Research Article

DOI :10.26650/iujts.2021.14.0005   IUP :10.26650/iujts.2021.14.0005    Full Text (PDF)

Yağ Tulumu: The Sociological Dimension of a Transformation

Elif Batu

This study investigates the relationship between sociological conditions and the fact of translation while also offering a novel reading of Boule de Suif by Guy de Maupassant in relation to its transformation into Turkish as Yağ Tulumu in the form of comic book adopting a sociological perspective. This study investigates the idea of the literary poly-system, relations between the center and periphery, and the culture repertoire, drawing on Itamar Even-Zohar. It explores the meaning and importance of translation in Turkey and Turkish society in relation to these notions. It describes the socio-cultural aspects of the medium of comics in general after discussing its emergence and structures. The social and universal aspects of Boule de Suif are examined by focusing on contents that can be seen as the genesis of the transformation of the text. It also outlines the function and importance of Yağ Tulumu in popular culture in the global age and; at the same time, it provides brief information on the famous author of the text. This is one of the few studies on Maupassant’s Boule de Suif in Turkish.

DOI :10.26650/iujts.2021.14.0005   IUP :10.26650/iujts.2021.14.0005    Full Text (PDF)

Yağ Tulumu: Bir Dönüşümün Sosyolojik Boyutu

Elif Batu

Bu çalışma, Guy de Maupassant'ın ilk başyapıtı olan Boule de Suif'in Türkçedeki dönüşümü bağlamında eserin farklı bir okumasını sunarken, sosyolojik koşullar ile çeviri olgusu arasındaki ilişkileri de ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Diğer bir deyişle, Boule de Suif'in çizgi roman olarak Yağ Tulumu'na dönüşümünü sosyolojik yaklaşımın bakış açısıyla ele almak amacındadır. Çalışma, Itamar Even-Zohar'ın ``çoğuldizge'', ``merkez-çevre ilişkileri '' ve `` kültür repertuvarı '' kavramlarını açıklamakta ve bu kavramlar doğrultusunda çevirinin Türkiye’deki ve Türk toplumundaki anlamını, önemini vurgulamaktadır. Ortaya çıkışını ve yapısını açıkladıktan sonra, genel olarak çizgi romanların sosyo-kültürel yönleri hakkında özlü bilgi vermektedir. Yazarına dair özet bilgi vermekle birlikte, Boule de Suif'in dönüşümünün ana nedeni olarak görülebilecek olan içeriğine odaklanarak, metnin hem toplumsal hem de evrensel yönlerine ve Yağ Tulumu'nun küresel çağın popüler kültüründeki işlev ve önemine işaret etmektedir. Maupassant'ın Boule de Suif’i üzerine Türk dilindeki az sayıda, ender çalışmalardan biri olmasını sağlayan özellikleri açısından da bu eserin, ayrıca ilgi çekici olacağı düşünülmektedir.


This study analyzes the conditions under which and for what purposes translations are conducted, from a sociological point of view through a focus on the example of the transformation of Boule de Suif, Maupassant's first masterpiece, into Yağ Tulumu in Turkish, drawing attention to the meaning and importance of this transformation in the sociological context. However, in the examination of the work, a product-oriented approach was taken in preference to a processoriented one; the work is handled along the axis of its essence and content rather than that of its form and structural features. Because a translation comes into being within a relationship to the social and cultural environments in which it is produced and read, this study adopts Itamar Even-Zohar’s theory of literary poly-system and it also uses the concepts of center and periphery relations and cultural repertoire to clarify some facts in Turkish literary history. After briefly noting the development of the role of translation in Turkish culture and literature in its chronological development, the study examines how a new culture was deliberately created in Turkish history in the 1930s and how the translation movement begun at this direction could serve as an example for the theory of literary poly-system. The birth of the medium of comics, its structure and genres, and the ways in which it functions are presented. Moreover, its place and function in popular culture in the global age, together with the related social and cultural aspects, are also shown. Information on Guy de Maupassant and his work Boule de Suif is involved, including discussion of the life and identity of the author and his method and writing style. The translation of Boule de Suif into Turkish is explained, and the facts that have caused its change of genre and language to a comic book in Turkish under the title Yağ Tulumu are discussed. The content of the work in relation to both its transformation and its universal appeal is described. The plot, the characters, and the key details are highlighted. At the end of the study, it is made clear that no act of translation can occur casually or randomly. The introduction and circulation of translations also continues in line with certain social, ideological, and political goals along with the major translation movements that have been initiated for determined reasons, such as creating a new language, culture, and literature, as in the example of Turkish history. Thus, translation fulfills its task through products preferred within popular culture in the current global age, which are easy to access and have immediate impact on people. If it is accepted that visuality has a strong and permanent effect on human perception, the importance of the comic in this century as a genre with both literary and visual qualities becomes clear. Because mass media and art, including comics, are usually no considered apart from their social and cultural context, it is easy to conclude that are produced for political and ideological purposes as well as for economic ones. In this context, the transformation of the literary classics can be more clearly seen. To put it another way, a summary of the aims and justifications of this movement of classical works shows itself when the reasons for the transformation of Boule de Suif, the first masterpiece of Maupassant, into Yağ Tulumu are explored. Because the universal nature of the story lends itself to being used as a tool to awaken social consciousness, the work was made into a comic, one of the most effective and common tools of popular culture. Thus, when the type and qualities of the Yağ Tulumu are evaluated, it can be seen that it serves a counter to the dominant, hegemonic ideology. This study also suggests that comics containing picture and visual content can be used to awaken and enlighten public opinion, in contrast to the previous use by the upper classes who were able to manage illiterate lower classes using images in accordance with their own ends.

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Batu, E. (2021). Yağ Tulumu: The Sociological Dimension of a Transformation. Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies, 0(14), 89-104.


Batu E. Yağ Tulumu: The Sociological Dimension of a Transformation. Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies. 2021;0(14):89-104.


Batu, E. Yağ Tulumu: The Sociological Dimension of a Transformation. Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 14, p. 89-104, 2021.

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Batu, Elif,. 2021. “Yağ Tulumu: The Sociological Dimension of a Transformation.” Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies 0, no. 14: 89-104.

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Batu, Elif,. Yağ Tulumu: The Sociological Dimension of a Transformation.” Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies 0, no. 14 (Feb. 2025): 89-104.

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Batu, E 2021, 'Yağ Tulumu: The Sociological Dimension of a Transformation', Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies, vol. 0, no. 14, pp. 89-104, viewed 23 Feb. 2025,

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Batu, E. (2021) ‘Yağ Tulumu: The Sociological Dimension of a Transformation’, Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies, 0(14), pp. 89-104. (23 Feb. 2025).


Batu, Elif,. Yağ Tulumu: The Sociological Dimension of a Transformation.” Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies, vol. 0, no. 14, 2021, pp. 89-104. [Database Container],


Batu E. Yağ Tulumu: The Sociological Dimension of a Transformation. Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies [Internet]. 23 Feb. 2025 [cited 23 Feb. 2025];0(14):89-104. Available from: doi: 10.26650/iujts.2021.14.0005


Batu, Elif. Yağ Tulumu: The Sociological Dimension of a Transformation”. Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies 0/14 (Feb. 2025): 89-104.


Published Online16.07.2021


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