Ecological Movements’ Limited Use of Social Media in Turkey: A Social Network Analysis of Ecology Union within Twitter
Özlem Erkmen, Canan Arslan, Burcu Gümüş, İlknur Doğu ÖztürkThe social structure and class conflicts caused by the Industrial Revolution were the main sources of first social movements. In the 20th Century, as the conflict issues moved towards the third generation human rights axis, among new social movements which came up around cultural and social issues, ecological movements were the ones with an intense number of participants. Ecological movements which started as isolated attempts, extended their struggle arena considering the networking opportunities enabled by technological developments. This research aims to analyze the social network usage of ecological organizations which operate in Turkey. An in depth analysis of Twitter use of ecological groups has been made including their purposes, frequencies of Twitter usage, prominent environmental issues and actors. Content analysis has been used in order to determine the differences and similarities in Twitter using practices and to find out the prominent issues. On the other hand, relationships among actors who are active on the ecological network has been determined by social network analysis. The sample of the study has been formed by taking Ecology Union, formed by the gathering of 55 local ecological organizations, as its framework. The social network analysis reveals that the Ecology Union has limited effect in the network and Northern Forests Defence (Kuzey Ormanları Savunması) is the most dominant actor. Through content analysis, it has been observed that ecological organizations use Twitter mostly to form ecological agenda and to inform their followers about the platform’s actions and related developments. However, genuine tweets posted are limited. Another outcome of the research is that in Turkey’s ecological network, Twitter is used only to a limited extend to activate masses.
Türkiye’de Ekoloji Hareketlerinin Sınırlı Sosyal Medya Kullanımı: Ekoloji Birliği Twitter Ağı Analizi Örneği
Özlem Erkmen, Canan Arslan, Burcu Gümüş, İlknur Doğu ÖztürkSanayi devriminin yarattığı toplum yapısı ve sınıfsal çatışmalar ilk toplumsal hareketlerin doğuşuna kaynaklık etmiştir. 20. yüzyılda çatışma konuları üçüncü kuşak insan hakları eksenine kayarken, kültürel ve sosyal konular etrafında şekillenen yeni toplumsal hareketler içinde en yoğun katılım bulanlardan biri de ekoloji hareketi olmuştur. Başlangıçta izole girişimlerden öteye geçemeyen pek çok ekoloji hareketi zamanla teknolojik gelişmelerin de kolaylaştırdığı ağlaşma fırsatlarını değerlendirerek, mücadele alanlarını genişletmiştir. Sosyal medyanın gelişmesiyle bu hareketler, bilgi ve gelişmeleri aktarabildikleri ve farklı kullanıcılarla etkileşimli bir ilişki kurabildikleri bir mecraya kavuşmuştur. Araştırmada, Türkiye’de ekolojik aktivist örgütlenmelerin sosyal medya kullanımlarına ilişkin bir analiz yapmak amacıyla; ekolojik örgütlerin Twitter’ı kullanım durumları, amaçları, kullanım sıklıkları, öne çıkan çevresel konular ve aktörler incelenmiştir. Twitter kullanım pratiklerindeki benzerlik ve farklılıklarla, paylaşımlarında öne çıkan konuların tespit edilmesi için nitel içerik analizi tekniğine başvurulurken; ekoloji ağında aktif olan aktörlerin ilişkileri de sosyal ağ analizi tekniğiyle incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın örneklemi Türkiye’de ekoloji alanında faaliyet gösteren 55 örgütün bir araya gelmesiyle kurulan Ekoloji Birliği çerçeve alınarak oluşturulmuştur. Sosyal ağ analizi Ekoloji Birliği ağında çatı örgütün etkinliğinin sınırlı kaldığını, Kuzey Ormanları Savunması’nın en baskın aktör olduğunu göstermektedir. İçerik analiziyse ekolojik örgütlerin ağı ağırlıkla ekolojik gündem ve platformun faaliyetleriyle ilgili gelişmeleri iletmek amacıyla kullandıklarını, özgün tweetlerinin sınırlı kaldığını ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırmanın bir diğer sonucu ise, Türkiye ekoloji ağında Twitter’ın kitleleri harekete geçirici bir araç olarak kullanımının sınırlı kaldığıdır.
In the information society, which has been in existence since the 60’s, the issues under discussion have evolved into cultural and social ones including women’s rights, gender equality, culture and identity conflicts based on ethnicity and environmental problems. This alteration of discussion issues has led to the rise of new social movements. Within the scope of new social movements, ecological movements are becoming the focus of attention with their effective organizations. Their primary goal is to attract public’s attention on environmental issues caused by the effects of modern life on the eco- system and to build public susceptibility towards these issues.
In the 2000’s, several construction projects have been realized in different parts of Turkey and these projects have acted as a propellant force for ecological social movements. Focusing on the negative effects of these projects on natural life, ecological organizations have started to struggle against the dominant forces. With the advancements in social media, these platforms are able to reach wider audiences, thus improving the interactivity level of ecological social movements.
In the scope of this research, social media usage of these platforms have been examined. The sample of the study has been formed by taking Ecology Union, formed by the gathering of 55 local ecological organizations, as its framework. Along with Ecology Union’s, the accounts of 10 union member organizations which use Twitter most frequently and on a regular basis. Since the research aims to obtain data about social web usage practices of ecological organizations at a random time interval and a routine period, the study has been limited considering time and unit criteria. The study comprises the 92-day period between October 31- August 1, 2018 and the 3610 tweets which were tweeted during this time interval. Tweets which formed the source for content and social web analysis, and the information about the followers of these accounts have been obtained using Tweepy API.
This study searched to find answers to the following questions: For what purposes do the ecological organizations use Twitter? What are the prominent ecological problems and issues on Twitter? How often do the organizations have a dialogue with their followers and other formations? What are the sources of the contents shared? What are the accounts which are retweeted frequently? How do the ecological organizations constitute relationship with each other? Do these groups have activist actions organized in virtual settings and carried on to physical settings? Who are the prominent actors on the ecological network constructed?
The methodological approach to this subject is two-fold: Firstly, a content analysis is used in order to identify the topics and issues in ecology movement’s Twitter agenda. Secondly the social network analysis technique is used in order to determine and define the most prominent actors in the ecology movement and their interrelations.
Results of the content analysis reveal that the number of genuine tweets posted by ecological organizations are limited. The general tendency observed on the web is retweeting, however the results show that retweets are also shared directly, without having any extra explanation or comments on the issue. It was found out that the main purpose of Twitter usage is to produce informative content about the scope of ecological organizations (%56). The social network analysis reveals that the Ecology Union has limited effect in the network and Northern Forests Defence (Kuzey Ormanları Savunması) is the most dominant actor. Through content analysis, it has been observed that ecological organizations use Twitter mostly to form ecological agenda and to inform their followers about the platform’s actions and related developments. However, genuine tweets posted are limited. Another outcome of the research is that in Turkey’s ecological network, Twitter is used only to a limited extend to activate masses.
Despite the fact that several studies have been realized on ecological movements, this study is the first on the subject with its content and sample. Thus, it will offer quantitatively and qualitatively informed insights and form a base for future researches with its findings about the social media usage of ecological movements in Turkey.