Must Phenomenology be Transcendental?Eylem HacımuratoğluDOI :10.26650/arcp.1413766Research ArticletrP. 1-23A Critical Evaluation on the Epistemological Externalist Ground of Scientism in the Context of Epistemic ConcernAlper GürkanDOI :10.26650/arcp.1562881Research ArticletrP. 24-37Truth Conditions of Hypothetical Propositions According to Fakhr al-Dīn al-RāzīFatma KaraismailDOI :10.26650/arcp.1562928Research ArticletrP. 38-48A Bataillean Perspective on Migration and the Nation-State: The Politics of Active Matter as an Irreducible ForceAhmet ErDOI :10.26650/arcp.1526247Research ArticletrP. 49-63Value in Marx: A Reading of the GrundrisseKutlu TuncelDOI :10.26650/arcp.1469484Research ArticleenP. 64-72On the Philosophical Roots of the Naïve and Axiomatic Set Theories: Determinatio est NegatioOsman Gazi BirgülDOI :10.26650/arcp.1559355Research ArticleenP. 73-83Singular Predication and the SyllogismArman BeslerDOI :10.26650/arcp.1570889Research ArticleenP. 84-90Hegel in Jena: Dialectics of TimeArif YıldızDOI :10.26650/arcp.1466900TranslationtrP. 91-99