. The Effect of Digital Content Marketing on Tourists’ Purchase Intention.” Journal of Tourismology 6, no. 1 (Feb. 2025): 79-98.

Harvard: Australian Style

Yazgan Pektaş, Ş & Tunç Hassan, A 2020, 'The Effect of Digital Content Marketing on Tourists’ Purchase Intention', Journal of Tourismology, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 79-98, viewed 5 Feb. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Yazgan Pektaş, Ş. and Tunç Hassan, A. (2020) ‘The Effect of Digital Content Marketing on Tourists’ Purchase Intention’, Journal of Tourismology, 6(1), pp. 79-98. (5 Feb. 2025).


Yazgan Pektaş, Şerife, and Azize Tunç Hassan. The Effect of Digital Content Marketing on Tourists’ Purchase Intention.” Journal of Tourismology, vol. 6, no. 1, 2020, pp. 79-98. [Database Container],


Yazgan Pektaş Ş, Tunç Hassan A. The Effect of Digital Content Marketing on Tourists’ Purchase Intention. Journal of Tourismology [Internet]. 5 Feb. 2025 [cited 5 Feb. 2025];6(1):79-98. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jot.2020.6.1.0011


Yazgan Pektaş, Şerife - Tunç Hassan, Azize. The Effect of Digital Content Marketing on Tourists’ Purchase Intention”. Journal of Tourismology 6/1 (Feb. 2025): 79-98.


Çevrimiçi Yayınlanma30.06.2020


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