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DOI :10.26650/mecmua.2024.82.2.0010   IUP :10.26650/mecmua.2024.82.2.0010    Tam Metin (PDF)

Adlandırma, düzen ve İktidar: Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi & Ursula She Unnames Them All

O. Vahdet İşsevenler

Hukuk hem edebi metinlerdeki hukuki temalar hem de kendisinin nihayetinde bir metin olması hasebiyle edebiyatla ilişkilendirilir. Hukuk ve edebiyatın ontolojik akrabalığı ise kelimelerle ikinci bir dünya inşa etmeleridir. Kelimeler genel olarak insanın kültür adı verilen ikinci bir dünya inşa etmesini sağlar. Bu yönüyle, lisan, insanlık koşulunun bir özelliğidir. Arendt bu durumu vita activa olarak kavramsallaştırmış, iş, emek ve eylem kategorilerini tanımlamıştır. Makale adlandırma olarak ifade edilen bu özelliği merkeze alarak iki edebi eserdeki iktidar ve düzen kavrayışlarını tahlil etmektedir. Ursula’nın eseri adlandırmanın eril bir faaliyet olduğu ve sadece insanın işine yaradığı iddiasına dayanarak adsızlaştırma temasını işler. Adları iade eden karakter yerlerine yenisini koymamak suretiyle ilahi şiddetin bir türünü sergilemiş olur. Tolkien’in eseri ise doğru ve yanlış adlandırma arasında bir ayrım yapar. Nesnenin doğasını gözetmemek ve nesneyi araçsallaştırmak üzere adlandırmak yanlış adlandırmaktır. Doğru adlandırma ise nesneyi yönetmek değil onunla bir bahçıvanın çiçeklerle ilgilendiği gibi ilgilenmektir. Bu bağlamda Ursula anarşist, düzen kaldırıcı bir mesaj verirken yine ancak adlarla mümkün olan eylem kategorisini dışladığı için insanın hukuki-siyasi düzen kurma potansiyelini de reddetmiş olur. Tolkien ise tahakkümün ve araçsal aklın eleştirisini yaparken insan potansiyelini tümden reddetmeyi gerektirmeyen bir çare de önerir. Güç yozlaştırır mottosunda ana fikrini bulan eser, hukukun zorunlu olarak tahakküm aracı olmadığını bilakis keyfiyete karşı bir panzehir de olabileceğini düşündürtür.

DOI :10.26650/mecmua.2024.82.2.0010   IUP :10.26650/mecmua.2024.82.2.0010    Tam Metin (PDF)

Naming, Order and Power: She Unnames Them All of Ursula & Lord of the Rings of Tolkien

O. Vahdet İşsevenler

One of the two points that establishes a relationship between law and literature is the legal themes in literary works, and the other is the literary character of law itself. More fundamentally, the ontological kinship between law and literature is that both construct a second world with words or names. In general, names are the mediums through which human beings construct a second world called culture. In this regard, language is a feature of the human condition. Arendt conceptualised this condition as vita activa and defined the categories of work, labour and action. This article analyzes the conceptions of power and order in two literary works by focusing on this condition of human beings called naming. Ursula’s work deals with the theme of naming, based on the claim that naming is a masculine activity that is only useful to humans. By refusing to replace names, the character who returns names manifests a form of divine violence. Tolkien’s work, on the other hand, distinguishes between correct and incorrect naming. In this conception, misnaming is to ignore the nature of the object and to name it to instrumentalize it. The correct naming, on the other hand, is not to rule the object but to take care of it as a gardener takes care of flowers. In this context, Ursula gives an anarchist, de-ordering message, and at the same time she rejects the potential of human beings to establish a legal-political order because she excludes the category of action that is only possible through names. Tolkien, on the other hand, while criticising domination and instrumental reason, also proposes a remedy that does not require a total rejection of human potential. His work, which finds its main idea in the motto “power corrupts”, makes us think that law is not necessarily an instrument of domination but, can also be an antidote to arbitrariness.


