Interpreting the Phenomenon of Worldview with the Connectional Completeness ApproachMeryem Başkurt SabazDOI :10.26650/arcp.1377692Araştırma MakalesitrS. 1-14On the Relationship Between General Artificial Intelligence and ConsciousnessFerhat OnurDOI :10.26650/arcp.1417812Araştırma MakalesienS. 15-23Animal Metaphors as a Political Production in Plato’s RepublicNecip UyanıkDOI :10.26650/arcp.1387648Araştırma MakalesitrS. 24-41The Relationship Between Plato’s Letters and His Understanding of PhilosophiaBaran BingölDOI :10.26650/arcp.1367141Araştırma MakalesitrS. 42-57Blaise Pascal as Thinker of Power: Force, Imagination and ConcupiscenceMurat Ertan KardeşDOI :10.26650/arcp.270624Araştırma MakalesitrS. 58-71Physics, Philosophy, and the Nature of RealityTim Maudlin, Murat YıldızDOI :10.26650/arcp.1280232ÇeviritrS. 72-77