One of the common features of law and literature is world-building with names. Ursula le Guin’s She Unnames Them All can be read as a text that considers the ordermaking function of names and challenges masculine character of naming. She, the main character of story, detaches things from their names, in a way approaching the divine violence of Benjamin’s conceptualization. She purifies nature from culture and returns it to its original state. This move to undo the established order can be considered as an anarchist attitude. Because, in line with Benjamin’s description of divine violence, main character of story does not replace names with new ones, she just unnames them. In the story, the justification for this is that names are not useful to non-humans anyway, and that living things are a homogeneous unity when stripped of their names. It is implied that nature is good in itself. While the association of names with usefulness meets the categories of labor and work, which Arendt presents as human conditions, it excludes the category of action. By using names, humans make designs that will ensure their survival, but beyond that, names make it possible for humans to think universals such as justice and beauty and to act in accordance with these universals. In other words, language makes it possible not only to make means but also to assign ends. Thus, the abandonment of universals is not only the abandonment of the means of human survival, but also the abandonment of freedom as a political end and justice as a legal end. So, the detachment of names from action means the rejection of law, which can be characterized as political naming. On the other hand, another fictional character, Tom Bombadil from The Lord of the Rings, does not turn his back on names while maintaining the implication that nature is good in itself. Another Tolkien character, the elves, who, like Tom Bombadil, are good with names, not only build a world with names but also resist evil. They defend peace, plurality and heterogeneity in Middle-earth by taking into account the balance of power. In the Lord of the Rings universe, it is not naming that is evil, but rule through naming. There are three types of use of names in the Lord of The Rings universe. Natural names representing pure science like Bombadil’s, names that are the product of conscious design like the elves’, and misnomers of evil characters like Sauron and Saruman. Different uses of names correspond to different forms of the reason. Misnaming refers to the subject’s manipulation and destruction of the nature of the object for its own purposes. In this sense, misnaming corresponds to instrumental reason. The villains are characters who not only instrumentalize nature but also dominate the people. On the other hand, elves, or wizards like Gandalf, that is, those who give things a name that corresponds to their nature, are characters who do not destroy nature while making use of it, and who take care of nature like a gardener. In this context, the gardener is the symbol of the right ruler. The struggle against evil characters, those who want power for domination, is also a struggle against the substitution of means for ends. The symmetry of Ursula’s anarchist attitude in Tolkien is the maxim “power corrupts”. In this statement, which is the essence of the concept of checks and balances embodied in American constitutionalism, law is seen not as a form of domination but as an antidote to arbitrariness. It is no coincidence that gardener hobbit, a representative of the natural law principle of protecting harmony in nature, and his employer are assigned the task of destroying the ring of power. This is because these two are from the Shire, which offers an example of an unstratified society.

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İşsevenler, O.V. (2024). Adlandırma, düzen ve İktidar: Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi & Ursula She Unnames Them All. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, 82(2), 671-692.


İşsevenler O V. Adlandırma, düzen ve İktidar: Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi & Ursula She Unnames Them All. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası. 2024;82(2):671-692.


İşsevenler, O.V. Adlandırma, düzen ve İktidar: Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi & Ursula She Unnames Them All. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, [Publisher Location], v. 82, n. 2, p. 671-692, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

İşsevenler, O. Vahdet,. 2024. “Adlandırma, düzen ve İktidar: Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi & Ursula She Unnames Them All.” İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 82, no. 2: 671-692.

Chicago: Humanities Style

İşsevenler, O. Vahdet,. Adlandırma, düzen ve İktidar: Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi & Ursula She Unnames Them All.” İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 82, no. 2 (Mar. 2025): 671-692.

Harvard: Australian Style

İşsevenler, OV 2024, 'Adlandırma, düzen ve İktidar: Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi & Ursula She Unnames Them All', İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 671-692, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

İşsevenler, O.V. (2024) ‘Adlandırma, düzen ve İktidar: Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi & Ursula She Unnames Them All’, İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, 82(2), pp. 671-692. (10 Mar. 2025).


İşsevenler, O. Vahdet,. Adlandırma, düzen ve İktidar: Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi & Ursula She Unnames Them All.” İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, vol. 82, no. 2, 2024, pp. 671-692. [Database Container],


İşsevenler OV. Adlandırma, düzen ve İktidar: Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi & Ursula She Unnames Them All. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];82(2):671-692. Available from: doi: 10.26650/mecmua.2024.82.2.0010


İşsevenler, O.Vahdet. Adlandırma, düzen ve İktidar: Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi & Ursula She Unnames Them All”. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 82/2 (Mar. 2025): 671-692.


Çevrimiçi Yayınlanma05.08.2024


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